Fatal Frame 4 is not seeing a US release, due to the poor sales of 3. Of course, FF3 only sold poorly because it was released after the PS3 was released and had little to no publicity. -I- didn't even hear about it until a year after it was out. Keep in mind, however, is that it's not Tecmo that's blocking the release... it's NINTENDO OF AMERICA that won't give them a license for it because they don't think they'll make any money off the game.
Nintendo has been doing some really weird decisions this generation. Even games with full English translations already like Disaster: Day of Crisis are getting denied release because Nintendo doesn't think they will make money. Never mind that the Wii has proven itself to be THE shovel ware platform of this generation. I'm getting tired of not having control over what I can and can't play on my console... I know Japan does region locking because importing English games is cheaper than buying them locally (even after taxes and shipping!) but it's bullshit to keep Americans from buying the Japanese releases when you consider most of would still buy the English version just to understand it better.
*sigh* At least my DS is still region free, so i'll be able to pick up Ouendan 3 when it comes out.