PS3 the minority here?

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I know this should probably be allocated to another section but is everyone on this forum a 360/Wii WoW player compared to the few of us who own a PS3? I know they're expensive but I feel like a miniority here, but I assume many of you will opt for the PS3 slim once it becomes available.
I got a ps3 but I mainly got it for the Blu-Ray player and to be able to play a few games. I think most "hardcore" gamers would go 360 right?

---------- Post added at 08:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:17 PM ----------

Oh, I think my PSonline name is espy73 or something... I only play resistance 2 online though.
Like Espy, I mainly use my ps3 for a blu-ray player. I do, however, can't wait for Assassins Creed 2.


I use it mainly for a blu ray player too but if the 360 had that feature I would have gone with that insstead.

The only top game exclusive I would recommend for the PS3 thus far is Uncharted
I'm only in it for God of War 3.
I have played and enjoyed both Resistance games, BioShock, Prince of Persia and a few more.
Have a PS3, games list consists of:

Assassins Creed
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Call of Duty 4
Rock Band
Rainbow 6: Vegas
Soul Calibur 4
Street Fighter 4
Resident Evil 5
Metal Gear Solid 4

So far the only one that's disappointing is Rainbow 6
I have all three and prefer the xbox for games, I offered to lend all three systems to a friend while I was away and he only wanted the xbox. I feel in the minority for never getting into WoW.
I do all of my gaming on PC, with a small amount of party games on the Wii, because... well, it's great for those, and the PC not so much.

But I'm looking forward to getting a ps3 slim when they come out. If for nothing more, it'll be for movies, God of War 3, and The Last Guardian.
I only have a 360 myself, but that's more due to lack of funds than anything else. I'd like to pick up a Wii for the odd title that screams WANT (No More Heroes, Mario Kart, the next Fatal Frame game (if they ever release it stateside, since it's been out in Japan), Punch Out, etc), and I want a PS3.

I harbor plenty of vitriol for Sony, though not necessarily directed at the PS3. I love the PS3, it's a good system, I just enjoy seeing Sony struggling and trying to spin their way out of last place this generation after their 'you'll take what we sell and like it!' attitude before the PS3 came out.
Fatal Frame 4 is not seeing a US release, due to the poor sales of 3. Of course, FF3 only sold poorly because it was released after the PS3 was released and had little to no publicity. -I- didn't even hear about it until a year after it was out. Keep in mind, however, is that it's not Tecmo that's blocking the release... it's NINTENDO OF AMERICA that won't give them a license for it because they don't think they'll make any money off the game.

Nintendo has been doing some really weird decisions this generation. Even games with full English translations already like Disaster: Day of Crisis are getting denied release because Nintendo doesn't think they will make money. Never mind that the Wii has proven itself to be THE shovel ware platform of this generation. I'm getting tired of not having control over what I can and can't play on my console... I know Japan does region locking because importing English games is cheaper than buying them locally (even after taxes and shipping!) but it's bullshit to keep Americans from buying the Japanese releases when you consider most of would still buy the English version just to understand it better.

*sigh* At least my DS is still region free, so i'll be able to pick up Ouendan 3 when it comes out.
I have all 3 current gen consoles myself but find I use the 360 the most though that's probably because I have more games for it. I only actually have two games for the PS3 so far, Killzone 2 and Little Big Planet. I should probably pick up a few more like Uncharted, though I'll probably just wait for the second, and from now on I'll be buying single player games on the PS3. The 360 is still king for online though. Despite the $60 a year price tag I don't actually mind paying it.

The wii pretty much only gets played when there is a bunch of people over. PC gets the majority of my gaming time right now though.
Fatal Frame 4 is not seeing a US release, due to the poor sales of 3. Of course, FF3 only sold poorly because it was released after the PS3 was released and had little to no publicity. -I- didn't even hear about it until a year after it was out. Keep in mind, however, is that it's not Tecmo that's blocking the release... it's NINTENDO OF AMERICA that won't give them a license for it because they don't think they'll make any money off the game.

Nintendo has been doing some really weird decisions this generation. Even games with full English translations already like Disaster: Day of Crisis are getting denied release because Nintendo doesn't think they will make money. Never mind that the Wii has proven itself to be THE shovel ware platform of this generation. I'm getting tired of not having control over what I can and can't play on my console... I know Japan does region locking because importing English games is cheaper than buying them locally (even after taxes and shipping!) but it's bullshit to keep Americans from buying the Japanese releases when you consider most of would still buy the English version just to understand it better.

*sigh* At least my DS is still region free, so i'll be able to pick up Ouendan 3 when it comes out.
Yet Ubisoft can make 1200 Petz games a month for the Wii.
I have a PS3, Wii, and a 360 (granted the 360 is currently not working) and I find myself mainly playing my 360 at least until it stopped working. But I still see myself mainly playing my 360 once I get it working.


I don't even own a current generation console. It's funny because up until this round of consoles I always would have identified as a console gamer, but thanks to MMO'ing and such, I really don't have time to spend on console games.
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