PSA: YouTube App Gone From iOS6

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Friendly reminder to iPhone users who haven't heard yet. Apple's license deal with Google has expired and the Apple provided YouTube App will no longer be present when you update your phone to iOS 6.

Have no worries though, Google has their own YouTube app, and it's already available on the App Store.
Nice, updating my iPad now. Fast download too, 6 minutes for 800MB, I figured they'd be getting slammed.

I guess Apple's in house content delivery service is actually working pretty well...
Still not sure what features are available on the different versions of devices, reports are still rolling in.
Also, downloads are slowing down a bit now.
Also keep in mind that, unless you prepared ahead of time, you will NOT be able to roll back to 5.1.1 or earlier. Once you go to 6.0, it's for keeps.
Finally, keep in mind that if you can't install iTunes 10.7 (pre-XP or 10.6.7 or earlier), then you won't be able to get iOS 6 to work with your computer.

Well, Siri is available on the new iPad now. The maps are ok, I was looking forward to the new functionality, but worried that the satellite view might not be good. It's not as good as googles satellite view, but its good enough.

And my first Siri discussion is
Me: testing
Siri: wait... Is this a test?
Me: yes
Siri: I figured as much.

"Driving directions to McDonald's" works well, giving me the choice of several McDonald's nearby. "Driving directions to the closest McDonald's" goes right to the map application with route already laid in, and starts giving me instructions.

I could get used to this...
I just tested one of the major features I've been waiting for - locking the home button so I can hand the ipad to the 3 year old and he can't escape the app I started for him and delete apps from the home screen.

It works very well, and is pretty featureful. I anticipate this will also get a lot of use at museums as they start to roll out ipads as part of exhibits.

I do wish iOS 6 was available on the original iPad though.
Passbook confuses me. Mostly because the store link doesn't work. Still can't delete news stand, that sucks.
Oddly enough, there are still iPhones available at the briarwood store two and a half hours after starting. There's a line though, so I don't know if they have the one I want, but since Verizon decided they weren't going to deliver my phone today, I might as well try and see what happens.

Slow line though. I'll get my card in a few minutes, in theory I'll know then if they are sold out of the model I want.
I'm seriously starting to consider upgrading to a new iPad. It's starting to get to the point where there are a lot of apps that will not work on the original iPad, and now the entire new iOS won't work on it.
I'm seriously starting to consider upgrading to a new iPad. It's starting to get to the point where there are a lot of apps that will not work on the original iPad, and now the entire new iOS won't work on it.
Yeah, but do you actually need those apps? I'd wait at least until the iPad mini is released and then decide.
I have no interest in the iPad mini. I like the size of the current iPad. While I admit that many of the apps that don't work on the original iPad are games, I still would like to be able to get anything available. I wouldn't mind having siri either.
I have an iPad 2 which means I'll probably need to upgrade next year if I want to keep getting updates. That said, other than the screen and OS fixes/improvements, I really don't have a real urge to update.
The difference between the iPad first gen and third gen is big enough that its easily worth the upgrade.

That said, the fourth generation is only six months away, and should have a better processor.
I know that computer technology improves at an impressive rate, but, I feel a little cheated whenever Apple updates so rapidly. It is an appliance after all.
The difference between the iPad first gen and third gen is big enough that its easily worth the upgrade.

That said, the fourth generation is only six months away, and should have a better processor.
The processor is the only major component that did not get upgraded, and the lack of that upgrade is the main reason I am more than willing to wait to see whatever is next. That said, the current iPad 2 model (the revised one) is actually a pretty attractive choice if you are looking for "My First iPad."

So I attempted to order via Apple's online store on the 14th, but by the time I started they estimated delivery a week after release. I decided to try anyway, but then they rejected my order and indicated I needed to go into the store due to some issue with me or my payment.

Then I went to Verizon's website, and they were still quoting delivery on release day, so I went through the order process, and it went through just fine.

Two days later they sent out a confirmation email saying that delivery wouldn't happen until a week after release.

This morning I decided to go into the apple store at 10am, just in case they might have extra, and when I arrived they were short on verizon units, only having 16GB units left. I stayed in line for two hours anyway, knowing that 16GB would not be sufficient, on the off chance that they might keep a few extra aside for businesses and developers.

When I got my apple associate, I showed him my ticket, indicated that I really needed a 32 or 64GB unit, and asked if they keep any aside for business or developers, and indicated that I was registered in their business database. He said no, not on launch day, but he'd poke around and see if there happen to be any of the kind I needed. About ten minutes later he showed up with a new card in hand, saying that they just got a new box from fedex, which had been delivering boxes nearly every hour all morning, and it had a verizon 64GB black in it I could have.

So, yay! Instant gratification satisfied!

It's a huge leap up from the iPhone 3GS I've been carrying for 2.5 years. That one cost me about $400, and having used it daily for 900+ days it cost $0.44 per day, plus service of $2.38 per day. The service fees always dwarf the device costs, and this time around my service is more expensive. It'll eventually cover my iPad as well, though, and I get unlimited talk and text under the new plan, so it's not as bad as it could be. Oh, and I should actually be able to make and receive calls throughout my house, whereas with AT&T I couldn't get it in the basement, and had poor service in the house, so that makes it a bit more worth it.

The old iphone will now become an ipod touch, so I'll still be getting significant value from it - more than if I tried selling it.

The big selling point of iTunes Match was you could clear songs off your device when you needed space for other tracks. But now with the iOS 6 update, you cannot delete music if Match is enabled. You have to disable it, delete tracks, then reenable. Which makes the phone download all the info about your library again. Tedious.
I'm seriously considering going with my original plan and picking up the Samsung Galaxy III. The iphone 5 didn't bring enough "oomph" to completely blow me away. Still...
re: getting rid of the Newsstand icon (sorta):

Can't vouch for whether this still works in iOS6, but it did before

make sure the Newsstand icon is on the page you're working from - preferably top row

Create a folder as usual with any two apps on that page. Drop the one app on the other & QUICKLY as it creates the folder - grab the Newsstand icon as well. This will now allow you to drop it into the folder you just created. You can now remove the other apps from the folder & can drop whatever else you want buried in that folder.
I usually accept that I'm not buying a new iPhone for high performance, but for good-enough performance on top of excellent usability and stability. However, benchmarks are showing that the iPhone 5 beats the top android phones in several benchmarks:

It's not beating them in every benchmark, and looking at the hardware specs alone it wouldn't appear that it should be better, but it's more efficient at using its hardware to squeeze out the extra performance. It suggests that Android could become better simply through software performance improvements, since the high end Android phones have more powerful processors running faster.

Also, I'm really disappointed that guided access (the feature that allows me to "lock" the ipad/iphone into a specific app so the home button doesn't work) is broken. Half the time I use it, I can't get out of it without a device reset. Should be a software fix, since it's happening to others as well. Still annoying.

I haven't used to the new maps enough to see the problems others are experiencing. Also haven't set up Find Friends, but it sounds like I can set it up to buzz my wife when I leave work, which is something I know she'd like.

Since I immediately put the phone into an otterbox, I haven't had the issues other are describing with the back becoming scratched easily.
But now with the iOS 6 update, you cannot delete music if Match is enabled. You have to disable it, delete tracks, then reenable. Which makes the phone download all the info about your library again. Tedious.
Pretty sure iOS 6 Music Match is all about streaming now, not downloading. So monitor your data usage carefully.
I'm seriously considering going with my original plan and picking up the Samsung Galaxy III. The iphone 5 didn't bring enough "oomph" to completely blow me away. Still...
Be careful. There are reports that it is possible to factory reset your Galaxy just by visiting a maliciously crafted URL*. No word on how long until that gets permanently fixed for everyone.
Since I immediately put the phone into an otterbox, I haven't had the issues other are describing with the back becoming scratched easily.
If you buy an $800 phone, why wouldn't you immediately put it in a security bunker?

*Needless to say, I hope you did NOT just click on that link from your Galaxy.
If you buy an $800 phone, why wouldn't you immediately put it in a security bunker?
From what I hear the new one is pretty freaking hard to do any real damage too. I probably won't put it in a case, I abhor cases, or at least I haven't found a case that didn't annoy the hell out of me.
When I got the new iPad I just got the apple cover for it, which didn't protect the back. I was always careful about putting it down, etc, which annoyed me because I just want to use it as a tool and not worry about scratches. Obviously, however, I was worrying about scratches. Once I got a back wrap on it, I no longer worry about it.

As much as I'd love to be able to use the phone without a case, I would much rather deal with a case, and know I can toss the phone on the table, or allow it to drop on the floor if the kid I'm carrying is kicking me without harm. Plus I know I can safely give it to my kids without worrying about it, these otter boxes are tough. Annoying larger than the phone, but I doubt much is going to damage it accidentally.

So the problem is mainly that I worry too much about scuffs, but I can't seem to change that part of me.
Yeah, thats the only real reason I'm thinking of some kind of case. I just haven't ever seen one that doesn't make my sexy, slim phone bigger than I want it to be and ugly.
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