[Webcomic] PVP Discussion


Staff member
Slang of the 1920s
Applesauce- an expletive same as horsefeathers, As in "Ah applesauce!"

Why is LOLbat saying that? I could understand the driver saying that, but he's just saying "AAHH!". Would it make sense for the hero to drop down saying "BULLSHIT!"? That certainly doesn't make sense to me.

Also, the latest Webcomics Weekly, Kurtz totally shoves his foot in his mouth. He says he doesn't want to be called a webcomic artist anymore because there are a lot of webcomics that are "stinking up the place".


That would be true, if he ever took his foot out of his mouth to begin with.


Staff member
It seems Scott does this every couple months now. Big tantrum, annoying rant, verbal vomit, etc... The man's fanbase seems to be leaving as he "finds himself". Maybe it's all for the attention - an "I'm relevant if people look at me." mentality. Then people talk, they read, they get disappointed, leave, and return with the next rant.

He's the Bill O' Reilly of webcomics. Yes, WEBCOMICS, but if he's not a webcomic artist, then he's as good as admitting that he hasn't been a cartoonist, just an artistic mimic mailing it in for whatever money he can get. It can't last if this is what he's doing full-time.
Today's wasn't bad. Max's expression when Francis talks about Skull and his sister getting it on was well done. Now if only he could agree to use LOLBat like Penny Arcade uses Twisp and Catbsy - about once a year.


Staff member
Was it already established at the Max/Sonya relationship? I'm too lazy to browse archives to find out.
Was it stated before they were brother/sister?
Yeah. It was mentioned like right after Skull started seeing Sonya. I distinctly remember a strip wherein Sonya talked to Max about it and Max was like "Who the heck is Skull".
Sonya reveals her familial relationship with Max when she and Skull go on their first date. It was incidentally a double date with Brent and Jade as well. And skull does NOT have genitals so he can't get it on with anybody.

I think if you know whats good for you cheesy you will stop asking questions.

No one wants to see your brakes accidentally get cut and you accidentally die in a horrible accident.
Sonya reveals her familial relationship with Max when she and Skull go on their first date. It was incidentally a double date with Brent and Jade as well. And skull does NOT have genitals so he can't get it on with anybody.

That was PVP 1.0. Nothing there can be taken as canon anymore.