[Webcomic] PVP Discussion

Come guys. We all know Francis put a Hi- Larious amount of cocktail sauce on his shrimp.

Quit hating.

I did dig the one where skull immolates himself with a sparkler though.


Staff member
But he didn't. That was what COULD have happened, which is why Cole told him to put the sparkler down.
I have no idea what is going on. If there were no words I would wonder what shrimp had to do with Francis earning his red wings.
Instead of totally wiping out all the cocktail(heh) sauce by repeatedly dipping his "shrimp" in the tub...

There should have been some left for others to eat.

Then there will at least be a gross out factor.
The two are identical, near as I can tell, and so is the table and tray. Jade is the only thing that changes.

Lazy art, lazier writing, hella lazy comic.
It's actually kind of interesting how pathologically backwards PVP has become. Everything that Kurtz said would help him improve as an artist has either come to nothing, or gone backwards. "I'm going to develop a buffer" - he's still always late and now misses a day here or there. "I'm going to work on my writing", the writing gets worse. "I need move to Seattle, to associate with other artists and reap the rewards of bouncing ideas off other creative minds" - he makes strips like that, that no other person could possibly have read and said, "Yes, you should definitely post that for your readers." And even worse: "I need to work out of a studio so I have a place to concentrate on my art and experiment with different things." Instead, he admits that he traces, this is cut and paste, and apparently he doesn't draw except for the strip at all any more.
Do we know for sure no one is looking at these before he posts them? I mean, sure it seems that way but... we don't really know he isn't getting any feedback.
current one: who the whoha is the steam punk, and what in the heck is he suppose to represent? I get it might be the service from valve, but that would be absoFUCKINlutely retarded!
oh wow, that is DUMB, I cant believe I didn't catch that was the joke, well ya know I was under the impression the joke with all the lolbat stuff is that its all internet related, like him and his sidekick and his enemies...that doesn't make any sense at all
Really guys. I like the idea of a villain called the Steam Punk. I like the idea of the powers.

You couldn;t make the god damn guy dress up in steam punk garb? This whole joke could have been saved for me if it was visually appealing.

Fuck. I could do a better desing then this shit. FUCK.


I'm not sure. I kinda like the twist from the obvious steampunk outfit, and rather he's focusing on the "punk" attitude couple with "steam" based powers. The piercings, the "wankers" the British two finger salute...I don't think it's horrible...
OMG HE'S teh gay! Vat a tvist!

The only thing missing now is the cancer and we are in full on Funky Winkerbean mode.


Staff member
He's been gay for a long time - they just never came right out & said it before.

And I don't think Scott is at the level of Funky Cancerbean yet.
I thought Max came out 5 years ago. Back when he was a pencil-necked doofus preppy, before he became all butch.
Added at: 16:34
On an extra-special PvP After-School Special...
I thought Max came out 5 years ago. Back when he was a pencil-necked doofus preppy, before he became all butch.
Not quite. Brent and Cole suspected he was but once Max found out their suspicions he confronted them on their childish behaviour. Brent and Cole kinda dropped the issue and it was left kind of ambiguous.

4 years or so is a long time for a "is he/isn't he" to be answered with "well, yeah".


and miscarriage, don't forget that.

Edit: I actually like the max 'drama' stuff. didn't like early max though.