PVP - Nov. 16 - The Incident Part 1

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Kitty Sinatra

What the hell? How can today's strip already be up? It's not even tomorrow yet.


Staff member
I didn't see it at first, but then I did. I lol'd. Probably my first actual laugh from PvP since last year-ish.


Staff member
Yay! No dialog, no Skull, no LOLBAT, no damn dog, this might actually turn out to be something nice (yeah, right).
It'll be pretty good right up until Kurtz cuts the story-line short because he got bored/scared/criticized and ruins any momentum he had going.

Mmmm... Nothing. Sorry. For some reason Cole and a dick joke just don't work for me tonight.
Wait, that was the joke?

I thought it was the deformation (to a ridiculous version) of the plants attacking humans*, with the dick joke added as a bonus!

*In spanish, Shyamalan's "The happenning" was translated as "El incidente"... and I didn't remember the english title wasn't "The incident".


Staff member
:rofl: I didn't see the banana at first. I was just staring at the comic thinking, "Ok... so an apple knocked him out?" I wonder what kind of trouble that's going to get him into tomorrow.
The meta-funny part is that it only works in cartoon format, from the limited perspective. No one walking by would see the dick joke, because the banana's in his right hand at the right side of his body. In three dimensions, from any other angle it would obviously be to one side, not at his crotch.


I'm actually found those last two strips kinda funny. THIS SCARES ME.


Staff member
Apologies for the poor editing... on the school's computer :(

Better ending?


And, for good measure...



Staff member
How much did that apple weigh? Jesus Christ, Cole has been unconscious now for hours!

Joe Johnson

I think it's one of the early xkcd strips. I remember that one, since I just went through and read them all recently.
This arc got a good chuckle out of me. The 3rd strip kinda fell flat for me though. Hopefully that wasn't the end.
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