Q&A with drawn_inward: A Halforums Halftime Special

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Favorite movie to watch over and over?

Favorite book to read over and over?

Favorite summertime drink?

Favorite wintertime drink?

Sum up your values in 3 sentences.
Favorite movie to watch over and over?

1. Favorite book to read over and over?

2. Favorite summertime drink?

3. Favorite wintertime drink?

4. Sum up your values in 3 sentences.
1. Lord of the Rings - I think I catch something new each time through.

2. Usually lemonade, but this summer I made Mojito-ish limeade soda which was awesome.
-take 1 can of frozen limeade concentrate plus 1/2 of the recommended water add a couple drops of mint extract. stir. add to chilled soda water - usually a 1:4 ratio or to whatever sweetness you want - enjoy!

3. I like Red Label tea made with milk and a bit of cardamom and sugar. Also, I like to mix coffee with a hot cocoa packet. Another nice one is hot cocoa with a bit of peppermint schnapps in it!

4. Family first. Treat others as you would want them to treat you. Be true to your work, your word, your friends.
What about movie to watch over and over?

(That summertime drink sounds mighty nice. :D)
Damn! Missed one!

I Love You to Death - with Kevin Kline and Tracy Ulman is fantastic. It still makes me laugh.
I am burned out on Monty Python stuff and The Princess Bride. I've seen those way, way too many times. I have some favorite movies that I don't necessarily like to watch over and over though.
You are given a "free pass" to have a hitman kill your worst enemy. How would you like it done?
I don't have an "enemy." However, in the event that I did, I would be quick - not out of mercy, but out of vengeance. What ever was nearby that I could use as a weapon - pen, coffee mug, chair or bare hands - I would use them with brutal efficiency. I would not give the opportunity for apologies or explanations. Wrath of God.

But, that's a big what-if. I haven't even been in a fight since I was 15 years old.
You are given a "free pass" to have a hitman kill your worst enemy. How would you like it done?
I don't have an "enemy." However, in the event that I did, I would be quick - not out of mercy, but out of vengeance. What ever was nearby that I could use as a weapon - pen, coffee mug, chair or bare hands - I would use them with brutal efficiency. I would not give the opportunity for apologies or explanations. Wrath of God.

But, that's a big what-if. I haven't even been in a fight since I was 15 years old.[/QUOTE]

I meant, you don't kill them, you ask the Hitman to do whatever you want to the "target".
You are given a "free pass" to have a hitman kill your worst enemy. How would you like it done?
I don't have an "enemy." However, in the event that I did, I would be quick - not out of mercy, but out of vengeance. What ever was nearby that I could use as a weapon - pen, coffee mug, chair or bare hands - I would use them with brutal efficiency. I would not give the opportunity for apologies or explanations. Wrath of God.

But, that's a big what-if. I haven't even been in a fight since I was 15 years old.[/QUOTE]

I meant, you don't kill them, you ask the Hitman to do whatever you want to the "target".[/QUOTE]

I guess I would have them kidnapped and tossed into a vat of NaOH and then dumping this in the middle of the Great Salt Lake or bow and arrow like Boromir.

---------- Post added at 04:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:38 PM ----------

Dude, no one ever chooses death by Ooga Booga.

So disappointing...
Sure they do. It's just not as common anymore. It's a fad. It comes and goes.


Staff member

If you had to live in one place for the rest of your life that is NOT in your home state, where would you go?

Favorite mammal?

What are your dreams and how are you working to achieve them?

What's your hidden talent? something we don't know about

Do you sing in the shower? If so, favorite song to sing in the shower?

Do you believe in ghosts? If so, do you believe in benign, stuck-in-time ghosts that can't hurt us or good/evil ghosts who can harm or help?

3 favorite colors?

Would you rather live by a beach or by a huge national park?

A man in the street asks you for a few dollars. What do you do?

If you were attacked by a guy with a knife (no gun) how would you defend yourself?

Who makes you laugh the most?

If you had to live in one place for the rest of your life that is NOT in your home state, where would you go?
- Colorado. I really like the Colorado Springs area - very beautiful.

Favorite mammal?
-Dogs. They're amazing animals and great companions.

What are your dreams and how are you working to achieve them?
-I used to want to play music for a living, but I am not nearly talented enough for that, but it's always in the back of my mind. I really love woodworking. I want to build all of my own furniture some day. I'm getting a PhD in Microbiology to fund my love. That sounds retarded. I really enjoy lab work. It's all about problem solving, and puzzles. I like the brain work, but I miss the manual labor. Blue-collar at heart, yo.

What's your hidden talent? something we don't know about
-As mentioned above, I play the guitar and sing, I enjoy woodworking, and I like to draw and paint. Here's my deviant art gallery.

Do you sing in the shower? If so, favorite song to sing in the shower?
-I like to sing, "You're nobody til somebody loves you" as sung by Dean Martin

Do you believe in ghosts? If so, do you believe in benign, stuck-in-time ghosts that can't hurt us or good/evil ghosts who can harm or help?
-Not really. I've heard some weird stories, but haven't seen anything that leads me to believe there are ghosts. I suppose it's possible. If they did exist, I would imagine they would be good and evil, just like humans.

3 favorite colors?
-Green, brown, gray (earth tones)

Would you rather live by a beach or by a huge national park?
-National Park. I love trees and mountains!

A man in the street asks you for a few dollars. What do you do?
-I usually give it, if I have it.

If you were attacked by a guy with a knife (no gun) how would you defend yourself?
-I would run if I could. If I couldn't run, I'd go for the throat and eyes. A good offense is the best defense, CG-san.

Who makes you laugh the most?
-Probably my nephew. He's 5, and is my best buddy. He's always saying something that cracks me up.
I knew I could count on you, CG. :hug:
Thanks, CG! I enjoy both quite a bit. All those drawings are from H.S. though. I haven't seriously put pencil to paper in a long time. I miss it.

Woodworking rocks my face off. I never thought I would dig something so much. Knowing that someone is going to use that furniture for a lifetime is quite rewarding.


Staff member
What are three things you want to do before you get old?

What are 3 things you would never do?

Have you ever bitten into a habanero? Would you for 50$?
What are three things you want to do before you get old?
What are 3 things you would never do?
Have you ever bitten into a habanero? Would you for 50$?
What are three things you want to do before you get old?
Get married, have kids, see the world

What are 3 things you would never do?

cheat on my gf/wife, turn my back on my family, swim with sharks

Have you ever bitten into a habanero? Would you for 50$?
NO!! Jalapenos, serranos, yes (for free!). My brother bit into one to show us how "tough" he was. He turned purple. I thought he was going to have a heart attack.:eek:

---------- Post added at 12:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:19 PM ----------

Have you ever tried a pickled Habanero?
I've had them in sauces and salsas. I don't think I've had a pickled one though. I'd try it. I love the spicy food!

---------- Post added at 12:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:20 PM ----------

Would you ever wash your hair with pureed habaneros?
Once when I was younger and didn't know better. My father had just spent the day picking habaneros and other veggies from the garden. I was watching tv, and I saw that Herbal Essence ad with the lady moaning. I thought that looked pretty good, but I didn't have any Herbal Essence shampoo, but I did have a whole basket of rosemary, thyme, habaneros, and squash. I decided I would make my own herbal essence shampoo. I threw the veggies in a blender, and pureed them nicely. I strained the concoction into my Pert plus dandruff protection bottle and mixed. I jumped in the shower and proceeded to shampoo away. Like the ad, there was moaning, but following the moaning was screams and sobbing. Combining the soap and the steam from the shower, it was like being pepper-sprayed. I don't recommend it.:flame::Cry:

---------- Post added at 12:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:27 PM ----------

That hair?
YES. :cool:


Staff member
Whew. Ok. Hard to tell with you people sometimes.

I was just being silly, as Cajungals are wont to do. ^_^
Favorite form of transport ?
I wish we had teleporters. That would be amazing.

I don't really like driving all that much. Flying is cool, but only if you're the one calling the shots.

I used to love skateboarding and cruising around doing that.

I would have to say biking (on a bicycle). It's still pretty fun zooming around town and in and out of traffic, and occasionally going down some stairs or a giant hill. I don't like getting crazy sweaty while riding, and I have ruined a couple pair of jeans when my pant leg got caught in the chain. Also, near-misses from motorists suck.

I wish jetpacks were a viable option. I would totally dig rocketing around from place to place.
I'm a big fan of trains, I only like driving at night.

Have you ever seen The Rocketeer, and if so, what did you think of it?
I've only been on a train once. I am eager to try the trains in Europe and the bullet train in Japan. The movies make it seem quite cool, and I heard it's a great way to get around Europe.

I LOVE the Rocketeer! Dalton was a great villain. Jennifer Connelly is super-hot. And, Alan Arkin is one of my favorite actors! It's very much like Indiana Jones. Same era, Nazis, etc, and I really wanted that rocketpack!
Trains really are a great way to travel around Europe, truly.
I haven't been on a high speed train myself but I have plans to go to EuroDisney one day and do so by uber fast train.

Also, you've convinced me. for some weird ass reason I have never seen the movie The Rocketeee. Which is odd because I love those type of movies. Gonna go look for it.

Also, what's with the avatar anyway? I recognize you by it but it's like a virus or something?
The Rocketeer is a blast! It's a like Indiana Jones-lite. Not nearly as cool as Raiders, but cool in its own way. I guess what I saying is don't go into it expecting Australia. It's more like a fun action flick.

My avatar is an artist's rendition of some bacteria or as Crone calls it, "radioactive penii." :D
I have it b/c I'm working on a PhD in Microbiology. I think bacteria are pretty damn cool.

You recognize me by it? That's cool! I kind of thought that most folks didn't really know who I am. I didn't think that I posted enough for folks to really know who I was or miss me if I was gone. Thanks!
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