Q&A with drawn_inward: A Halforums Halftime Special

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Why did you think I was a girl? Meaning what did I say or do to project that?

I don't drool over forum's ladies like some folks. Meaning, I don't write out what's going on in my noggin. My mom and dad raised a gentleman.

As for palindromes, I dig palindromes, etymology, and alliteration. Sometimes I'll say a word, and it will sound weird to my ears, and I'll repeat it over and over. Like one day, I thought that 'with' sounded odd. Palindromes are cool. I have always looked at words forward and backwards. If I have to wait in line somewhere, I'll read signs or any kind of text and look for palindromes. There's a convenience store near my place called Star Mart. I see it and think Rats Tram. I'm not dyslexic, I just like to look at things from a different angle, I guess.
Also sometimes 'every day' words suddenly don't sound or look right and I start questioning my own sanity.
I do that especially when I am tired. I couldn't remember how to spell 'of' one night. I kept trying to write 'ove' - like love, above. It made sense to me, but didn't look right on paper. I went to bed when I realized I couldn't spell a 2 letter word.
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