So playing Kingdoms of Amalur has gotten me pretty interested in this universe that I've avoided for many years. I grew up reading Dragonlance and never did read the Forgotten Realm/Salvatore books.
Where should I start to get acquainted with this huge universe of books? So far doing some skimming has said the Icewind Dale trilogy others have said to go with the Dark Elf trilogy because it's chronological. Would most of you agree or have other suggestions?
Celt Z
Mr. Z has read/owns even single book R.A. Salvatore has ever written for D&D. He's been a fan for about 20 years, but given his reaction to the last 4 or so books, I'd say it's bordering more on masochistic. (He wasn't happy with some of the plot choices.) When he gets home from work, I'm going to ask for a more in-depth opinion.
When we started dating, he gave me the 4-book series Legacy of the Drow. If I'm correct, it's the series that comes right after Icewind Dale. I'd say it's a solid story to read, and it gives you a taste of the characters he continues to use through out all his Dark Elf books.
If you like characters that never die (or if they do die they get resurrected as gods or something), then Salvatore is your guy.
I disagree with Dave. No such resurrection of Gods have happened in any of his books I've read.
As a huge Salvatore fan (I own most of his books), I've seen characters die occasionally though this do not happen anywhere close to R.R Martin's capacity. It's pretty clear he's got a great love for his characters and letting them go is pretty hard. As a huge fan of Forgotten realms, this series hit the spot. This series also has an awesome recurring "villains" that please me greatly. Heck, they even got their own trilogy.
I recommend the Icewind Dale trilogy, start with the roots. I'll tell you why :
- You can get it SUPER CHEAP on Amazon for used. You can also get the trilogy in one huge awesome book.
- If you like it, you have plenty of books to catch up on.
The last few books as of late took a noticeable dive, most likely of all the new projects Salvatore took on and new characters being less interesting than the older ones. I for one am not a fan at all of Dahlia and she's "co-starring" now. She annoys meeeee..........
Sorry. When they die they instead get their own dimension. But they are still alive for all intents and purposes.
I'm leaving the thread now because I'm not a productive member of it, but damn I hate his book.
Salvatore is a HAAAAAACK!
Celt Z
Oh, what, we're going to do this now, Jay?
I'm just kidding around. This is really more Mr. Z's thing. I didn't get into Salvatore's stuff, but I've been learning about the ongoing plot by proxy. I do know that some books are missing, since Mr. Z's lends them to his friends. I also know Salvatore didn't write the War of the Spider Queen, but from what I've heard, if someone likes what he's done with the Drow, they may like this Drow-centered series based off his characters.
He even has the Drow books? Damn.
I didn't get them because his son wrote them, I read a few chapters and it was MEH.
Read them in publishing date order, not "chronological" order. The writing gets better as he does more books, and the transition from the dark elf trilogy to the icewind dale trilogy is pretty jarring if you do chronological order (as I did reading them to the little woman).
Also, just bear in mind... feel free to stop when it starts sounding stupid and the plot starts feeling absolutely arbitrary. The first dozen books were entertaining light reading, but tomewhere around the 15th book or so I just couldn't take it any more.
Celt Z
Slightly off topic, but my favorite PVP comic to this day is still the one where Cole tries to assault R.A. Salvatore for killing Chewbacca. I tried to find the freakin' comic to link to, but I'm having no luck.
Very very awesome advice everyone and I hope to post my own collection someday. I do believe I will start with the Icewind Dale series as publish order can be better alot of the time. (I did the same with introducing my son to Dragonlance as it was the way I read them)
Dangit. I know I've read some, but I can't remember which ones.
Celt Z
@Jay - since you're the only person I know who's seemed to keep up with this outside of Mr. Z, I wanted to get your opinion on something: What did you think about
Salvatore deciding to resurrect the core cast and have them "grow up together" again?
Gilgamesh - If you're really interested in reading the series, I wouldn't peek at that spoiler. It's a fairly recent development and may effect how you view certain major events in earlier books.
And so it begins!
I asked a respected and well-read scholar of fantasy (Crankywizard) and he recommended either reading Icewind Dale or the Dark Elf trilogy.
I wouldn't call him a hack but he is very much the undisputed lord and master of the Mary Sue/Gary Stu. I enjoyed the Dark Elf trilogy when I read it 15 years or so ago.
Cattibrie died trying to cast magic in a time where magic was unstable. Silly newbie. Rumblebelly died trying to save her. The ultimate change of character from what he used to be. Interesting.
Wulfgar went back to his tribe and started anew, he changed and moved on. I liked it.
Bruenor died a hero and in battle saving all he held dear. Perfect.
I don't care much for Mielikki or the fact they are all together in the afterlife and as far as I care, I'm happy they moved on. I would be unhappy if they came back. I think they got their fair shake. Along with Entreri.
It's just that the new relief cast is just so... MEH. Sure Entreri is awesome but as a sidekick he lost much of his UMPH. Dahlia, I really can't stand.
The last few books turned me somewhat off, particularly how much I liked the Sellsword Trilogy.
Out of anything, I've found Salvatore's pretty fantastic at writing two things.
Slightly off topic, but my favorite PVP comic to this day is still the one where Cole tries to assault R.A. Salvatore for killing Chewbacca. I tried to find the freakin' comic to link to, but I'm having no luck.
I read up to and including The Two Swords(Book 16.) The first six I really enjoyed, however my love for the series started to wane somewhere after I think book 10.
I would say after awhile I was more interested in the secondary characters than the main cast because of the +1 Character Shields the primaries wielded, at least for the books I had read, apparently he finally pulled the plug on some of them. Also I found some of the Dark Elf conflicts between the male wizard casts and the female cleric casts appealing as well as the power struggles within each.
I liked Artemis too as he was an evil antagonist because how he chose to act rather than being evil because that is what his categorized species has to do(ie demons/angels/etc.)
Though I have very fond memories of Jarlaxle though I like dandy characters.
So, to make sure I have this straight, Dave thinks Salvatore is a hack for not killing characters, and Bhamv thinks he's a hack for killing a character. That about right?