Raising a "Genderless" Child

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Random fact: Before the 1940's pick was a boy colour and pale blue was a considered a girls colour.

See, red was consdiered the colour of Christ and blue the colour of the Virgin Mary. White itself was attributed to innocence, thus children. The mixture of those colours made them true childrens colours.

It was only with the advent of mass prduction clothing and toys that the colours made the switch.

The more you know!
And yet, oddly, there is a “a robust, cross-cultural sex difference in color preference,” in that men dislike pink while women favor it. “Biological Components of Sex Differences in Color Preference,” Current Biology, August 200 as reported by Popular Science. Girls like pink, and it's not just our culture. Both genders like blue, though.


That this so-called experiment generated such kind of attention both from common people and of course the media speaks volume of the kind of divide happening right now in our society.

While I am for the equal treatment and development of both genders -- whether male or female or those in between-- I think we should also recognized the fact that as humans we have our own sexual identity which should have been properly nurtured and not to be discarded.

As to what this experiment might result into, nobody can be sure. I hope that the child will never be confused when he/she is already an adult. Equality does not mean being blind.
<whoosh> missed the point again.
Nope, you did when you skimmed the articles and missed the part about their previous kids wearing pink and braided hair while still disliking it when someone thinks they're girls...

As to what this experiment might result into, nobody can be sure. I hope that the child will never be confused when he/she is already an adult.
Yes, because our society doesn't raise kids that end up sexually confused anyway...

The only question is how accepting society will be of him/her. I see way more problems caused by that then by what the parents are doing.

Equality does not mean being blind.


Staff member
And now the swedes totally steal the idea: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-14038419
It's "hän", not "hen", and "Jukka", not "Yukka", you goddamn tea-sipping sheep-shafters! /rant

This seems awfully funny to me, otherwise... especially when it sounds like the people running that place think other kindergartens are discriminatory when it comes to kids and their gender. Hell, I remember playing with dolls in kindergarten, and I remember girls playing with toy trucks and cars as much as the boys did. So in that sense it sounds like they're just doing what everyone else does, except they try to garner attention with this whole "gender neutral" title.

Of course, this is in Sweden so what the hell do I know?
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