Random Contest Time!!

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Well, that kills my entry. I vote for DURR! :thumb:

The original of my entry was also an entry in one of the earlier contests, so feel free to save and include it. :D


Staff member
The ONLY issue I have with hers is that it would be difficult to include what the book is. I mean, we'll all know what it is, but I'll need space to put something like, "DURR: The Poetic Musings of Halforums" or something equally title-like.

Element 117

I can EASILY overlay or design in any required title text. I did use to do this for a living... Which by the by is eXactly why I should be disqualified from "winning"


Staff member
I can EASILY overlay or design in any required title text. I did use to do this for a living... Which by the by is eXactly why I should be disqualified from "winning"
If you are a professional then I'd be a thrice-damned fool to stop you from being able to do it for the price of a book. But you have to remember I'm also looking for inside sketches or illustrations. If I can find someone that would be willing to do both then I'd be golden. Plus it would be easier to set up any payments to go right to that person.

Element 117

ah, but I'm not the best artist on the board, nor am I in any dire need of "payments" or etc that another starving artist might need. I dont mind doing the illustration as a gift free of charge, but doing more illustrations? Use the prize money/payments and get another artist, in the spirit of community work?


Staff member
Okay. So if we go with your cover then whomever does the internal work gets the goods. But it will still say "Cover Art by Halforums User Xiaofang Nuren" if we use it.

Element 117

Sure thing. What title and extra stuff did you need on the design?
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