Rant VII: Now With 25% Less Drama

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Someone posted one back on the Image forums where a doctor was scooping the pus out with a spoon. That one had my stomach turning.
So last night we're at a pub here in Edinburgh enjoying 1, 2....6 pints of Hobgoblin and two girls walk in. This wouldn't be an extraordinary event if it weren't for two things. 1) pubs here are total sausage feasts and 2) they were actually fairly pretty.

However, it wasn't their looks that concerned me, nay, it was how they walked up to the bar and said

"Hi, we're American, how do we order beer here?"

Now the bartender and I had a good laugh about this afterwards but at the time, it was more exasperation

Is there really any need to announce nationality? Believe me, as soon as you start talking, they know where you're from.
Do you really have to ask how a pub works? It's like a McDonalds! Go up to the counter, ask for beer! You don't need to have the bartender walkl you through the whole process.

I guess the night wasn't a complete eye-roll. It's Freshers Week here in Edinburgh which means a lot of scantily dressed 18 and 19 year olds about, very drunk. Good times, if I was 10 years younger...
I know, I've spent my first weekend full time here in Edmonchuck, likely one of the last of the summer before shit gets cold and I fuck up my ankle and spend most of it hobbling around my house.

I wanted to bar it up.


Staff member
So last night we're at a pub here in Edinburgh enjoying 1, 2....6 pints of Hobgoblin and two girls walk in. This wouldn't be an extraordinary event if it weren't for two things. 1) pubs here are total sausage feasts and 2) they were actually fairly pretty.

However, it wasn't their looks that concerned me, nay, it was how they walked up to the bar and said

"Hi, we're American, how do we order beer here?"

Now the bartender and I had a good laugh about this afterwards but at the time, it was more exasperation

Is there really any need to announce nationality? Believe me, as soon as you start talking, they know where you're from.
Do you really have to ask how a pub works? It's like a McDonalds! Go up to the counter, ask for beer! You don't need to have the bartender walkl you through the whole process.

I guess the night wasn't a complete eye-roll. It's Freshers Week here in Edinburgh which means a lot of scantily dressed 18 and 19 year olds about, very drunk. Good times, if I was 10 years younger...
If they're freshmen, that explains it. You're lucky the local ones didn't do the same.
One more thing to add to my shedding issue... MY FREAKING BEARD FELL OUT IN MY HAND!!!

On the bright side, I get to go as Mr. Clean for Halloween.
Fucking was a bit drunk this weekend and had a little vent/rant over text to a friend about my ex, well she is mutual friends with my ex and I both but I figured she would you know keep it in confidence and shit but no she goes and tells my ex everything I said so after class today she fucking comes up to me outside the library and starts fucking freaking out on me. I don't know if I am more depressed or more pissed right now, I was super depressed right after this happened but now I am thinking wow fuck that fucking cunt bitch.

Edit: lol love the filter


Staff member
I got cancer.

There, it's said. The good news is that apparently it's not spreading and should be completely treatable. There's more than likely gonna be some very major surgery going on downstairs, but I console myself with the idea that while I'm going to spend half a month in a hospital afterwards, it's just that. Half a month. Compared to the rest of my life.

Physically, I'm feeling good. Mentally, I'm holding up. Made some pretty drastic decisions, though: cutting back on lot of the things I used to eat before going in, in order to lose weight before the surgery. I have every goddamn intention of getting through this with flying colours.
No I needed to fucking vent the shit, I should do it more often. Basically my vent was about how I am sick of blaming our break up all on me because that's all she did and I did for the longest time, but then I came to realize hey you know what she did some shit that caused this too. But no today she comes up and is basically like WARGARGL YOU ARE A HORRIBLE PERSON ITS ALL YOUR FAULT I DID NOTHING
I got cancer.

There, it's said. The good news is that apparently it's not spreading and should be completely treatable. There's more than likely gonna be some very major surgery going on downstairs, but I console myself with the idea that while I'm going to spend half a month in a hospital afterwards, it's just that. Half a month. Compared to the rest of my life.

Physically, I'm feeling good. Mentally, I'm holding up. Made some pretty drastic decisions, though: cutting back on lot of the things I used to eat before going in, in order to lose weight before the surgery. I have every goddamn intention of getting through this with flying colours.
Shit man :/ I hope everything goes well.
I'm really, really sorry to hear that NR. I know it'll be rough for a while but don't be afraid to lean on your friends and family for support right now. That's what they're there for.
I got cancer.

There, it's said. The good news is that apparently it's not spreading and should be completely treatable. There's more than likely gonna be some very major surgery going on downstairs, but I console myself with the idea that while I'm going to spend half a month in a hospital afterwards, it's just that. Half a month. Compared to the rest of my life.

Physically, I'm feeling good. Mentally, I'm holding up. Made some pretty drastic decisions, though: cutting back on lot of the things I used to eat before going in, in order to lose weight before the surgery. I have every goddamn intention of getting through this with flying colours.
That really sucks :(

i know it is not much but have an e-hug
I got cancer.

There, it's said. The good news is that apparently it's not spreading and should be completely treatable. There's more than likely gonna be some very major surgery going on downstairs, but I console myself with the idea that while I'm going to spend half a month in a hospital afterwards, it's just that. Half a month. Compared to the rest of my life.

Physically, I'm feeling good. Mentally, I'm holding up. Made some pretty drastic decisions, though: cutting back on lot of the things I used to eat before going in, in order to lose weight before the surgery. I have every goddamn intention of getting through this with flying colours.
I'm sorry this is happening to you, NR, but I admire your resolve.


Staff member
It ain't got a chance!

See that? This is North Ranger. See that thing in his hands? It's cancer! North Ranger fucking killed cancer! With his bare hands! Look at how pissed cancer is for being killed! But you know what? Fuck you, cancer! Die like the little bitch you are and never bother us again.


Staff member
Hehe, thank you, guys...

I know I'm probably still in a state of shock, not really understanding or realizing all the implications of this. I know for a fact that there's gonna be a time in the coming days when I'll just crack up and cry... but I'll live. I'll live. I console myself with that.
Sorry to hear about that NR. Sometimes life deals you lemons. :(

What I can say is I have a close relative who has had cancer and has survived it and I'm well versed in how to deal with it and what you, as a normal human being can do to fight it. Search the web, there's a lot of things that will inform you on how to boost your immune system to help fight it. This is a life changing program, don't let the doctors tell you that it is in remission to give it a chance to come back. Open up to your close family and friends, they are there to help you, you're not fighting this alone regardless to what you do as this will affect them regardless.

Take notes and ask a lot of questions to your doctors.

A proper diet is important, cancers love sugars and poor fitness doesn't help.


If you ever want to talk, my door is always open.
As everyone has stated, the best of thoughts and wishes for you.

And yes, get your Slayer on, tattoo up, and KILL THE HELL out of that shit! Make it rue the day it decided to tangle with you! Hakkaa Pääle!
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