The baby rat died today. I'd probably sequester this from the rant thread if it was an older rat who got to live his full life like the others will, including the one who bit him and caused the infection that started all this. And maybe if it wasn't entirely our fault. We had so many opportunities to do differently that might have saved his life and the guilt is what's really fucking me up.
I've been getting up before dawn each morning to treat his tail with chemicals, antibiotics, and burn cream as instructed by the vet, then doing it again in the evening. We paid vet bills, paid a lot of surgery today, and then he died after the surgery (which we still gotta pay for), likely because he'd become very weak in the last couple days. Could've had that earlier too, but no, we thought that was risky. Stupid.
First I think the guilt's the worst thing. Then I think it's that we won't have this bouncy, happy little guy around anymore, who didn't hold a grudge like one of our other rats would after all the shit we had to do to his tail in trying to save his life. But really the worst is watching my wife deal with this herself. I'd probably get through this much more easily except that seeing her cry breaks my heart. She was never allowed to have pets when she was a kid. Enlil wasn't her first pet, but this is her first pet death, plus it's a baby, plus it's by circumstances we caused--I can hardly remember my first pet death when I was a kid and my comforting skills are terrible. I feel terrible.
His body was already stiff when we went to the vet's office and that felt wrong considering what weird poses he'd slide himself into and sometimes get stuck in. He was our little squid. I wish him better luck next time around.
I've been getting up before dawn each morning to treat his tail with chemicals, antibiotics, and burn cream as instructed by the vet, then doing it again in the evening. We paid vet bills, paid a lot of surgery today, and then he died after the surgery (which we still gotta pay for), likely because he'd become very weak in the last couple days. Could've had that earlier too, but no, we thought that was risky. Stupid.
First I think the guilt's the worst thing. Then I think it's that we won't have this bouncy, happy little guy around anymore, who didn't hold a grudge like one of our other rats would after all the shit we had to do to his tail in trying to save his life. But really the worst is watching my wife deal with this herself. I'd probably get through this much more easily except that seeing her cry breaks my heart. She was never allowed to have pets when she was a kid. Enlil wasn't her first pet, but this is her first pet death, plus it's a baby, plus it's by circumstances we caused--I can hardly remember my first pet death when I was a kid and my comforting skills are terrible. I feel terrible.

His body was already stiff when we went to the vet's office and that felt wrong considering what weird poses he'd slide himself into and sometimes get stuck in. He was our little squid. I wish him better luck next time around.