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Real Life Nicknames?




With the popularity of Ed's nickname Turbo as a new forum inside joke, I was wondering if anyonelse around here had some interesting nicknames they've carried around in the "world of the real".

I'll start it off with mine:

My gf and a few close friends pretty much shortened my name (and slightly altered it) to "Chassy". For a while growing up, I was called "Negra" (doesn't have the same meaning as the english version exactly) as I had darker skin than alot of my family members and friends. Also was "Flaca" throughout Junior High and High School as my extremely high metabolism made me pretty much a skeleton no matter how much I ate.




Frankie Williamson

I was called Frank the tank in high school due to my being a) a football player b) fat.

I used to get called Crank by my cousins due to my sparkling personality.


Rob King

Rob King

I was 'King Bob' in high school. Whenever I wanted to sign something with a false name, I just changed it to the more person-sounding name 'Robert King' ... which shortens into my current screen name.

Other than that, I've been 'Lunchbox,' 'Tons of fun,' 'Piggy' (of Lord of the Flies fame), and 'Guts.' Looking at those now, I see that they're not that flattering overall ...




I've been called Doraemon.




Frankie said:
I used to get called Crank by my cousins due to my sparkling personality.





Too many to count; but some of the more recurring are: PB, Spew, Vader, Hacksaw, Sneaky Pirate, Captain Asshole, Danger Ranger, ...




Rob King said:
I was 'King Bob' in high school. Whenever I wanted to sign something with a false name, I just changed it to the more person-sounding name 'Robert King' ... which shortens into my current screen name.
Not sure why but all I could think of was:

HCGLNS said:
Too many to count; but some of the more recurring are: Vader...
"Which one of these buttons calls your parents to pick you up?" :zoid:




Shegokigo said:
HCGLNS said:
Too many to count; but some of the more recurring are: Vader...
"Which one of these buttons calls your parents to pick you up?" :zoid:
Very funny Mokey :rofl:




Let's see now...

- Miksu (diminutive of my first name, Mikko)
- Mettis (not Métis; again a diminutive, this time of my surname)
- Hairy Little Magic Player (given to me by a friend of a friend in local geek circles; strange because I've not played Magic the Gathering once, I am certainly not little [I am fat]... but I am hairy)
- Lätty/Wentzel (character names from the Medieval Market that kinda stuck with me; Lätty also means 'pancake')
- Tapsa (diminutive of my middle name, Tapio. For some reason my asshole of a brother-in-law insisting on calling me like this)
- Furby, Furbs (nickname used by my best friend and the people from the WoW/LotRO guild I used to frequent; comes from the name of my old main, Furadin)
- Nubcake (also used by my best friend)




In public school/ High school:
Bobby Hill, because I used to look a lot like Bobby Hill.
Squirtle, because I kind of resemble Squirtle as well.
Turtle, again. I kinda look like a turtle.

More recently:
D-Rox (Both a play on my name, Derek)
Spence Diamonds (My last name's Spencer)
Mutton Chop supreme (I have big sideburns)




In high school, I was "The Cheese." Don't ask, LONG story!




Cheesy1 said:
Don't ask, LONG story!




Cheesy1 said:
In high school, I was "The Cheese." Don't ask, LONG story!
Because if you were left out in the sun you would turn all rubbery and begin to smell?




I have three nicknames and I am not fond of either of them. But luckily only a couple of people call me them.

"Bri Bri" (My niece calls me that)

"Bruiser "I really have no idea why really. Luckily the only person who calls me that is a friend of my parents so I don't hear it that often"

"Commander Toad" I used to have this nick name because when I was real little I used to love reading the "Commander Toad" books.




I never really had a nickname, but growing up I was always accidentally called by my brother's name by everyone, including close friends and family members. It was really hard to deal with it... it was like everyone refused to acknowledge my existence. When I got older and it was easier to tell me apart from him, everyone started to calling my by my FATHER'S NAME (as I apparently look like his double)... including his mother when she came down with Alzheimer's. That was even worse than being confused with my brother.




hylian said:
"Bruiser "I really have no idea why really. Luckily the only person who calls me that is a friend of my parents so I don't hear it that often"
Hylian, you just reminded me of one that used to drive me up the wall.

Back in high school I was dating this younger girl (probably 2yrs younger than me, I was a sophmore she was a freshman) and her parents were really laid back and totally accepted her, who also were gracious enough to keep my secret from my family. Her dad ALWAYS called me "Tiger" though. :angry: I couldn't stand it and had no idea where he got it from. Like, what did I look like? Some preppy spoiled white guy? :eek:rly: I'm freakin dark-skinned and hispanic! :Leyla:


Mr. Lawface

I've been called 'Hagrid' because I am very hairy.



Frankie Williamson

Shegokigo said:
hylian said:
"Bruiser "I really have no idea why really. Luckily the only person who calls me that is a friend of my parents so I don't hear it that often"
Hylian, you just reminded me of one that used to drive me up the wall.

Back in high school I was dating this younger girl (probably 2yrs younger than me, I was a sophmore she was a freshman) and her parents were really laid back and totally accepted her, who also were gracious enough to keep my secret from my family. Her dad ALWAYS called me "Tiger" though. :angry: I couldn't stand it and had no idea where he got it from. Like, what did I look like? Some preppy spoiled white guy? :eek:rly: I'm freakin dark-skinned and hispanic! :Leyla:
Maybe he was a Spider-Man fan.




Frankie said:
Maybe he was a Spider-Man fan.
That would be an even worse explanation. :bush:


Occasional Poster

North_Ranger said:
- Furby, Furbs (nickname used by my best friend and the people from the WoW/LotRO guild I used to frequent; comes from the name of my old main, Furadin)
I used Furadin for my dwarf in WAR before it evolved into Fiuradhun. I'm pretty sure that I had not seen it anywhere before either. What are the odds? :D

I generally don't respond to anything but my first name so most nicknames that people have tried for me don't stick. Some use my surname, my aunts and a friend's mother use Ante (short for my first name), co-workers of my father used Taggen (the thorn) and others have tried briefly with Allan and Limpan (loaf of bread).




I was nicknamed Wildman in high school by one group of friends. (Yes, it was one of those ironic nicknames.)

Figment, in my screen name, actually refers to, not so much a nickname, but the fact that several of my friends thought I didn't exist at one point. I was thought to be imaginary. I'd gone to the first semester of a magnet school, trying new a new school structure for teaching. Then my chronic health problems kicked in and I had to drop-out. So the new kids the second semester heard about the way things were different first semester. How there were beanbag chairs, and almost no class schedules. How the food was awful and how much tension there was between different groups of students. They also heard about me. Goodness knows why I got featured in enough stories to become legendary, but when I was finally talked into coming to a Christmas party, people actually asked me if I was an actor hired to play the part.

Yup, a boring to the point of irony to one group, fabled genius who can't possibly be true to another. I had a rather weird life during my high school years.




My wife calls me "Jelly" or "Jelly Bean" she says it's because I'm colorfull




I work at a lan center and I have Nick "HoboNinja" Seemann on my nametag and go by HoboNinja in all my names so a lot of people including my good friends call me hobo.



Doug called Doug!

People am so mean. :waah:




I've never had a nickname. Anytime anyone calls me something resembling a nickname, it just never sticks.

The longest one was "The Bry-Man" which lasted a week.

I got the nickname "Tink" or "Tinkerbell" for a whopping 2 days after I went to a costume party as Tinkerbell. (Yes, it was hilarious.)

Oh! Come to think of it, my ex used to call me "Pauppy" (like puppy but with an "aw" sound) as a pet name. I really don't remember why and I hated it when she did.

My current gf refers to me as "the boy" to her friends and family, but that's not a nickname so much as just something she does. =P




For a while, my boss kept calling me Jason Castro during the last season of American Idol. It was done at first as a joke, and then I was mistaken for him three or four times while out and about town...so it stuck for closer to four or five months.

Throughout middle/high school, friends nicknamed me "The Spider Guy" because I was really into arachnology/entomology, and brought a couple of my tarantulas to the school's science exhibit.


Le Quack

There's a guy that works with me at guitar center and everyone calls him Catfish.

-- Sat Aug 08, 2009 3:54 pm --

Also, I was introduced as "No Smiles" Miles when I was in a shitty alt rock band, and it caught on. I was "No Smiles" until I told the singer he fucked his sister and quit the band.




Nicknames are actually a huge thing in my family. Almost everyone in my grandmother's family on down have nicknames. My mother and some of my uncles aren't even known at all by their real names. For instance, my mother's nickname is Cookie and everyone calls her that, and don't even know her real name.

Mine was Deke, but I always hated it and no longer go by it.


Philosopher B.

I don't get nicknames. I give them.




Philosopher B. said:
I don't get nicknames. I give them.
Ah. That's good to remember, Sharkbait.


Philosopher B.





North_Ranger said:
[quote="Philosopher B.":3324bosl]I don't get nicknames. I give them.
Ah. That's good to remember, Sharkbait.[/quote:3324bosl]

Shark-bait oh ha ha!


Le Quack

CrimsonSoul said:
North_Ranger said:
[quote="Philosopher B.":3nyqqzmk]I don't get nicknames. I give them.
Ah. That's good to remember, Sharkbait.
Shark-bait oh ha ha![/quote:3nyqqzmk]

Hey man, Don't be makin' fun of Sharkbait. He's a good guy!




Le Quack said:
CrimsonSoul said:
[quote="North_Ranger":sey7ir1p][quote="Philosopher B.":sey7ir1p]I don't get nicknames. I give them.
Ah. That's good to remember, Sharkbait.
Shark-bait oh ha ha![/quote:sey7ir1p]

Hey man, Don't be makin' fun of Sharkbait. He's a good guy![/quote:sey7ir1p]

Yeah, its not his fault he has a bad fin!


Rob King

Rob King

A friend of mine came out to this city for university last year, and when I was introducing him to some of my friends, I ignored his name initially and said "This is that awesome guy."

He was called "Awesome guy" for a month, before it was shortened to "Awesome." At a halloween party someone misheard it as "Ozzy," and by some fluke, now everybody calls him that. It's gotten to the point where nobody knows him by any other name.

Oh, and was another guy with my last name in my social circle a few years ago. I'm Josh, and the other one was Jeremy. This one guy, Andrew, kept getting our names confused, even after Jeremy dropped off the face of the earth. To retaliate for him always getting my name wrong, I decided to ignore his real name "Andrew" and call him "Richard" until he got my name right.

We've since learned each-other's names, but we still never go by them.



-My roleplaying group has taken to call me Mikuru. As in Asahina Mikuru. I don't mind.
-Aisaku, as it's my handle pretty much everywhere online.


Thread Necromancer

Thread Necromancer

Back in the day my nickname was Physh because I drank like one. Also for a period of time I was Tequila because that was the most frequently drank.

I also often went by the name of Vincent when I was partying outside of my own town because I didn't feel like having my name passed around to much. Something about not having to live down my own actions.

And I recently found out that some people are starting to call me Irish Love behind my back. This could turn out interesting.



The only nickname I've really had is Choo-Choo, which was given to me be by my mother. She is also the only person allowed to call me that.

People always call me Julie, even though it's not my name. It's close, but still not my name.




Why does she call you Choo-Choo?



CrimsonSoul said:
Why does she call you Choo-Choo?
It's from when I was a baby. When I would crawl on the floor I would make huffing noises, like a choo-choo train.

I don't mind the nickname, it's cute, but my mother always feels the need to call me by it in front of people. I think no matter what the age, your parents are will always be capable of embarrassing you. But I've learned that most of it's not a big deal.




Philosopher B. said:
Sorry, B... I just couldn't help myself. At least be glad I didn't go with "Long John Fabulous" or "Captain Buttpirate" :tongue:




Dennis Miller
Miller Lite
MGD (Miller Genuine Draft)








North_Ranger said:
I dressed up as Clark Kent for a Halloween party. One of my slightly older friends brought her boyfriend, who is the owner of a local comic book store. I don't think that he knows my real name. :)




Lessee, nicknames I've given to others...

My first roommate had the last name Garfinkel, go I called him Finkel. (His first name was too boring.)

I had another roommate named Il-Nam (from Korea) but he looked like Ando from Heroes, so I called him Ando.

My grandmother on my mom's side has the nickname Muh, from my granddad trying to get my older brother to call her "muh-deah" (like mother, kinda), and Muh stuck.

My grandmother on my dad's side recently moved to Alabama to live closer to us and get out of the hell hole that is Indiana, and I started calling her G-Hizzy, because I felt she needed a nickname. It's short for Grandma Howard.

And one of my friends has the nickname Thugboat. At first he had it because people he worked with game him the name Tugboat because he worked so damn hard and could usually pull/lift more than they could. Then when his friends found out, they started calling him that until it evolved into Thugboat, because they liked to run the streets at night.


Rob King

Rob King

doomdragon6 said:
My grandmother on my dad's side recently moved to Alabama to live closer to us and get out of the hell hole that is Indiana, and I started calling her G-Hizzy, because I felt she needed a nickname. It's short for Grandma Howard.
That is the most excellent name for a grandmother I have ever heard. My grandmother's name starts with a "J" though, so I can't very well steal it.

In my German class, one of my classmates and I were joking around calling each-other by our 'gangsta names.' Anyways, we wanted to Germanize it, so we asked the professor to translate 'A-Dawg' into something similar colloquially (full well realizing that it probably wouldn't work very well). He translated 'Dawg' literally as dog, so now she's 'A-hund.'




Um...can't really think of anything great. Only one I can think of is that a good friend of mine called me PT109, just because of the similarity of the initials.




doomdragon6 said:
I've never had a nickname. Anytime anyone calls me something resembling a nickname, it just never sticks.

The longest one was "The Bry-Man" which lasted a week.

I got the nickname "Tink" or "Tinkerbell" for a whopping 2 days after I went to a costume party as Tinkerbell. (Yes, it was hilarious.)

Oh! Come to think of it, my ex used to call me "Pauppy" (like puppy but with an "aw" sound) as a pet name. I really don't remember why and I hated it when she did.

My current gf refers to me as "the boy" to her friends and family, but that's not a nickname so much as just something she does. =P
Wow. Pretty much this. Nicknames don't stick to me either. I too had a girlfriend who called me puppy, which I hated(personally I found it demeaning). A couple of my friends also used to call me lycan which I also hated for personal reasons and because it was a twilight reference.

-- Sat Aug 08, 2009 8:21 pm --

Used to have a friend of whom everyone called "Cj". He didn't know what his real name was until he was six. It turned out to be really long and complex. I can't even remember it all.




Doc, and Floppy Panda which is sometimes shortened down to Flops or Flopster.


Wasabi Poptart

I had the nickname T-Bone when I was in grade school since it sounded similar to my last name and I was sort of thin. I took dance classes for 12 years so that earned me the nickname Twinkle Toes. My super curly hair got me Brillo Pad Head when I was in high school. My high school boyfriend's father used to call me Linebacker because he insisted that I was a "big" girl. As an adult, my temper earned me the name Epitome of All Evil from one friend. I also got called Tits by the same friend's step-father since I am well-endowed and let my friend make a plaster cast of my bare chest when he started getting into special effects make up. He was making me a prosthetic 3rd breast, so I spent quite a bit of time there without a shirt on. :rofl:
I had some friends who called me Alicia because of a character I used to role play online. That used to drive me nuts. I'd tell them my real name and still get called Alicia instead.




The one nickname I'v had that endures is Hel. One 'L'. Why? My initials spells it and somepeople thought it sounded cool. I agreed and thats now how I sign everything.

Another nick name I had was the Red Baroness because of anout fit I was quite fond of. Red leather skirt, red shirt, red hat and red shoes. I still have the hat.




LittleSin said:
The one nickname I'v had that endures is Hel. One 'L'. Why? My initials spells it and somepeople thought it sounded cool. I agreed and thats now how I sign everything.
Did you know that's also the name of the goddess of the Norse underworld?



Frankie Williamson





Frankie said:
In essence, yes. Even Finnish has an equivalent for that in our pre-Christian mythology. If one was really hated, he was told to "go to Hiisi", who was a kind of an evil god/spirit of dark woods, known for capturing humans as slaves.




LittleSin said:
Another nick name I had was the Red Baroness because of anout fit I was quite fond of. Red leather skirt, red shirt, red hat and red shoes. I still have the hat.
Pics or it didn't happen. :unibrow:




Shegokigo said:
LittleSin said:
Another nick name I had was the Red Baroness because of anout fit I was quite fond of. Red leather skirt, red shirt, red hat and red shoes. I still have the hat.
Pics or it didn't happen. :unibrow:
I can get a pic of the hat....




LittleSin said:
Shegokigo said:
LittleSin said:
Another nick name I had was the Red Baroness because of anout fit I was quite fond of. Red leather skirt, red shirt, red hat and red shoes. I still have the hat.
Pics or it didn't happen. :unibrow:
I can get a pic of the hat....



My official nickname is "Jiffy-foot" because I tend to run around barefoot before and after duty hours. But I'm rarely called that. I guess because I'm the only gal on my crew. /shrug I've had several nicknames over the years though-

Fire school 1: Weebil- I used to trip all the time but I never fell over
Medic school: Poka- short for Pocahontas because of a hippy leather jacket with fringe on the sleves I used to wear
Also medic school: Booger or Boog (ugh) because I had a small red mole on the edge of my nostril (which has since been removed)
Fire school 2: Gator- I was taking a nap during lunch in our navy uniform on a little embankment in the sun, and one of the rednecks said I looked like an alligator sunning itself on the shore lol



Mat Saleh.




I forgot to add "Doug" to that list. Many people told me I reminded them of Doug Funny, in both appearance and personality.

Someone else also combined The Doug Funny and Bobby Hill comparisons and called me Bobby Doug.


Chad Sexington


I've never been nicknamed, although my cousin occasionally actually calls me Garbledina. His nickname is Nubs and he is registered as such on the forum but I don't think he's ever posted.



Once people know me they usually call me by my middle name, the one I actually use. That name's Phineas, so I get Fin as a nickname a lot.

Other than that I've been called Sid many times, since I used to be heavily into the punk rock scene in high school. Never liked that one, to be honest



I go by Pie and variants of it, Pie-boy, big-Pie etc. I think it's because of Weebl and Bob, but don't ask me, I didn't come up with it.



Closest thing to a nickname I have is some people, like my sister and mom, still call me Matty. If I don't know you and you call me Matty, you're getting a punch in the nose.




Bowielee said:
Nicknames are actually a huge thing in my family. Almost everyone in my grandmother's family on down have nicknames. My mother and some of my uncles aren't even known at all by their real names. For instance, my mother's nickname is Cookie and everyone calls her that, and don't even know her real name.

Mine was Deke, but I always hated it and no longer go by it.
Same here. Drives my wife crazy. Almost none of us go by our given names, yet none of our nicknames are directly derivative from our real names. My parents called me "Bo" despite the fact that my real name is "Jack" (which leads to a whole new level of confusion, because that's a nickname to our parent's generation and older, so the older generation always calls me John to be formal). I always hated "Bo", because it's a weird name even in the south (despite Hollywood insisting on the contrary), which lead to much teasing. I dropped it in grad school partly because I hated it and partly because there was already a Bo there.




Too many of them, but the main ones are:

Tools (from anyone I happen to see from back in highschool, so long ago. Just a shortening/ abbreviation of my last name)

Cutty (main nickname I hear from current friends and everyone from college...long story involing a sevendust show, and a lot of cutty sark whiskey, and a free shirt for drinking so much of that crap)

Wayne-o (working at the bar post college as a bouncer, the boss at the x-mas party for staff said I needed a nick name, and then, in a drunken state, declared "You look like a Wayne..no, a Wayne-o!!!!" And from there on out, it stuck. Has been there for a few years now. has nothing to do with me, any names, or things done, but its the most used nickname I have and hear all the time now)

King Jaffy Jay, or Jaff for short (inside joke between a couple close friends)




Most have been in a form or another related to my real life name thus un-interesting but at one point I was called Dr. Smooth. Which more times than not caused more harm than good.





My older brother insists on calling me "Gregoriovichi" for some reason. He's done it since high school.

I used to have a girlfriend that called me Maestro.

Lotta folks called me "sifu" or "grasshopper" my junior and senior year in high school after I got in a fight at school and pulled out the martial arts I'd been learning most of my life.




The only nickname I really ever had was Beanpole, which suits me much less now that I'm 50lbs overweight than it did in high school when I was 50 lbs underweight.


Turbo. And no, it doesn't bother me.




I've been Jake since I was a baby. Most acquaintances don't know my actual name.

My grandfather's nickname his entire life was "Dude". Nobody every called him by his real name.


Jake said:
I've been Jake since I was a baby. Most acquaintances don't know my actual name.

My grandfather's nickname his entire life was "Dude". Nobody every called him by his real name.
My grandfather's nickname was "Crip" due to an accident he had playing baseball as a kid. The name stuck until he passed away and it's on his headstone. Sharpest guy I've ever known.




Edrondol said:
My grandfather's nickname was "Crip" due to an accident he had playing baseball as a kid. The name stuck until he passed away and it's on his headstone. Sharpest guy I've ever known.


It meant something different in the happy, happy days of yore.




You mean when they used sticks and stones instead of shivs and guns?



Frankie Williamson

Man, I cannot bend my fingers properly to do the crip hand sign. I would make a bad gang member.




Frankie said:
Man, I cannot bend my fingers properly to do the crip hand sign. I would make a bad gang member.
Well that, and you can read, write (without a spray can) and know how to access the internet.



Frankie Williamson

I blame report writing carpal tunnel. I fear my next range test.




I've actually started up a program of giving all friends and acquaintances nicknames.

Nothing insulting like fatass or piggy. Just fun or nonsensical like Kid Brutal or Momma Danger.


Wasabi Poptart

Jake said:
My grandfather's nickname his entire life was "Dude". Nobody every called him by his real name.
Same with my grandfather. Everyone called him "Dutch". My grandmom only called him by his real name when she was pissed at him.

I have cousins on my dad's side who are all only known by their nicknames.

Catty - Catherine
Butch - Lillian
Hoppy - Robert
Bowie - David
Jakey - June



Frankie Williamson

My dad and aunt are fucked up with their names too. For whatever reason my grandfather just called them by some random name their whole lives and they identify more with their nicknames he gave them for no logical reason rather than their given names.

My dad's name is Jack Edward and he goes by Sam and my aunt is Susan Margaret and she goes by Ann. Real weird.


My nickname from college has turned into my de facto real name, the one almost everyone knows me by. It's not too hard to find. :slywink:



ZenMonkey said:
My nickname from college has turned into my de facto real name, the one almost everyone knows me by. It's not too hard to find. :slywink:

Fingercuffs? :smug:




Chazwozel said:
ZenMonkey said:
My nickname from college has turned into my de facto real name, the one almost everyone knows me by. It's not too hard to find. :slywink:

Fingercuffs? :smug:



Upon birth I weighed 10 pounds and rolls of fat. My grandparents called me The Buddha Baby.
Then I grew and lost all my weight and became a "string bean" (thanks Grandma) and I was known as "Bean."
In elementary school I told a rehashed joke about naming my kid Auto-Mo-Beals (as Beals is our last name) and thus I was known as Auto.
Then when people somehow failed to properly announce "Keenan" I became known as "K-Man"
My girlfriend calls me "Bear" which has become its own language paradox as I call her "bear" but we always know which bear is which in conversation (as we use "bear" to describe ourselves in third person, oh god, I'm one of those couples.)
Lately I'm known as "Dez" as its the name of my WoW character, and its easier to say then "Keenan."

The best name I ever came up with was this kid who was friends with my best friend from high school. I never learned his real name despite knowing him for two year. I called him "Gracey."


Hmm, why did I decide it was a good idea to log in today?

Me and self: :slap:


I, like several others, have never had a nickname. Other than "Matt" instead of Matthew, but that doesn't really count.



The children, they called me Mr. Glass.

Seriously though, I never had one in high school, but in college I always went by my internet handle: Batdan.




Nephew calls me Gee-gee

No nicknames have stuck. I was called Shaggy Bones for a while in hs b/c I was 6'2" and ~ 140lbs and shaggy, but that lasted for a semester.

There was a dude in hs that was overweight and during gym class he was put on the 'skins' team and he refused to remove his shirt, but the coach insisted (creepy dude - think Mr Woodcock). He had flappy hooties and the poor guy was dubbed Milker from that day on. By the time he graduated even some of the faculty called him Milker. I always called him Michael cause it bothered me to call him that. He said that he didn't care, but I just couldn't do it.




High school - Snuff. And no, it had nothing to do with the tobacco product.
College - Bluto. And yes, it had everything to do with Animal House.


GasBandit said:
High school - Snuff. And no, it had nothing to do with the tobacco product.
College - Bluto. And yes, it had everything to do with Animal House.
Halforum - Ewok
You forgot one.




I have many nicknames from high school and college... mostly just whatever people wanted to call me, based on my name, online stuff, and other random stuff.

The most recent of which is Woosh, or Ellinwoosh (the ladder being a play on my last name). This was developed during a moment of time where I was drawing something with mountain winds on the whiteboard between classes (we're all weather people) and then proclaiming "wooooooooooooooosh!" to my classmates.




Eh, most of my spaniard friends call me Den (kind of obvious where it comes from), half of them don't know my real name.
Then there's the 'mericans that can't pronounce my real name, those call me Will :p




My RL nickname is Phil. Bet you can't guess what my birth name is!

I started giving my roommate's nicknames sonic we're ever a ragtag group of adventurers we'll be set in that reguard.

Matt is Tex aka dirty sanchez
Steve is el diablo
Evan is Hollywood
Tim is still just tim I think
And I'm The Duke




I had to laugh at Ed's turbo story, as here in australia the way he pronounces his last name is exactly the way we pronounce nissan (the car company).

My nicknames are slowly getting phased out sadlly but here they are:

Dude or Ratus = my parents and other family friends from when I was about 4-10 as I always wore sunglasses, hat4 and had a mean attitude.I was one cool dude. Also see Ratus

Gromit = My auntie whom I get on with better than my mum is a surfer chick.Gromit is australian slang for a young surfer.Also she was dating a pom (english for those who dont know.I'm not sure if pom is world known or just aussie slang) and bought me wallace and grommet videos for my birthday that I watched a bajillion times

Lil D = I was just under 5ft tall till I hit about 16.Everyone from school still calls me it even though I'm 6ft something

and my personal favourite Twain.
Derived from my first name Dwayne (all one syllable not the stupid du-ane you sepo's have). Little kids have trouble with the Dw sound and it comes out as a T, and seeing as I help teach karate to kids it kinda stuck.All my karate gear has Twain written on it, usually with pictures of pretty flowers and other stuff as I cant really say no to my favourite kids and they love drawing on my stuff and doing my hair.I'll see if i can find my favourite photo of me after a state championships with my 2 fav girls on either side of me, I've got a blood nose black eye and 8 pig tails in my hair with hair lackeys and ribbons.

Oh and before I cut off my ponytail I was also known as Padawan at my karate class by the newer boys.I looked like JCMs lovechild before my haircut




Ohh, I get all sorts of nicknames, because my real name has *gasp* three syllables and people just don't like saying three syllables. Currently, my post-grad school friends call me Hootie because of that no-talent assclown singer Hootie from Hootie and the Blowfish.

Among my Lithuanian friends I'm always called by a weirdly-translated form of my last name, which is all right, I guess.





I just remembered that on more than one occasion, a girl has found it acceptable to call me cheesesteak. I don't know how I feel about it.

Other than that it's mostly been variations of phil.

Hmm. In highschool, after talking about what our names meant, my friend jenny thought it funny to keep calling me "lover of horses" as if I needed help in being awkward and creepy.




My given name is Margaret. Since I'm the 5th one in the family, my nickname is Peggy.
In high school, I was "Doolittle" because I was working with animals and was more comfortable around them than people.
Right now, I'm "Crazy Ferret Lady". That one will probably be on my headstone.




To me, you'll always be "Deliverer of Richards and Awesomesauce". :D




ElJuski said:
Currently, my post-grad school friends call me Hootie because of that no-talent assclown singer Hootie from Hootie and the Blowfish.
We called a buddy Hootie for essentially no reason when he came to college. He's been almost exclusively called Hootie for about 15 years now. Calling him his actual (perfectly normal) name would seem weird to me.



I have a crapton of nicknames...

Lally - mutation of Laura from my mom (it's pretty much my favorite)
Lawrence - there has always been a joke that my dad wanted boys, so my sister and I were nicknamed Leonard and Lawrence (and it has stuck though the years, although he doesn't call us that all the time).
Lala - another mutation of Laura (and my sister's nickname was Lele to match)
La - when my niece was learning to talk, she couldn't figure out there were two "La"s in Lala, and would either just call me La, or "Lalalalalalalala" so La stuck and I actually get called that as much or more than Lala.
Laura[lastname] - for some reason, my first and last name apparently have a cadence that encourages people to say them together, so throughout my life, I constantly get referred to by my first and last name even when other people don't. For example, let's say a teacher is taking attendance, they might say "Jim, Katie, Bob, Laura [last name], Tim, Christine" etc, etc. This eventually turned into all of the people that did theatre with me in high school calling me and spelling my name as one word with the first letter of my last name left uncapitalized.
Gator - like Laurelai, I also get called Gator. It's a nickname both my boyfriend and I call each other (it originated from a sickeningly cute moment where, instead of saying "see you later alligator," he said "see you later baby gator" ... and it stuck), and it has also mutated into Gate.

I think that's just about it... :bush: Apparently a crapton is 6.


Lally said:
I have a crapton of nicknames...

Lally - mutation of Laura from my mom (it's pretty much my favorite)
Lawrence - there has always been a joke that my dad wanted boys, so my sister and I were nicknamed Leonard and Lawrence (and it has stuck though the years, although he doesn't call us that all the time).
Lala - another mutation of Laura (and my sister's nickname was Lele to match)
La - when my niece was learning to talk, she couldn't figure out there were two "La"s in Lala, and would either just call me La, or "Lalalalalalalala" so La stuck and I actually get called that as much or more than Lala.
Laura[lastname] - for some reason, my first and last name apparently have a cadence that encourages people to say them together, so throughout my life, I constantly get referred to by my first and last name even when other people don't. For example, let's say a teacher is taking attendance, they might say "Jim, Katie, Bob, Laura [last name], Tim, Christine" etc, etc. This eventually turned into all of the people that did theatre with me in high school calling me and spelling my name as one word with the first letter of my last name left uncapitalized.
Gator - like Laurelai, I also get called Gator. It's a nickname both my boyfriend and I call each other (it originated from a sickeningly cute moment where, instead of saying "see you later alligator," he said "see you later baby gator" ... and it stuck), and it has also mutated into Gate.

I think that's just about it... :bush: Apparently a crapton is 6.
When I was really little I couldn't pronounce my sister's name - Kelly. I called her La-la and it is still what she calls herself when talking to me (even though I never use it myself).




My nickname became "peyote" because nobody could pronounce my name right.




Matman for the last 36 years. came from running around the house with a towel safety-pinned around my neck singing the Batman theme song incorrectly.
