Repo Man

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Staff member
We got any other Repo Man fans on this forum? I was just bored and Youtubing some scenes. Finally got around to checking this flick out this spring; its up there as one of my favorite comedies.


Ordinary fuckin' people, man!


Shegokigo said:
Seriously dissapointed.... thought this thread was going to be about: img
hah, yeah. I watched the first 15 minutes of that and though... yeah... I'll pass.

does it get better or is some stupid teenager 'singing' about how her daddy is a meanie?


Staff member
YES. It's funny, the costumes rule, and most of the songs are good. Plus there's a neat, although painfully obvious, message. Paris Hilton aside, the acting and singing are great. :D And it's not a stretch for old Paris. She plays a spoiled heiress.


Cajungal said:
YES. It's funny, the costumes rule, and most of the songs are good. Plus there's a neat, although painfully obvious, message. Paris Hilton aside, the acting and singing are great. :D And it's not a stretch for old Paris. She plays a spoiled heiress.
huh, I'll have to give it another chance then. The song I heard reminded me of a preteen evanescence.
Cajungal said:
YES. It's funny, the costumes rule, and most of the songs are good. Plus there's a neat, although painfully obvious, message. Paris Hilton aside, the acting and singing are great. :D And it's not a stretch for old Paris. She plays a spoiled heiress.
*pops in the DVD for another round*


Staff member
ElJuski said:
We got any other Repo Man fans on this forum? I was just bored and Youtubing some scenes. Finally got around to checking this flick out this spring; its up there as one of my favorite comedies.


Ordinary fuckin' people, man!
havent seen it in a couple years, but yeah, loved it. Might have to snag it again soon.

As for the Genetic Opera...ugh, I thought it was terrible.


"I know a life of crime has led me to this sorry fate, and yet, I blame society."

I wouldn't consider myself a huge Rep Man fan, but I do like it. A bit.


Aside from Sid and Nancy Cox never really reached those heights again, which is a shame. Loved it then, love it now. Saw it about a year ago and it still works for me. Harry Dean Stanton was putting out some good work at that time too.
Paris Texas for example, not so much Red Dawn. Emilo Estevez was never again this cool.


Staff member
Emilio Estevez doesn't even want to deal with Repo Man anymore; he, er, politely declined being on the commentary for the latest release, saying he was proud of that movie, but wanted to keep focused on things in the future and move on.

Move on to what? He squandered all that good faith by doing the Mighty Duck movies.
Alot of people enjoyed her death scene in House of Wax, I'm sure most of them weren't fans.

I understand you're saying you're a "fan", my question is "of what"?
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