Gasbandit is more selfish than he needs to be, more stubborn than any
two people need to be, and has grown up convinced that the only person he can rely on to come up with actionable,
useful ideas about how to do anything is himself, though the most likely reason for the strength with which he believes this is no doubt due to how often it seems to come true. Also, his shame detector is broken, causing it not to sound the alarm until his situation has progressed deep into the red. Does this make him a bad person? Yes, according to many. But do these characteristics also predispose him to success in positions of responsibility and leadership? Yes, again, and then some. Did he recently get a glimpse at the meaning behind
John Donne's words? Probably, and perhaps that'll dull some of the pricklier parts of his personality. I do not begrudge him his predilections, as I have no standing to do so. I do expect that the longer he spends in his cask, the more mellow he will ultimately emerge, though he'll still pack a whallop.