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Rob Ford Striped of Mayoral Powers





In a whopping 38-4 vote, Toronto Mayor Rob Ford was removed of his political power by the Toronto City Council. You'd think it'd take it well, but nope. He said they were basically starting a war, saying "You attacked Kuwait."

On top of that, during the vote, he charged and bowled over one of the councillors for no apparent reason.

Now, I lived in Toronto when he was voted into office. I'm honestly not usually one to vote, but I sure as hell voted against this asshole back then. He was an arrogant, bombastic bully back then and he's just gotten worse since. He's a PR nightmare for the city and the country, giving us all a bad name. He's one of the most unprofessional politicians I've ever witnessed, with one incident after another. Even before he became an international household name, I've seen countless incidents involving him and his bullying behaviour.

I'm glad he's finally out of office, at least in terms of power, but it's sad that the council was forced to take it this far. He should've just stepped down, but of course, that would mean he'd have to step off his ego for a moment, too.




Uh-oh, with him out of office, people will start paying attention to other politics again.





How did this guy get elected in the first place? Does he have an awesome platform or something?




How did this guy get elected in the first place? Does he have an awesome platform or something?
In politics, like much of the rest of life, you can compensate for all kinds of deficiencies with a massive overabundance of confidence.




In politics, like much of the rest of life, you can compensate for all kinds of deficiencies with a massive overabundance of confidence.
Pretty much. A lot of his original campaign was centred around stopping the Light Transit Rail plan, which wound up costing TWICE its cost to remove than it did to begin the infrastructure that had already started. And he wanted a war on bicycles (you can imagine why I voted against him). The first thing he did was remove the Jarvis St bike lane, which had only been put in the year before, and that also cost twice to remove what it cost to put in.

I remember at the time, too, that someone looked at the voting numbers. Nearly everyone who lived in the general core Toronto area - basically anywhere accessible by subway - voted against the guy. Basically, anyone who used the transit services more than a car. Almost everyone in the suburbs voted for him.




Unfortunately it sounds like it will be a huge ass legal fight that will cost the city a heap of money as he fights this tooth and nail every step of the way.

Fuck this manchild, irresponsible clown.




And he wanted a war on bicycles
He would have gotten my vote.




He would have gotten my vote.
Toronto is a very cyclist-friendly city. Its cycling infrastructure worked (and to a point, still does) The people that didn't support it didn't live in the core downtown area. His arguments were absolutely ridiculous.




Are there folks in lockstep support of him at this point? It always amazes me that folks will still support these idiots (all b/c of politics) after their ridiculous behavior.


Chad Sexington

Chad Sexington

Totally. For all sorts of (poorly reasoned) reasons. He was 'set up', he's 'just a guy', 'we all make mistakes', 'his personal life is none of our business', etc, etc.




Totally. For all sorts of (poorly reasoned) reasons. He was 'set up', he's 'just a guy', 'we all make mistakes', 'his personal life is none of our business', etc, etc.
Figures. :facepalm:

It's the same down here with our ridiculous "leaders".




So, the federal government was it's usual classy self:

“Our Government does not condone illegal drug use, especially by elected officials while in office, including Justin Trudeau. We'll continue to work with all levels of government on shared priorities, such as jobs and economic growth. That includes working with mayors and city councils, including the Mayor of Toronto and Toronto City Council.”
You hear that guys, Justin Trudeau is exactly like Rob Ford.




You hear that guys, Justin Trudeau is exactly like Rob Ford.
Cavalier about illegal drug use? Well, ya. Except Justin is saying everybody should do it.

That may or may not be a good thing. Pot is different than Crack. No doubt. But at the same time, under the law, they are very very similar. But one is ignored (or celebrated) and the other is a reason to dump a guy from office. Rob is at least saying "ya I've done it while drunk, and I'm not proud of it." OK. Does he do a decent job as Mayor? How does this affect it? "St. Justin" however apparently can do no wrong. It's not even discussed that what he's doing now is illegal.

Huh? I thought the breaking the law part was the part about Ford people hated. Or is it just that they hate him, and want an excuse?

I personally don't care that much about the Man. I actually kind of like seeing Toronto implode. But it's the "similar actions are pilloried or celebrated based upon your political views" by the media of this country shows a lot more disturbing things. Are we just all completely resigned to the fact that the media is horrifically biased? We all know it, but is it not even a thing to attempt not to be?




It's kinda nice to see that even Canada can have their own Marion Barry.




Cavalier about illegal drug use? Well, ya. Except Justin is saying everybody should do it.

That may or may not be a good thing. Pot is different than Crack. No doubt. But at the same time, under the law, they are very very similar. But one is ignored (or celebrated) and the other is a reason to dump a guy from office. Rob is at least saying "ya I've done it while drunk, and I'm not proud of it." OK. Does he do a decent job as Mayor? How does this affect it? "St. Justin" however apparently can do no wrong. It's not even discussed that what he's doing now is illegal.

Huh? I thought the breaking the law part was the part about Ford people hated. Or is it just that they hate him, and want an excuse?

I personally don't care that much about the Man. I actually kind of like seeing Toronto implode. But it's the "similar actions are pilloried or celebrated based upon your political views" by the media of this country shows a lot more disturbing things. Are we just all completely resigned to the fact that the media is horrifically biased? We all know it, but is it not even a thing to attempt not to be?
So, you think it's noble and not the pathetic mudslinging the Conservatives have been doing since Trudeau was made Liberal leader.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a Trudeau fan. It's hard to be an Albertan and be a fan of that name, but I dislike, with a GREAT passion, the shitty, pointless mudslinging of Harper's Conservatives.




Well the Ford Nation TV show has been cancelled after 1 show. Apparently took 13 hours to make and already facing a litany of lawsuits.




So, you think it's noble and not the pathetic mudslinging the Conservatives have been doing since Trudeau was made Liberal leader.
Deserved mudslinging then? I dunno, I think that if you stand up for political office, it means there's a new target for the mud and you have no right to complain. On any side.

I actually don't have a problem with negative ads. Maybe I'm in the minority here. I'd rather know about all the skeletons right up front, than have them brought up later. I know both sides are crap, so I'd like to know just what sort of crap I'm voting for. The best way to find that out is negative ads.

Issues? HA! People don't change their minds about that because of ads one way or another. Personal discussions with others MAY change such, but pretty much the left (in Canada at least) has the right idea most of the time on this one: indoctrinate them as children in the schools. That'll get them (mostly). Adults pretty much don't change their minds about issues. They just get older and die, and the new generation's ideas come into play.

That being said, the Conservatives should pick and choose how much to snipe at St. Justin, but only for strategic reasons, not because I think they shouldn't be putting down his character. I think it'll be great when the quote of how much he "admires" the absolute dictatorship in China will be a good one later. Along with many other "great" quotes.




Ugh, negative attack ads are rarely truthful. They don't air out any real issues. They're always just spun half-truths paid for by you and me. They're a waste of time and money and thankfully, according to the public's reaction to the recent Conservative ones, doing the opposite of what they are intended.

They only seem to be doing a good job of showing what classless goons we have running this shit show.




Ugh, negative attack ads are rarely truthful. They don't air out any real issues. They're always just spun half-truths paid for by you and me. They're a waste of time and money and thankfully, according to the public's reaction to the recent Conservative ones, doing the opposite of what they are intended.

They only seem to be doing a good job of showing what classless goons we have running this shit show.
One good thing about these ads is that we're NOT the ones paying for them. Of that I'm grateful. Let them spend/waste their own campaign money on it. And we have a lot better finance laws than in most places in the world. So if their parties want to spend money on it, go nuts.

And if you think the quality of politician has gone down (or up) over the last 5/10/20/100 years, I have some oceanfront property in Arizona to sell you.




I have some oceanfront property in Arizona to sell you.
... You're Lex Luthor?




... You're Lex Luthor?
Well in 10 years I'm likely to be bald, so sure, why not!
