I had absolutely no problem with it. Watched it in 3D, so that could have changed my perception, I'll certainly be paying attention later, but it wasn't a wooden face, nor were the teeth/lips sliding around like the dreadful kfc cgi character years ago, and the skin, eyes, etc were fine. Was pleasantly surprised that they did close ups of him - very bold, and it worked well.I had no trouble with Tarkin's resurection, somehow uncanny valley isn't a place I ever find weird. I was more awed than anything else.
Yes! Between that and the offhand comment earlier (be sure you don't choke on your ambition) wonderfully sealed the deal on Vader.That Darth Vader dark corridor scene at the end, though.![]()
That turncoat Imperial pilot guy didn't get much time to reflect before that grenade went off next to him.I'm still not sure how I feel about everyone in our main team having a moment to reflect and accept their imminent death. It's a war, and people die suddenly, sometimes stupidly and unluckily, but I don't think that happened to any of them.
That makes no sense, Tarkin said to destroy the base. Even the Dreadnoks know that to destroy a tower, you aim at the bottom and the rest comes tumbling down.@GasBandit the second hit from the death star was aimed specifically at the archive tower, and it hit the dish on top of it, but presumably due to the location of the Death Star it would have hit at an angle, so I don't have an issue with that part.
Hah, this to me as well... I thought Tarkin was more convicing CGI than LeiaWait, Leia wasn't CGI?
My husband said the same thing about Tarkin, he also spent three or four years of his life checking for visual quality in videos on cell phones, so he picks up every dead pixel and FPS skip, and quality drop that exists, while I never notice.Hmm guess I'm not as forgiving of CGI as you guys. Tarkin bugged me. He felt rubber faced and it seemed like they overdid the facial tics to sell it. But the movie was great. It didn't detract from the original, rather it added to it.
Could've done without Vader's cheesy one-liner though.[DOUBLEPOST=1482026154,1482026069][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh the weirdest thing was that there were only maybe 25 other people in the theater.
Darth Vader is Luke's father.Not that I personally care much about being spoiled, but ehhh, short messages like @fade's show up completely in the "New Posts" page's previews. Which is kind of hard to avoid![]()
Goddamn it, Poe! We're all trying to forget that.Darth Vader is an annoying little kid
Does flying into the cola volcano in Wreck-It Ralph count?Can Alan Tudyk not die tragically?
But it is the way the movie serials started. And Lucas copies everything.I think they want to move away from the opening crawl, and will probably only use it for the two remaining in the trilogy of trilogies.
Yes, star wars fans love it, it sets the movies apart, but objectively speaking it's lazy storytelling.
Darth Vader was all about the dickish sarcastic one liners in the original trilogy.Could've done without Vader's cheesy one-liner though.
Reading about the extensive reshoots (it's almost impossible to find any shots from the first trailer in the theatrical movie), I wanna take a shot in the dark and say a SHIT TON of those MEMBER THEEEEESE bits from Rogue One were added in after the fact. They're all so fucking jarring and out of place.[DOUBLEPOST=1482309606,1482309476][/DOUBLEPOST]It makes the beginning of A New Hope kind of silly too.
"Sir, we're on a diplomatic mission from Alderaan!"
"I fucking literally just watched you escape with the Death Star plans."
I think it's been well established again by this point that Stormtroopers are only bad shots when they're under specific orders to let the good guys escape.Also, in reference to "stormtroopers can't hit anything", it's worth remembering that in Korea and Vietnam, the ratio of rounds of ammunition expended to confirmed hits for American soldiers was 250:1. Granted, that's using a lot more automatic weaponry than we see in the SW universe, and a doctrine of using suppressing fire and hosing an area rather than making called shots. In Rogue One, the stormies aren't especially poor shots, considering half the time they're shooting to keep the other side's heads down, rather than to kill. The Death Troopers, however, have significantly better armor and when they arrive on scene, people are going down quick. In short, if you're not a Legendary character, troopers are really fucking bad news.
If Darth Vader shows up, you're completely fucked.
Making the baddies competent and dangerous really ups the stakes of the entire conflict, which was missing in the Prequels.
That doesn't cover the Emperor's Legion on Endor's Forest Moon, though that may have been a legion chosen for prestige, not warfighting ability.I think it's been well established again by this point that Stormtroopers are only bad shots when they're under specific orders to let the good guys escape.
Agreed. Though I was little off put by the cover girl head fling he did when delivering his one liner. Would have been better if he had only moved his head a tiny but noticeable amountDarth Vader was all about the dickish sarcastic one liners in the original trilogy.
Yeah, they built him up to be this super angry, difficult to find resistance leader who would throw everything and everyone under the bus if it meant getting closer to his goal, and suddenly he's tired and old and decides to give up?I saw it for a second time yesterday, and on rewatch it really dragged up until the whole sequence on Scarif. Might just be because I saw it twice so close together.
Also, I really hate how Forest Whittaker dies. He was way more compelling on my rewatch. I really felt bad for him when he asks Jyn if she was sent to kill him. Just seems stupid to have him decide "ok, I'm just gonna die now."
Still good, and maybe when I give it more time I can enjoy it more, but I had a similar gap for the second time I saw The Force Awakens, and that didn't have this issue.
K2 is a little bit cartoonish with his long arms, and marketable, but indeed, by far not as bad as some of the others have been.One thing I noticed was they didn't have cartoonish, kid-friendly characters that Lucas would have shoehorned in for the obvious Christmas merchandise opportunities. I didn't see anyone like BB-8, Jar Jar, or the Ewoks. This is a nice change.
Way worse is that the opening crawl says the Rebel Alliance just scored it's first victory... and i for one would not call losing your flagship and like half the fleet "a victory".It makes the beginning of A New Hope kind of silly too.
"Sir, we're on a diplomatic mission from Alderaan!"
"I fucking literally just watched you escape with the Death Star plans."
A pyrrhic victory is still a victory.Way worse is that the opening crawl says the Rebel Alliance just scored it's first victory... and i for one would not call losing your flagship and like half the fleet "a victory".
IMO what they should have done is have the fleet actually escape before Vader gets there, but get chased by the imperial fleet so they can't actually stop to give the rebel leaders the plans, but Leia's ship was waiting for them at their 1st jump stop and they transfer the plans to her so she can sneak them to the council.
Except that Vader gets a feeling about it and has the fleet keep following the main rebel force while he goes off to Tatooine where he spots Leia...
And maybe the flagship gets engine trouble along the way and gets destroyed way after the Rebel victory when it can't jump with he rest of the fleet, so there's no double of the plans.
Yes, a Pyrrhic victory is a victory... you know, where you drive the enemy off and actually beat him, but you lose enough men or resources that you might not recover.A pyrrhic victory is still a victory.
Roger roger.Making the baddies competent and dangerous really ups the stakes of the entire conflict, which was missing in the Prequels.
Maybe if we're talking infantry... but they got 2 star Destroyers and a shield gate generator. Vader's ship took out more then that when jumping in.The Rebels were able to inflict much higher casualties on the Imperials,
I'm pretty sure there was. I'm almost certain I heard a stormtrooper do it.You know what I just realized? There was no Wilhelm Scream in Rogue One. I'll have to deduct points for that.
Once it was pointed out to me, I cannot unhear it. It feels like there was a time where it was a little secret, but then it got over-used, and now it feels a bit distracting when I hear it. There other foley sounds that get way overused too. Metal doors closing almost all use the same sound. I think I have misophonia. Stupid shit like that seems to get my attention.I must be one of the few people that loves the Wilhelm scream. Every time I hear it in a movie, I always give a little, quiet cheer.
The cry of the Red Tail Hawk is used far more than Wilhelm.https://priceonomics.com/the-wilhelm-scream-cinemas-most-overused-sound/
The Wilhelm Scream was first used in a bunch of 1950s Westerns B-movies. It largely faded away, seeing occasional use, until Star Wars and Indiana Jones brought it back. It became increasingly frequent and seemed to peak in the mid-'00s.
I consider the Wilhelm Scream to be a little treat, especially if it's in a sillier film.
TIL you overestimate the ability of the general public to pick up on stuff.And most of these so-called "easter eggs" are stupidly obvious and are not easter eggs at all.
Most of that was shoved in your face and made obvious. Like the two guys you later see in the cantina. It's like they were just thrown in there and it completely brought the moment to a screeching halt. It was like the movie wanted to scream at you: "See?!? It's a callback! GET IT?!?"TIL you overestimate the ability of the general public to pick up on stuff.
The two wanted dudes, R2-D2 and C3PO, the tower guys, the repeated lines from A New Hope, etc. etc.[DOUBLEPOST=1485197232,1485197180][/DOUBLEPOST]Most of that was shoved in your face and made obvious. Like the two guys you later see in the cantina. It's like they were just thrown in there and it completely brought the moment to a screeching halt. It was like the movie wanted to scream at you: "See?!? It's a callback! GET IT?!?"
Same with the guy in the tower with the binoculars. They did that not once but twice in Rogue One. Just in case you missed it the first time.
I am behind this 2000%I think Wilhelm screams should be replaced with Red Tail Hawk screams.
Have you heard a Bald Eagle's cry? It sounds wimpy.It especially bothers me when they show another bird making that cry... especially Bald Eagles.
Chopper and Calling General Syndulla was a nice one...And most of these so-called "easter eggs" are stupidly obvious and are not easter eggs at all.