RPG Hero

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If you've read the thread about the tabs & other stuff, you'll note that one of the things I will be adding (or at least turning on) will be something called RPG Hero. Right now it's called RPG Pet for some reason, probably because the developer is Vietnamese and his English is spotty at best.

What this little game will do is:

  • Uses HalBucks to buy items for your character.
  • Let you fight monsters to gain experience and HalBucks.
  • Let you fight other users
  • Sell old items on auction
The issue is, I have to build everything - characters, monsters and items. Items are broken down into weapons, shields, rings, shields and then a catch-all called "items". Building them is not necessarily difficult (aside from the obvious balance issues) but I need graphics for them all.

I already "borrowed" a bunch from this site (login: edrondol password: halforums) but need more as I want it to be fairly robust.

So now that you know what it looks like, can you guys point me to a site or ten where I can LEGALLY use some pictures for items, characters and monsters?


Staff member
Okay, I have the classes done but am needing to set up monsters, items, etc. To this end I've put the spreadsheet on Google Docs. I'm going to put the link here so anyone can edit the document. I will routinely save off copies to my hard drive. But I have a few rules.

  • If you create a monster, boss or item, please put who created it. Entries without that may very well get ignored. I haven't decided yet.
  • If this gets spammed with shit or unnecessary entries I will take it down and continue to do it all by hand. Then you won't see it for a while.
  • Make sure your monsters/items/bosses are logical and as balanced as you can get them. In other words, don't have a level 2 monster dropping 1000 gold or an attack of 90.
Now, there are a few things that are just fucking weird with the way this is set up. So here's the stats & categories and what they mean. Those which are self explanatory will remain blank.


Class - The 5 classes are Warrior, Thief, Hunter, Mage and Gunner. How do they differ for a monster? I have no fucking clue. I'm trying to find out. Still, mix it up so it makes some sense just in case they do mean something.
HP - Normally this would be explanatory, but look at the characters and see that they start at a fairly low level (8 to 20) of HP and will gain I think 3 per level + items that can add HP when equipped.
Attack/Defense/Critical/Luck - These are the base stats. First level characters will have from 2 to 10 in these categories but don't set the monsters of the same level as the characters as the characters don't heal when a battle is over, nor do they regenerate over time or refresh when they get a level. Healing potions only. So go easy on them, m'kay?
Gold - This is how much it costs to fight the monster, NOT how much the monster drops!
Drop - THIS is how much the monster drops! The format is #,# with the first number being the lowest possible dropped and the second the maximum. Make sure that the lowest is greater than the amount it takes to fight it in the first place.
EXP - How much EXP does the character get for beating it? Please note that it's about 100 exp for a character to get a level, regardless of what level they are. I know, I know. This is stupid. But I'm working on getting that changed. So a character going from 9th to 10th level needs the same amount of exp to go from 10th to 11th. Oi. So keep the exp amounts low for lower level creatures and go up from there.
Time - I have no fucking clue what this category is for and it's not explained.


Class - This specifies whether or not this item is class specific or not. If it's Hunters only, then put Hunter. If anyone can use it put nothing.
HP/Attack/Defense/Critical/Luck - This is how much is added or subtracted from a character's stats when this item is equipped. So a Ring of Protection might have a +10 HP and +5 Defense bonus while a Vorpal Sword might have a +10 Attack +10 Critical.
Special - This one is weird. It's broken down into 3 types:

  • Type 1 - Heal x on equip or battle. So a Ring of Regeneration (50) would heal 50 when put on or at the start of a battle. Put in as Type 1, 50. Or Type 1, 10 if this is healing 10.
  • Type 2 - Heals all people in your Clan at the start of a battle. Now, the instructions read like this: "type:2;hp:x : Heal 50 HP for All Allies on Battle" so does this mean that it heals 50 or x amount? Who fucking knows? Go ahead and put in different numbers and we'll test.
  • Type 3 - This is another weird one. It reads "". Um...Okay. So it heals x amount each time you equip it? Does this mean if you have 2 you can just constantly switch them out and they'll completely heal you? Oi. Don't use this one until I get an answer on it, please.
Type - What item is this? Choices are weapon, armor, shield, ring or item. Note that 1 use potions would be items.
Gold - This is how much the item costs.

So there you go. Want to give this a shot? Hook a Dave brother up, yo. Oh yeah. I'll bet you need a link to the Google Doc.

Can items be made into a matching set? So it can give an extra bonus if you're wearing all pieces of a set of armor?


sounds good. I will see what I can come up tomorrow since I have to take EXT time for dishwasher installer.
Shouldn't the HP/Attack/etc of a boss/monster be automatically determined by the level?

Easier to keep everything balanced that way.

Otherwise, we really need a min-max range assessment of what you're looking for, otherwise you'll have to be closely reviewing and re-balancing everything everyone enters.

Good idea, btw.


Staff member
I agree that balancing is going to be an issue. The problem is, this is going to be fairly trial and error. So the min-max ranges I'm leaving open to see if anyone has any ideas.

Boss monsters are probably going to be levels 10, 20, etc. But again, without knowing how the systems work behind the scenes, it's difficult to balance it out. I have a HUGE bunch of questions to the developer righ now, but so far have heard nothing. I just hope I'm not putting a lot of work into something I won't put on the boards for fear it's broken code.
Ah, I see. Yeah, best to be careful how time you put into the planning portion if you're still not sure that you can make the code work.


Staff member
Hence the Google Docs. Instead of doing it all myself, let everyone else help and then input the stuff and see how it goes!


Staff member
Gaining Levels:

If Hero is <= Level 5 - HP +3, Attack +2, Critical +1.
If Hero is Level 6 to 10 - HP +4, Attack +2, Defense/Critical/Luck +1.
If Hero is Level 11 to 20 - HP +5, Attack +2, Defense/Critical/Luck +1.
If Hero is Level 21 to 50 - HP +7, Attack +3, Defense/Luck +1, Critical +2.
If Hero is Level 51 to 98 - HP +10, Attack +3, Defense/Critical/Luck +2.
Every level from 99 on up...I don't know. Here's the code:

 if($levelpet <= 5)
$vbulletin->db->query_write("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "rpg_petuser SET level = level + 1,expnext=expnext*1.5,hpdef=hpdef+3,att=att+2,cri=cri+1 WHERE petid = '$petid'");
 $expnextpet = $expnextpet*1.5;
 }elseif($levelpet > 5 && $levelpet <=10 )
 $vbulletin->db->query_write("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "rpg_petuser SET level = level + 1,expnext=expnext*1.3,hpdef=hpdef+4,att=att+2,def=def+1,cri=cri+1,luck=luck+1 WHERE petid = '$petid'");    
 $expnextpet = $expnextpet*1.3;
 }elseif($levelpet >10 && $levelpet <=20)
 $vbulletin->db->query_write("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "rpg_petuser SET level = level + 1,expnext=expnext*1.2,hpdef=hpdef+5,att=att+2,def=def+1,cri=cri+1,luck=luck+1 WHERE petid = '$petid'");    
 $expnextpet = $expnextpet*1.2;
 }elseif($levelpet >20 && $levelpet <=50)
 $vbulletin->db->query_write("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "rpg_petuser SET level = level + 1,expnext=expnext*1.2,hpdef=hpdef+7,att=att+3,def=def+1,cri=cri+2,luck=luck+1 WHERE petid = '$petid'");    
 $expnextpet = $expnextpet*1.2;
 }elseif($levelpet <99)
 $vbulletin->db->query_write("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "rpg_petuser SET level = level + 1,expnext=expnext*1.1,hpdef=hpdef+10,att=att+3,def=def+2,cri=cri+2,luck=luck+2 WHERE petid = '$petid'");    
 $expnextpet = $expnextpet*1.1;
  while($exppet > $expnextpet);
And by the way, the actual addon is called RPG Pet. But I hate that name so I'm going to change everything you see from "Pet" to "Hero". Pet just sounds dumb unless we make it puppies versus monsters.


Staff member
So instead of heroes we keep it pets and make like hamsters & kitties fighting these horrible bad guys?


Staff member
If that's what you guys want I'll do it. Would you feel comfortable with a character named Fluffy from the Poodle class?


If that's what you guys want I'll do it. Would you feel comfortable with a character named Fluffy from the Poodle class?
heck yea.

My little Shitzu Fei Yang will so kick that monster's butt!!

note/edit: starting to fill some stuff up. If it doesn't fit your need just change it ;) I am guessing and using some gaming system as references. Also since there are 5 classes type ;) I'm making some item/monsters/weapon etc to match some of it.


hey Dave. How many pieces of armor can you wear? I mean do you have option for helm, gloves, body, legs and boots? or just one piece?


Staff member
It is too late to sugest a totally different kind of gameplay? >.<

oooold idea, that i had for a mmorpg had the players being robots, and character building would be... little building, the character powers/abilities would almost completely definide by it's parts, you could build and rebuild you character with different sets of robotic parts at your choice. Rather than multiple characters you could have multiples "bodies", but would normally only be able to use one at time. =P


Staff member
I'm so fucking annoyed at this mod. It doesn't work, the SQL is messed up all over the place and the developer is nowhere to be found. Okay, I take that last one back. He posted on vBulletin.org a couple days ago:

sorry all , i am too busy with my study , i will devevop this mod on next month .
Yes, that's a cut/paste.

So...this is a dead mod. DragonByte Tech - the makers of Triple Triad, Shoutbox and an optimization mod you can't see - is developing an RPG game for vBulletin. It may take a couple of weeks or even a month and will probably have a free and premium (pay) version, but they'll do the job right and will be around to answer questions if we have them.

Sorry to those of you who put in time on this but I just can't see trying to make this work when it's irrevocably broken.
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