Sammi's Prom Experience

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First, let me say that it'll be easy to see why she used the name Blacklover. No, her date isn't black. But her dress really, REALLY is! To give a little background, I had a funeral Saturday WAY out of town so Sammi would be not only going to prom but we would not even be within 200 miles. Trust is a good thing, huh?

So she gets picked up and my son takes a couple of pictures (placement is right outside the house with crap just laying around - nice) and then the couple goes to HIS house so his parents can take pictures. The pictures I'm going to post are from that photo session.

They go have a nice dinner (tipping well because I told Sammi if they didn't I would hunt them down) and then get to the dance. Apparently the dance floor is a bunch of wooden panels put on a carpet. So a couple hundred kids bouncing around caused the floor to move. Sammi's date couldn't stand it and kept getting motion sick. They hardly got to dance. She also had her purse stolen because she left it sitting on a table and left it for a bit. She lost her ID, her post prom tickets, the $40 we gave her for pictures and my wife's new $100 phone. The phone was recovered later but it's sort of broken. It still works, but the display is roached. So prom itself sucked.

The post-prom is sponsored by parents and is a lock-down so that nobody can go in or out from a certain point to a certain point. They had a hypnotist, sumo-wrestling fat suits and other stuff like that. She finally got home at 5 am and slept most of Sunday. It was the best of times it was the worst of times...

And finally, pictures!



Staff member
And now it's time for "Just looked at the pictures, didn't read the text" theater.

Condolences on your loss, I hope the funeral these kids apparently attended was dignified and meaningful. It looked like they enjoyed it anyway.


And now it's time for "Just looked at the pictures, didn't read the text" theater.

Condolences on your loss, I hope the funeral these kids apparently attended was dignified and meaningful. It looked like they enjoyed it anyway.
That ain't no funeral dress I've ever seen.
What's a guy like that doing with a hottie like that? :-P

She looks wonderful, a shame the prom wasn't that great, but as long as she had a good time, yay :)
Also, at first I was like "bwuh? Post prom sponsored by the parents?! Closed doors?!", but then I realised it was actually a good way of keeping the worst from happening, rather than facilitating it, once I read on. Smart. I may have been prejudiced by my own experiences of post-party-parties, which usually weren't the kind I'd send my 16-year-old daughter to if I still had blood in my veins :-P
She went with a strap and not a clutch purse?
That purse was bought specifically for the prom. My wife bought it so that she wouldn't have to take her big purse. Worked well, didn't it?[/QUOTE]

Wow, I totally spaced on the whole purse was stolen thing when I posted that, I was just schocked that she went strapless gown with a strap purse.
She's way too cute for him but he's apparently a good kid so that's preferrable when you're a parent I guess.

Cool that she had such a good time =)


What's a guy like that doing with a hottie like that? :-P

She looks wonderful, a shame the prom wasn't that great, but as long as she had a good time, yay :)
Also, at first I was like "bwuh? Post prom sponsored by the parents?! Closed doors?!", but then I realised it was actually a good way of keeping the worst from happening, rather than facilitating it, once I read on. Smart. I may have been prejudiced by my own experiences of post-party-parties, which usually weren't the kind I'd send my 16-year-old daughter to if I still had blood in my veins :-P

Usually the parents chaperon the event and run the games. My post-prom was like this too, and it was a blast. Had poker tournaments (with prizes), they rented a huge inflatable laser tag dome in the gym, all sorts of games. The next day we were all bused (nice coach buses) to Inner Harbor Baltimore for an awesome 4 hour cruise out past the harbor with food, dancing, and games.

It's good to go to a rich area public school. :)
Our aftergrad party consisted of a bonfire and 53 gallons of liquor.

Go go Albertan drinking age of 18.


Staff member
My afterprom consisted of twisted wreckage, broken glass, unconsumed alcohol and police cars.

Aftergrad trip was Mexico, and that'd be a biiiiig post.


My afterprom consisted of twisted wreckage, broken glass, unconsumed alcohol and police cars.

Aftergrad trip was Mexico, and that'd be a biiiiig post.

You participated in the donkey show, didn't you? DIDN'T YOU!?!??!

Wasabi Poptart

She looks great and her date was cute. He kind of reminds me of Harry Potter in the close up of them on the swing. Too bad about the prom itself, but it sounds like the post-prom was great.
My after prom party consisted of a cotton field, bon fire, and 3-4 kegs. Then, sleeping in the back of my car, and all of us making our way to IHOP to be obnoxious punks. Not really all that great of a time.
For some reason, I feel like that guy would fit right in here at Halforums. Just a feeling I get from looking at his picture. Someone send him the URL.

Also, I've never been to a prom, leaver's ball, end of semester formal event etc. I feel like I'm missing out.


Staff member
We don't have proms per se here in Finland, but looking at those pictures I wouldn't have minded going to one :)

Dave, let me just say that you have a beautiful daughter and her date looks like a decent sort of a chap. Pity that their prom didn't work out so well, but hey, more things to reminisce about when they're sitting together in their hover rocking chairs, eh? ;)
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