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School Caught Using Webcams To Spy On Students...At Home


Fun Size

Fun Size

Found this on Slashdot:


Basically, the school issues laptops, and then uses the cameras and mics on them to see what the kids are up to at home. So, anyone here want to try and justify that, or can we all agree that the school in question is righteously fucked?




If they aren't doing anything wrong, they shouldn't be worried.




School fucked. Story at 11.




They just wanted to make sure that the students were being honest.

.....especially when changing.




Fucked up.


Kitty Sinatra

Hey, at least they didn't take away the kids' licenses!




It's like Big Brother. Weird.





My question is: How many people had to think this was acceptable for it to happen? I wouldn't think setting up something like this would be a one person job. How big is this group of sick minds?


Kitty Sinatra

How big is this group of sick minds?
They are Union. They are One.




I believe that you can convince a group of reasonable people to do anything if it's "for the children". They probably thought "what if there's pervert amongst us?" or "would that violate the students privacy?" but in the end didn't anyone because the didn't want to insinuate that there COULD be a pedo there or that they wouldn't be responsible with this 'power'.




to reaffirm my previous post.

oh my god.




Why else would someone turn on the webcams of the kids? You note they don't say the genders of the kids on which they spied?




What also gets to me is that what uncovered the whole thing was when a student was disciplined for improper behavior at home.

Now, I knew that faculty at schools were control freaks, but to try and enforce a set of rules while the students are in their own homes is just going wayyyyyy too far. The home is not the place for any school official to have any power whatsoever. I swear high schools are being treated more like prisons every day.




I don't know whether to quote Maurice Chevalier or Oingo Boingo...


Fun Size

Fun Size

What blows my mind is that they were one badly timed snapshot away from a Chris Hanson visit. I mean, did not one person bring up that this was a possibility?


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

What the hell...




As we don't necessarily have any records on who they viewed, I think this already IS a Chris Hanson moment.




What also gets to me is that what uncovered the whole thing was when a student was disciplined for improper behavior at home.

Now, I knew that faculty at schools were control freaks, but to try and enforce a set of rules while the students are in their own homes is just going wayyyyyy too far. The home is not the place for any school official to have any power whatsoever. I swear high schools are being treated more like prisons every day.
Schools are doing this way too often. Hell, they even suspended a kid for being critical of a teacher on facebook. The kid didn't do it at school, and didn't use a schools computer.




What blows my mind is that they were one badly timed snapshot away from a Chris Hanson visit. I mean, did not one person bring up that this was a possibility?
From the Associated Press article:
"The lawsuit alleges the cameras captured images of Harriton High School students and their families as they undressed and in other compromising situations."

From a comment on Slashdot:
Here's the full list of claims they're making:

Electronic Communications Privacy Act - interception of communications
Computer Fraud and Abuse Act - exceeding authorized access
Stored Communication Act - more unauthorized access
Civil Rights Act - Invasion of Privacy
4th Amendment - Invasion of Privacy
Pennsylvania Wiretapping and Electronic Surveillance Act - wiretapping
Pennsylvania common law (1) - Invasion of Privacy

(1) footnote reads: \\"Should discovery disclose that the Defendants are in possession of images constituting child pornography [...] Plaintiffs will amend this Complaint to assert a cause of action thereunder.\\"


Kitty Sinatra

As we don't necessarily have any records on who they viewed, I think this already IS a Chris Hanson moment.
"we" should have the records on who they potentially viewed, though, since the laptops would've been signed out by the students. It seems likely to me that any court would find that they were all spied on.




I wonder how many electromagnets are humming away in their IT department? And it sounds like, in the Principal's office...




I'm thinking of how they might have been observing a typical teenager's activities while on the computer. Ewwww...




**closes the laptop on his desk and backs out the door**




**closes the laptop on his desk and backs out the door**
Hey hey hey. We can totally see you going out the window there buddy.




**closes the laptop on his desk and backs out the door**
Nice Tinkerbell underpants.




That school done screwed the pooch.




Didn't anyone question why they had webcams to start with? I mean, a webcam would have made them more expensive, and would be pointless since they're supposed to be used for just schoolwork and research only.

It really makes me wonder if this was the plan the whole time. They didn't care about helping to educate these kids, they just wanted to dictate what they do at home and maybe jerk it to the cheer leading squad on the weekends and this was the best cover up.




Didn't anyone question why they had webcams to start with? I mean, a webcam would have made them more expensive, and would be pointless since they're supposed to be used for just schoolwork and research only.

It really makes me wonder if this was the plan the whole time. They didn't care about helping to educate these kids, they just wanted to dictate what they do at home and maybe jerk it to the cheer leading squad on the weekends and this was the best cover up.
Honestly, when you buy laptops these days a lot of them come with the webcam built into the monitor and isn't really an "option" persay.


General Specific

General Specific

What do you think of this, Dr. Cox?




Didn't anyone question why they had webcams to start with? I mean, a webcam would have made them more expensive, and would be pointless since they're supposed to be used for just schoolwork and research only.

It really makes me wonder if this was the plan the whole time. They didn't care about helping to educate these kids, they just wanted to dictate what they do at home and maybe jerk it to the cheer leading squad on the weekends and this was the best cover up.
Honestly, when you buy laptops these days a lot of them come with the webcam built into the monitor and isn't really an "option" persay.[/QUOTE]

the problem is not that the computer had the web-cam, but that the school installed software to turn it on and watch when the kids would not realize it.


Thread Necromancer

Thread Necromancer

It is shit like this that truely makes me fearfull to have my children in public schools.

I've sat here for ten minutes trying to type more about this story but I'm just to bloody fucking pissed off to be coherant.




Honestly, when you buy laptops these days a lot of them come with the webcam built into the monitor and isn't really an "option" persay.
I doubt a webcam adds much to the price of a laptop these days, it might cost more to find or special order models without webcams, assuming that there aren't educational models specifically built without certain features that might distract from educational use. Of course it's doubtful that many people think of the problems with webcams, and only think of the wow factor of "we could video conference with a sister classroom in another country!"




Well... I'm glad I have the training to teach my own kids if I ever decide to have some.




But aren't you going to be a teacher? and be another cog in the machine that grinds up kids and spits out conformity.

I've not learned new anything about education since I saw "The Wall"




This look like a job for Fillmore!




This look like a job for Fillmore!
That is an awesome show.




But aren't you going to be a teacher? and be another cog in the machine that grinds up kids and spits out conformity.

I've not learned new anything about education since I saw "The Wall"
Maaaan, now I wanna go curl up in a ball and cry. :(




It is shit like this that truely makes me fearfull to have my children in public schools.

I've sat here for ten minutes trying to type more about this story but I'm just to bloody fucking pissed off to be coherant.
Look, I dislike government schools as much, if not moreso, than most... but really, this could have happened in any school with perverts or busybodies running it, public, private, charter, secular or religious.



I know that the religious high school I went to had a habit of getting students in trouble for things they did off campus, so I have to back up Gas here.

Of course, then the school started charging way too much for tuition, and all of its students ended up being drug-addicted rich kids whose parents think large sums of money works as a substitute for proper parenting, so the school ended up with enough to worry about on-campus.




Been seeing this story all over the interwebs. Who, exactly, thought that this would be a good idea?
I mean, it is a good 'idea.' But it should have stayed that way due to the obvious (to me, anyway) difficulty in implementing such an idea without opening the possibility (ie, likelihood) of abuse.





As a future teacher and a private person, I find the justification for this kind of Peeping Tommery to be of such magnitude of bullshit you would need a laxative-laced dairy farm for it.

Also, in case someone is observing me via webcam...

*stands up and CENSORED with his pajama bottoms, and CENSORED on CENSORED with a baker's dozen of CENSORED - including two muskrats*

*waits for news of global mass suicides*



As a future teacher and a private person, I find the justification for this kind of Peeping Tommery to be of such magnitude of bullshit you would need a laxative-laced dairy farm for it.

Also, in case someone is observing me via webcam...

*stands up and CENSORED with his pajama bottoms, and CENSORED on CENSORED with a baker's dozen of CENSORED - including two muskrats*

*waits for news of global mass suicides*




Looks like the cameras were intended for use as security tracking devices in the case of lost or stolen laptops. http://www.lmsd.org/sections/news/default.php?&id=1137

Dear LMSD Community, Last year, our district became one of the first school systems in the United States to provide laptop computers to all high school students. This initiative has been well received and has provided educational benefits to our students.
The District is dedicated to protecting and promoting student privacy. The laptops do contain a security feature intended to track lost, stolen and missing laptops. This feature has been deactivated effective today.
The following questions and answers help explain the background behind the initial decision to install the tracking-security feature, its limited use, and next steps.
• Why are webcams installed on student laptops?
The Apple computers that the District provides to students come equipped with webcams and students are free to utilize this feature for educational purposes.
• Why was the remote tracking-security feature installed?
Laptops are a frequent target for theft in schools and off school property. The security feature was installed to help locate a laptop in the event it was reported lost, missing or stolen so that the laptop could be returned to the student.
• How did the security feature work?
Upon a report of a suspected lost, stolen or missing laptop, the feature was activated by the District's security and technology departments. The tracking-security feature was limited to taking a still image of the operator and the operator's screen. This feature has only been used for the limited purpose of locating a lost, stolen or missing laptop. The District has not used the tracking feature or web cam for any other purpose or in any other manner whatsoever.

• Do you anticipate reactivating the tracking-security feature?
Not without express written notification to all students and families.
We regret if this situation has caused any concern or inconvenience among our students and families. We are reviewing the matter and will provide an additional update as soon as information becomes available.
Dr. Christopher McGinley



Looks like the cameras were intended for use as security tracking devices in the case of lost or stolen laptops. http://www.lmsd.org/sections/news/default.php?&id=1137

Dear LMSD Community, Last year, our district became one of the first school systems in the United States to provide laptop computers to all high school students. This initiative has been well received and has provided educational benefits to our students.
The District is dedicated to protecting and promoting student privacy. The laptops do contain a security feature intended to track lost, stolen and missing laptops. This feature has been deactivated effective today.
The following questions and answers help explain the background behind the initial decision to install the tracking-security feature, its limited use, and next steps.
• Why are webcams installed on student laptops?
The Apple computers that the District provides to students come equipped with webcams and students are free to utilize this feature for educational purposes.
• Why was the remote tracking-security feature installed?
Laptops are a frequent target for theft in schools and off school property. The security feature was installed to help locate a laptop in the event it was reported lost, missing or stolen so that the laptop could be returned to the student.
• How did the security feature work?
Upon a report of a suspected lost, stolen or missing laptop, the feature was activated by the District's security and technology departments. The tracking-security feature was limited to taking a still image of the operator and the operator's screen. This feature has only been used for the limited purpose of locating a lost, stolen or missing laptop. The District has not used the tracking feature or web cam for any other purpose or in any other manner whatsoever.

• Do you anticipate reactivating the tracking-security feature?
Not without express written notification to all students and families.
We regret if this situation has caused any concern or inconvenience among our students and families. We are reviewing the matter and will provide an additional update as soon as information becomes available.
Dr. Christopher McGinley
You know, that claim would be slightly believable if they hadn't taken photos of kids and tried to get them in trouble for them.




Looks like the cameras were intended for use as security tracking devices in the case of lost or stolen laptops. http://www.lmsd.org/sections/news/default.php?&id=1137

Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit.

Dr. Christopher McGinley
You know, that claim would be slightly believable if they hadn't taken photos of kids and tried to get them in trouble for them.[/QUOTE]

Amen to that. Hence my abstract of the text.




I imagine the situation is similar in CA, where pretty much any hospital employee who has computer access would therefore have access to the medical records of thousands of celebrities. It would be trivially easy for that info to get out.



General Specific

General Specific

Looks like the cameras were intended for use as security tracking devices in the case of lost or stolen laptops. http://www.lmsd.org/sections/news/default.php?&id=1137

Dear LMSD Community, Last year, our district became one of the first school systems de blah de blah blah.

Dr. Christopher McGinley
No, that argument is invalid when you discipline a student for misbehaving at home and use a screenshot as proof. No matter what your initial intentions were, it has been misused. You, as the superintendent go into apologizing mode and punish those responsible for the egregious breach of ethics and trust.



Ok. Highschool student + remote webcam = BAD IDEA. No matter how you slice this, it is a bad idea. The school is skirting very very legal/illegal when activating these webcam. What if the high school student are undressing? whoever implement this system should be nailed to the wall.




It had to happen eventually. Things like this help in the long run to define future policy.

Unfortunately in this case the only policy will be requiring another clause in the contract parents sign if they want one of the school's required laptops.

But that's why you always get a webcam that has a shutter, and if not put a flap over it.




Right. It's something that's so easily defeated, I don't know why it isn't defeated more often.





wait, schools give laptops to students now?





wait, schools give laptops to students now?

And remember, as soon as you get it go to a porn site and at teh end aim for the webcam...




Looks like the cameras were intended for use as security tracking devices in the case of lost or stolen laptops. http://www.lmsd.org/sections/news/default.php?&id=1137

Dear LMSD Community, Last year, our district became one of the first school systems de blah de blah blah.

Dr. Christopher McGinley
No, that argument is invalid when you discipline a student for misbehaving at home and use a screenshot as proof. No matter what your initial intentions were, it has been misused. You, as the superintendent go into apologizing mode and punish those responsible for the egregious breach of ethics and trust.[/QUOTE]

Keep in mind that the reason the picture was taken may have to do with theft of the laptop.




wait, schools give laptops to students now?

And remember, as soon as you get it go to a porn site and at teh end aim for the webcam...[/QUOTE]

And risk getting it onto the screen or keyboard? Psht, I'll just put duct tape on it.

The webcam, that is.




Looks like the cameras were intended for use as security tracking devices in the case of lost or stolen laptops. http://www.lmsd.org/sections/news/default.php?&id=1137

Dear LMSD Community, Last year, our district became one of the first school systems de blah de blah blah.

Dr. Christopher McGinley
No, that argument is invalid when you discipline a student for misbehaving at home and use a screenshot as proof. No matter what your initial intentions were, it has been misused. You, as the superintendent go into apologizing mode and punish those responsible for the egregious breach of ethics and trust.[/QUOTE]

Keep in mind that the reason the picture was taken may have to do with theft of the laptop.[/QUOTE]

Why not just generate a report of all the MAC addresses associated with the School's laptops. And when a computer comes up missing, start a search for it on the net. Then you will have the actual physical address of the machine.

You turn on the webcam and you see a poster for a Harry Potter movie(hopefully), what exactly in hell did it tell you? Or do you keep snapping pic's until you catch a kid changing clothes or smoking pot?




Looks like the cameras were intended for use as security tracking devices in the case of lost or stolen laptops. http://www.lmsd.org/sections/news/default.php?&id=1137

Dear LMSD Community, Last year, our district became one of the first school systems de blah de blah blah.

Dr. Christopher McGinley
No, that argument is invalid when you discipline a student for misbehaving at home and use a screenshot as proof. No matter what your initial intentions were, it has been misused. You, as the superintendent go into apologizing mode and punish those responsible for the egregious breach of ethics and trust.[/QUOTE]

Keep in mind that the reason the picture was taken may have to do with theft of the laptop.[/QUOTE]

Why not just generate a report of all the MAC addresses associated with the School's laptops. And when a computer comes up missing, start a search for it on the net. Then you will have the actual physical address of the machine.

You turn on the webcam and you see a poster for a Harry Potter movie(hopefully), what exactly in hell did it tell you? Or do you keep snapping pic's until you catch a kid changing clothes or smoking pot?[/QUOTE]

If I had to guess, it was meant to take a picture when the user did something, allowing you to capture their face. That's not to say that this was still an appropriate measure to take but it may not be about explicitly trying to monitor kids at home or pedophilia at all. It may simply be mismanaged security protection for the computers. Not as terrifying as Cory Doctorow leads us to believe...but still not cool.




Gizmodo talked to some of the students

Talking to Gizmodo, one of the students at the district says that they suspected this but the school tech support gave excuses. His Early 2008 MacBook's camera light would turn on at random:

\"Frequently, the green lights next to our iSight webcams will turn on. The school district claims that this is just a glitch. We are all doubting this now.\"

He can't access the Activity Monitor because he doesn't have enough privileges, but he says the school uses Apple Remote Desktop.

Another student has confirmed this:

\" I questioned the IT guy about why it was happening he said that it was because people logged out when an application using the camera was on, he also stated that they could in fact go and look through your webcam it would just violate the fifth ammendment and that's why they didn't.\"

Today, their principal went on loudspeaker and said that all this was \"not true.\"




I am generally someone who will come to the defence of things like the FBI/NSA tracking peoples URL history, but this is a COMPLETELY different matter. I mean, WTF were they thinking? The people responsible for making this decision should be fired immediately and arguably they should be criminally prosecuted.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

\"At no time did any high school administrator have the ability or actually access the security-tracking software,\" he said. \"We believe that the administrator at Harriton has been unfairly portrayed and unjustly attacked in connection with her attempts to be supportive of a student and his family. The district never did and never would use such tactics as a basis for disciplinary action.\"
Then how did they know he did anything at home? Why was it in the administrator's authority to discipline him for something at home anyway?

Bunch of shmucks...



\\"At no time did any high school administrator have the ability or actually access the security-tracking software,\\" he said. \\"We believe that the administrator at Harriton has been unfairly portrayed and unjustly attacked in connection with her attempts to be supportive of a student and his family. The district never did and never would use such tactics as a basis for disciplinary action.\\"
Then how did they know he did anything at home? Why was it in the administrator's authority to discipline him for something at home anyway?

Bunch of shmucks...[/QUOTE]

That is the part that baffles me. I mean the son was discipline from the WEBCAM photos in HIS room. So.... someone at the school did it.




Some misguided individual obviously thought (s)he was doing 'a good thing' by doing a little extra enforcement 'for the child(ren)'s own good.' In doing so, that individual crossed The Line. The big question is...what the Hell were we doing so close to that Line in the first place?



Kitty Sinatra

Enter the F.B.I.
I read this at the exact moment the F.B.I. arrives on scene in Die Hard.




Some misguided individual obviously thought (s)he was doing 'a good thing' by doing a little extra enforcement 'for the child(ren)'s own good.' In doing so, that individual crossed The Line. The big question is...what the Hell were we doing so close to that Line in the first place?

Crossed the line? They are so far past the line they can't even see it! The line is a dot to them!



Enter the F.B.I.
I read this at the exact moment the F.B.I. arrives on scene in Die Hard.[/QUOTE]
"You ask for a miracle, I give you the C.. I.. A."




The school webmaster has come forth...



\\\"At no time did any high school administrator have the ability or actually access the security-tracking software,\\\" he said. \\\"We believe that the administrator at Harriton has been unfairly portrayed and unjustly attacked in connection with her attempts to be supportive of a student and his family. The district never did and never would use such tactics as a basis for disciplinary action.\\\"
Then how did they know he did anything at home? Why was it in the administrator's authority to discipline him for something at home anyway?

Bunch of shmucks...[/QUOTE]

That is the part that baffles me. I mean the son was discipline from the WEBCAM photos in HIS room. So.... someone at the school did it.[/QUOTE]

Okay, so we also got out of this that the FBI can't do their jobs for sh*t.

Is there any other organization that wants to make idiots out of themselves through this fiasco?


Kitty Sinatra

It wasn't the FBI saying that; it was a school superintendent.




The kid was disciplined for.. eating candy at home.



The kid was disciplined for.. eating candy at home.
Well, those Mike & Ikes are pretty bad for you.

---------- Post added at 07:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:46 PM ----------

It wasn't the FBI saying that; it was a school superintendent.
Pfft. You expect me to actually READ stuff before forming a hasty opinion?



This school district is right around where I live. Lucky for my kids, they won't be going there.




First it was that they didn't do it at all. Then it was an isolated incident. Now it's 42 times. Story change much?


Kitty Sinatra

Pfft. You expect me to actually READ stuff before forming a hasty opinion?
No, I don't actually. Nor did I even expect you to read my post.




The school webmaster has come forth...
Now, how can he be a FAPSMITH if he can not reach his junk?



The school webmaster has come forth...
Now, how can he be a FAPSMITH if he can not reach his junk?[/QUOTE]

He's very limber. Remember, he's a professional.




The school webmaster has come forth...
Now, how can he be a FAPSMITH if he can not reach his junk?[/QUOTE]

Fleshlight. It's hidden in there somewhere.


Kitty Sinatra

Why the smurf are y'all even contemplating this? Y'all are gonna get nightmares now.




It's already swirling around in my head. Just trying to give others nightmares.



First it was that they didn't do it at all. Then it was an isolated incident. Now it's 42 times. Story change much?

The FBI states that the school DIDN'T use the security system to spy on ANY kids. My confusion arise from why was the kid punish from a picture taken from home. This means someone DID use it. This also means that the FBI didn't even do the investigation, even if they READ the newspaper at least, they would have figure it out that someone use the system and it was the school personal who did it since the kid was punish (doesn't take THAT much brain to figure that much out)

Now the school is even in deeper water since they didn't even BOTHER to investigate what the kid was eating. Mike & Ike is a controlled substance??? wow. I miss that memo.




Remember, kids. Even things that LOOK like drugs are bad, mmm-kay?



Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Curse you, tic-tacs and pixie sticks!




pixie sticks? What are those supposed to look like?



pixie sticks? What are those supposed to look like?
Well, let's say you our it out on the table, and then separate it into little lines...




pixie sticks? What are those supposed to look like?
Well, let's say you our it out on the table, and then separate it into little lines...[/QUOTE]

In elementary school kids used to do this...cept they actually snorted it.

Kids can be morons.




upon reading that the first thing I thought of was...




*closes my Lil Big Book of necromacy*
Hi guys! Just thought I'd pull this thread up and let you know of a followup to the story.

Remember how the scool said that they only did it 42 times, which kinda sounds like 42 pictures taken? Not so true a thought that, it means they had 42 investigations.

With thousands of pictures of the school kids on the school servers at home, or other non school areas.

Back at district offices, the Robbins motion says, employees with access to the images marveled at the tracking software. It was like a window into \\"a little LMSD soap opera,\\" a staffer is quoted as saying in an e-mail to Carol Cafiero, the administrator running the program.
\\"I know, I love it,\\" she is quoted as having replied.

\\"To the extent there is any evidence of misuse of any images, that also will be disclosed,\\" said the attorney, former federal prosecutor Henry E. Hockeimer Jr. \\"However, at this late stage of our investigation we are not aware of any such evidence.\\"

The system was designed to take a new picture every 15 minutes until it was turned off.
The material disclosed by the district contains hundreds of photos of Robbins and his family members - \\"including pictures of Blake partially undressed and of Blake sleeping,\\" the motion states.
Here's a picture of one of the Scholarly Scofflaws now:

Soooo I am sooo glad big brother is taking good care of teh chillun. Laws yes. I am so delighted the same kind of thinking will be taking care of my health. I think I have a great mustache for being an octomom.




What do you think of this, Dr. Cox?

I believe this requires a second opinion, just to be safe.
What do you think, Lex Luthor?






Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

A new pic every 15 minutes... kids undressed...

...There is no emoticon!
