School? Who needs it? There's football!

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With student absentees doubling at many campuses the day after the Saints' historic victory in the National Football Conference championship game, school officials across the New Orleans region are pondering whether to cancel classes on the day after the Super Bowl.
While some schools have not made the decision, others plan to shut down Feb. 8, having not used all the emergency days that are built into the typical academic calendar.
\"We feel that it is not in the best interest of our students to be required to attend school on a day when a significant number of absences or tardiness will be the reality, and when learning will not be optimal,\" said spokeswoman Lisa Sibal at St. Martin's Episcopal School in Metairie.
Archbishop Chapelle and Archbishop Rummel High schools in Metairie and Jesuit High School in New Orleans also are closing on the Monday after the Saints play in their first Super Bowl. Rummel Principal Thomas Moran Jr. said he and other Catholic school principals began discussing the issue more than a month ago when the Saints were preparing for the playoffs.
\"Given the excitement of the city, we felt it would be a good thing to do,\" Moran said. \"Most people will be going to functions and be out late, and if the Saints win there will be even more celebrations.\"
Jefferson Parish public schools marked 8,800 students absent on Monday, compared to 3,500 on a typical day in the 44,000-student system. That has officials considering whether to close schools Feb. 8, or hold classes that day but declare a holiday for a possible post-Super Bowl parade, system spokeswoman Beth Branley said.
As of Tuesday, St. Tammany Parish public schools -- which had a 10 percent absence rate Monday compared to an average of 5.5 percent -- had not made a decision. Neither had most of St. Tammany's private schools, where Monday's absentee and tardy rates ranged from 12 percent to almost half. Most said their normal rate is about 4 percent.
\"I had six pages of kids who either checked in late or were absent,\" said Sherie Gioe of Archbishop Hannan High in Covington. \"It was crazy. And the ones who came in late, we just told them to go to class without a tardy slip. Everyone understood and was in a great mood.\"
A spokeswoman for St. Mary's Dominican High said the school is waiting on word about the planned parade before it makes a decision.
The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New Orleans is considering closing all schools in its jurisdiction, spokeswoman Sarah Comiskey McDonald said. Even if it does not shutter the entire system, individual schools such as Rummel and Chapelle may close on their own if approved by the archdiocese's Office of Catholic Schools.
McDonald said the archdiocese is discussing the issue with the Jefferson Parish school system and the New Orleans Recovery School District.
However, the RSD and the Orleans Parish School Board have no plans to give students the day off.
\"We know that our students and staff will be watching and hopefully celebrating a Saints Super Bowl victory,\" RSD spokeswoman Siona LaFrance said. \"But a school day is a school day, and students and staff (are) expected to arrive on time on Monday.\"
St. Bernard public schools, which recorded 562 absences Monday compared to 290 on a typical Monday, also will be open, as will public schools in St. John the Baptist and St. Charles parishes and those in the Algiers Charter School Association.
\"We support the Saints and their success, but we have no plans to alter, change or close classes at this point,'' said St. Charles schools spokeswoman Rochelle Cancienne-Touchard.
Metairie Park Country Day spokeswoman Katie Rosenblum said attendance Monday was normal. As a result, school officials decided there was no need to call off school the Monday after the Super Bowl.


Meh, around my area they cancel school on the first day of deer hunting season.


Well, over the past few years I'd go around wishing people "Happy Superbowl."

I suppose actually making it an official holiday is the logical next step...?
After Canada mightily trounced America in the Salt Lake City Winter Olympic hockey finals, we were allowed at my Catholic high school to wear red and white or Canada-themed clothing with our normal uniform.

We didn't get a national holiday.


After Canada mightily trounced America in the Salt Lake City Winter Olympic hockey finals, we were allowed at my Catholic high school to wear red and white or Canada-themed clothing with our normal uniform.

We didn't get a national holiday.

Considering over 60% of the NHL is Canadian... I give you a hearty :pud: I'm going to be so torn this year rooting for Team USA and watching Sidney Crosby lead the Canadians.


Staff member
After Canada mightily trounced America in the Salt Lake City Winter Olympic hockey finals, we were allowed at my Catholic high school to wear red and white or Canada-themed clothing with our normal uniform.

We didn't get a national holiday.
Yeah, they dropped the uniform code for one day after the saints won the last round (sorry know nothing about sports) at my son's school.
Yeah like it's a bit of a patriotic celebration without getting too crazy. I don't know that I needed a day off school to celebrate a win, especially as a 10th grader.


Just once again reinforcing, "HEY GUYS SPORTS IS LIFE SCHOOL IS NOT"

Cause taking one day off from 270 days of school constitutes advocating sports over education...:rolleyes:[/QUOTE]

not if you are a school sports player (i.e. basketball, football, etc etc) a lot of school make concessions for the players/school schedules.
Everytime the national soccer team plays we get the day off. Who cares if we live in poverty and ignorance... We are going to play in the Word Cup!!!!


Staff member
Just once again reinforcing, "HEY GUYS SPORTS IS LIFE SCHOOL IS NOT"

Cause taking one day off from 270 days of school constitutes advocating sports over education...:rolleyes:[/QUOTE]

Yup, because its OBVIOUSLY black and white like that.

No, it doesn't mean the end of education as a whole. But it's such a dumb bullshit reason for canceling school. It's like instituting a Hangover Day after the Super Bowl. Sac up, enjoy your sports, get your ass back in school.


Staff member
It's like I said the other day--enjoy the game and then get back on with your damn life. Our Monday class got canceled because all the girls in my class were bitching, and my teacher just got overwhelmed. It's kind of embarrassing to be in my group, because the same girl who brought up cancelling class this time comes up with all these bullshit reasons to push things back ALL THE TIME. After a while, it's just not funny. I know we're all stressed, and it's cute maybe the first time to act like a dumbass freshman and sweet-talk the professor out of doing what's expected of you. Oy. That was more about my problem with her, really, but still.


It's like I said the other day--enjoy the game and then get back on with your damn life. Our Monday class got canceled because all the girls in my class were bitching, and my teacher just got overwhelmed. It's kind of embarrassing to be in my group, because the same girl who brought up cancelling class this time comes up with all these bullshit reasons to push things back ALL THE TIME. After a while, it's just not funny. I know we're all stressed, and it's cute maybe the first time to act like a dumbass freshman and sweet-talk the professor out of doing what's expected of you. Oy. That was more about my problem with her, really, but still.
plus is that what you really want to teach the kids to do when they go out in the real world? Something "whining" doesn't quite work (unless you are the CEO or VP) but when people give you a project, either you finish it or get out.


Staff member
Exactly. Do the girls I mentioned expect to whine to principals that it's their birthday tomorrow or they're tired after a crazy Sunday night? Sure, everyone takes a personal day once in a while, but stuff like this? The superbowl? If you want to take a personal day, miss a test, etc., that's your choice. You deal with the consequences and respect that life is going to go on for everyone else.


Staff member
A-yup. I go out drinking all too many Thursdays, but my ass is up and in class Friday morning, with my homework done, ready to get my shit turned in, get class over with, and go have some more fun. When I take my P-days, I make sure I either (A) have everything already done, or (B) take the hit for my work.

Self-fucking-entitlement in this stupid country, especially with sports, the only hobby that gets a society free-pass because it's that IMPORTANT.

---------- Post added at 01:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:01 AM ----------

You know, not that I'm bitter or anything.


A-yup. I go out drinking all too many Thursdays, but my ass is up and in class Friday morning, with my homework done, ready to get my shit turned in, get class over with, and go have some more fun. When I take my P-days, I make sure I either (A) have everything already done, or (B) take the hit for my work.

Self-fucking-entitlement in this stupid country, especially with sports, the only hobby that gets a society free-pass because it's that IMPORTANT.

---------- Post added at 01:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:01 AM ----------

You know, not that I'm bitter or anything.



ehhh...I don't know.. aren't sports supposed to be a celebration of culture and community? Why not take a day off to enjoy it? After all life's too short and and if everybody is cool with it.....Then again, as has been stated it may set a bad precedent...ahh what do I care? I don't even watch football.
I don't see what the big deal is. The Saints winning the Super Bowl would be way more important to most of those kids than whatever they'd learn in school that one day.


Yeah, I really don't see what the big deal is. I'm of the "life's too short" attitude, as well. It's a pretty big deal for a whole lot of people down here, so why not? 1 day probably wouldn't hurt anything.

Now if it were a whole week off for celebration, yeah, that might be a little overboard...


Staff member
But we already have the day off to watch it. There's nothing stopping people from taking the day off if they want to... but declaring it some kind of official day off just seems silly to me. Life *is* short, so do with it what you want. But we can't go declaring official days off the day after every fun event. There's got to be a line.

---------- Post added at 09:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:57 PM ----------

I will say one thing-- After Sunday night, all the parents and bus drivers are gonna be hung over as shit... so maybe it's good if they're not responsible for driving their kids places that day.


Staff member
Ugh this is what I'm talking about. Hey, how about national Read a Book Day. Or national, Go Visit a Museum or National Park day.



Staff member
Plus, victory could mean fame and $ for a city that really needs it, and I guess that's worth celebrating.

D'ah I'm being all gruff about it, but I guess it's just a day. But still.

---------- Post added at 09:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:03 PM ----------

Those are actually awesome ideas, Juski. And at a Charter school where I tutored, they actually have something like that. The building is ancient, and they have no $ for a library, so they take a school day to drive their students in busses to the city library and look around. They get a day off, and they're doing something productive with it. I think that's nice. :)


Staff member
Yeah, I really don't see what the big deal is. I'm of the "life's too short" attitude, as well. It's a pretty big deal for a whole lot of people down here, so why not? 1 day probably wouldn't hurt anything.

Now if it were a whole week off for celebration, yeah, that might be a little overboard...
I'm "down here", too, for the record. It shouldn't be a big enough deal to basically shut down an entire sector of society for. Especially such an important one.

I'm not a sports fan. I think the whole idea of getting hyped up about something 12 random strangers did completely without my help, most of which aren't even from near here, did just because they happen to have my town name assigned to their group is weird. But, hey, that's me.
Ugh this is what I'm talking about. Hey, how about national Read a Book Day. Or national, Go Visit a Museum or National Park day.

When there are no books for 41 years, and one finally comes out, you can take a day off.
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