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School? Who needs it? There's football!





With student absentees doubling at many campuses the day after the Saints' historic victory in the National Football Conference championship game, school officials across the New Orleans region are pondering whether to cancel classes on the day after the Super Bowl.
While some schools have not made the decision, others plan to shut down Feb. 8, having not used all the emergency days that are built into the typical academic calendar.
\"We feel that it is not in the best interest of our students to be required to attend school on a day when a significant number of absences or tardiness will be the reality, and when learning will not be optimal,\" said spokeswoman Lisa Sibal at St. Martin's Episcopal School in Metairie.
Archbishop Chapelle and Archbishop Rummel High schools in Metairie and Jesuit High School in New Orleans also are closing on the Monday after the Saints play in their first Super Bowl. Rummel Principal Thomas Moran Jr. said he and other Catholic school principals began discussing the issue more than a month ago when the Saints were preparing for the playoffs.
\"Given the excitement of the city, we felt it would be a good thing to do,\" Moran said. \"Most people will be going to functions and be out late, and if the Saints win there will be even more celebrations.\"
Jefferson Parish public schools marked 8,800 students absent on Monday, compared to 3,500 on a typical day in the 44,000-student system. That has officials considering whether to close schools Feb. 8, or hold classes that day but declare a holiday for a possible post-Super Bowl parade, system spokeswoman Beth Branley said.
As of Tuesday, St. Tammany Parish public schools -- which had a 10 percent absence rate Monday compared to an average of 5.5 percent -- had not made a decision. Neither had most of St. Tammany's private schools, where Monday's absentee and tardy rates ranged from 12 percent to almost half. Most said their normal rate is about 4 percent.
\"I had six pages of kids who either checked in late or were absent,\" said Sherie Gioe of Archbishop Hannan High in Covington. \"It was crazy. And the ones who came in late, we just told them to go to class without a tardy slip. Everyone understood and was in a great mood.\"
A spokeswoman for St. Mary's Dominican High said the school is waiting on word about the planned parade before it makes a decision.
The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New Orleans is considering closing all schools in its jurisdiction, spokeswoman Sarah Comiskey McDonald said. Even if it does not shutter the entire system, individual schools such as Rummel and Chapelle may close on their own if approved by the archdiocese's Office of Catholic Schools.
McDonald said the archdiocese is discussing the issue with the Jefferson Parish school system and the New Orleans Recovery School District.
However, the RSD and the Orleans Parish School Board have no plans to give students the day off.
\"We know that our students and staff will be watching and hopefully celebrating a Saints Super Bowl victory,\" RSD spokeswoman Siona LaFrance said. \"But a school day is a school day, and students and staff (are) expected to arrive on time on Monday.\"
St. Bernard public schools, which recorded 562 absences Monday compared to 290 on a typical Monday, also will be open, as will public schools in St. John the Baptist and St. Charles parishes and those in the Algiers Charter School Association.
\"We support the Saints and their success, but we have no plans to alter, change or close classes at this point,'' said St. Charles schools spokeswoman Rochelle Cancienne-Touchard.
Metairie Park Country Day spokeswoman Katie Rosenblum said attendance Monday was normal. As a result, school officials decided there was no need to call off school the Monday after the Super Bowl.







Meh, around my area they cancel school on the first day of deer hunting season.











Well, over the past few years I'd go around wishing people "Happy Superbowl."

I suppose actually making it an official holiday is the logical next step...?





Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner





After Canada mightily trounced America in the Salt Lake City Winter Olympic hockey finals, we were allowed at my Catholic high school to wear red and white or Canada-themed clothing with our normal uniform.

We didn't get a national holiday.



After Canada mightily trounced America in the Salt Lake City Winter Olympic hockey finals, we were allowed at my Catholic high school to wear red and white or Canada-themed clothing with our normal uniform.

We didn't get a national holiday.

Considering over 60% of the NHL is Canadian... I give you a hearty :pud: I'm going to be so torn this year rooting for Team USA and watching Sidney Crosby lead the Canadians.








After Canada mightily trounced America in the Salt Lake City Winter Olympic hockey finals, we were allowed at my Catholic high school to wear red and white or Canada-themed clothing with our normal uniform.

We didn't get a national holiday.
Yeah, they dropped the uniform code for one day after the saints won the last round (sorry know nothing about sports) at my son's school.




Yeah like it's a bit of a patriotic celebration without getting too crazy. I don't know that I needed a day off school to celebrate a win, especially as a 10th grader.




Better that than rioting downtown and torching cars.




Just once again reinforcing, "HEY GUYS SPORTS IS LIFE SCHOOL IS NOT"



Just once again reinforcing, "HEY GUYS SPORTS IS LIFE SCHOOL IS NOT"

Cause taking one day off from 270 days of school constitutes advocating sports over education...:rolleyes:



Just once again reinforcing, "HEY GUYS SPORTS IS LIFE SCHOOL IS NOT"

Cause taking one day off from 270 days of school constitutes advocating sports over education...:rolleyes:[/QUOTE]

not if you are a school sports player (i.e. basketball, football, etc etc) a lot of school make concessions for the players/school schedules.




Everytime the national soccer team plays we get the day off. Who cares if we live in poverty and ignorance... We are going to play in the Word Cup!!!!




Just once again reinforcing, "HEY GUYS SPORTS IS LIFE SCHOOL IS NOT"

Cause taking one day off from 270 days of school constitutes advocating sports over education...:rolleyes:[/QUOTE]

Yup, because its OBVIOUSLY black and white like that.

No, it doesn't mean the end of education as a whole. But it's such a dumb bullshit reason for canceling school. It's like instituting a Hangover Day after the Super Bowl. Sac up, enjoy your sports, get your ass back in school.




Everytime the national soccer team plays we get the day off. Who cares if we live in poverty and ignorance... We are going to play in the Word Cup!!!!
But yet continue to miss out on the Spelling Bee :(




It's like I said the other day--enjoy the game and then get back on with your damn life. Our Monday class got canceled because all the girls in my class were bitching, and my teacher just got overwhelmed. It's kind of embarrassing to be in my group, because the same girl who brought up cancelling class this time comes up with all these bullshit reasons to push things back ALL THE TIME. After a while, it's just not funny. I know we're all stressed, and it's cute maybe the first time to act like a dumbass freshman and sweet-talk the professor out of doing what's expected of you. Oy. That was more about my problem with her, really, but still.



It's like I said the other day--enjoy the game and then get back on with your damn life. Our Monday class got canceled because all the girls in my class were bitching, and my teacher just got overwhelmed. It's kind of embarrassing to be in my group, because the same girl who brought up cancelling class this time comes up with all these bullshit reasons to push things back ALL THE TIME. After a while, it's just not funny. I know we're all stressed, and it's cute maybe the first time to act like a dumbass freshman and sweet-talk the professor out of doing what's expected of you. Oy. That was more about my problem with her, really, but still.
plus is that what you really want to teach the kids to do when they go out in the real world? Something "whining" doesn't quite work (unless you are the CEO or VP) but when people give you a project, either you finish it or get out.




Exactly. Do the girls I mentioned expect to whine to principals that it's their birthday tomorrow or they're tired after a crazy Sunday night? Sure, everyone takes a personal day once in a while, but stuff like this? The superbowl? If you want to take a personal day, miss a test, etc., that's your choice. You deal with the consequences and respect that life is going to go on for everyone else.




A-yup. I go out drinking all too many Thursdays, but my ass is up and in class Friday morning, with my homework done, ready to get my shit turned in, get class over with, and go have some more fun. When I take my P-days, I make sure I either (A) have everything already done, or (B) take the hit for my work.

Self-fucking-entitlement in this stupid country, especially with sports, the only hobby that gets a society free-pass because it's that IMPORTANT.

---------- Post added at 01:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:01 AM ----------

You know, not that I'm bitter or anything.




I've heard orally that this is no longer a maybe but a definitely.



A-yup. I go out drinking all too many Thursdays, but my ass is up and in class Friday morning, with my homework done, ready to get my shit turned in, get class over with, and go have some more fun. When I take my P-days, I make sure I either (A) have everything already done, or (B) take the hit for my work.

Self-fucking-entitlement in this stupid country, especially with sports, the only hobby that gets a society free-pass because it's that IMPORTANT.

---------- Post added at 01:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:01 AM ----------

You know, not that I'm bitter or anything.





haha, I know. I sounded like a complete dweeb when I wrote that. But hey, whatever!



ehhh...I don't know.. aren't sports supposed to be a celebration of culture and community? Why not take a day off to enjoy it? After all life's too short and and if everybody is cool with it.....Then again, as has been stated it may set a bad precedent...ahh what do I care? I don't even watch football.




I don't see what the big deal is. The Saints winning the Super Bowl would be way more important to most of those kids than whatever they'd learn in school that one day.



Yeah, I really don't see what the big deal is. I'm of the "life's too short" attitude, as well. It's a pretty big deal for a whole lot of people down here, so why not? 1 day probably wouldn't hurt anything.

Now if it were a whole week off for celebration, yeah, that might be a little overboard...




But we already have the day off to watch it. There's nothing stopping people from taking the day off if they want to... but declaring it some kind of official day off just seems silly to me. Life *is* short, so do with it what you want. But we can't go declaring official days off the day after every fun event. There's got to be a line.

---------- Post added at 09:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:57 PM ----------

I will say one thing-- After Sunday night, all the parents and bus drivers are gonna be hung over as shit... so maybe it's good if they're not responsible for driving their kids places that day.




Ugh this is what I'm talking about. Hey, how about national Read a Book Day. Or national, Go Visit a Museum or National Park day.





Plus, victory could mean fame and $ for a city that really needs it, and I guess that's worth celebrating.

D'ah I'm being all gruff about it, but I guess it's just a day. But still.

---------- Post added at 09:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:03 PM ----------

Those are actually awesome ideas, Juski. And at a Charter school where I tutored, they actually have something like that. The building is ancient, and they have no $ for a library, so they take a school day to drive their students in busses to the city library and look around. They get a day off, and they're doing something productive with it. I think that's nice. :)




Yeah, I really don't see what the big deal is. I'm of the "life's too short" attitude, as well. It's a pretty big deal for a whole lot of people down here, so why not? 1 day probably wouldn't hurt anything.

Now if it were a whole week off for celebration, yeah, that might be a little overboard...
I'm "down here", too, for the record. It shouldn't be a big enough deal to basically shut down an entire sector of society for. Especially such an important one.

I'm not a sports fan. I think the whole idea of getting hyped up about something 12 random strangers did completely without my help, most of which aren't even from near here, did just because they happen to have my town name assigned to their group is weird. But, hey, that's me.




Ugh this is what I'm talking about. Hey, how about national Read a Book Day. Or national, Go Visit a Museum or National Park day.

When there are no books for 41 years, and one finally comes out, you can take a day off.



I do agree that we can't declare days off after every single fun event; however, I think that in this instance it isn't so horrible. Maybe I have too much of a passive attitude about it. IDK. Ah well.

ElJuski, there are instances that I remember taking a day off of every day schoolwork to visit a museum/see an orchestra play/do something educational--field trips. Those that didn't go had a regular school day, but the trip, for those that did go, was always educational. At least, it was at my school.

I hated going see the orchestra as a kid :eek:hwell:




Ugh this is what I'm talking about. Hey, how about national Read a Book Day. Or national, Go Visit a Museum or National Park day.

When there are no books for 41 years, and one finally comes out, you can take a day off.[/QUOTE]





---------- Post added at 04:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:37 AM ----------

Yo hey JD Salinger died that's a pretty big deal LETS SHUT DOWN THE SCHOOLS



Kitty Sinatra

I don't get why they'd take the day off, either. Indy's gonna win.





Really, I don't care about football. I'm hoping they win for my mom, my late aunt, and the city itself. They need this.




The issue is that the schools that stay open with a high percentage (I think it was around 30% for Texas) of students and staff out lose a lot of money.




There should be ABSOLUTELY NO reason why the STAFF should be out. Fucking incredible. ITS YOUR JOB!



There should be ABSOLUTELY NO reason why the STAFF should be out. Fucking incredible. ITS YOUR JOB!

As someone who works in academics, I think you need to pull the rod out of your butt and climb down from that ivory tower. Educational things are fun, but sports generally are more enjoyed by everyone.

Would I rather go to a Penguins game or to the Franklin institute if given the choice between the two? Is this even a question?

---------- Post added at 11:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:19 AM ----------

Yeah, I really don't see what the big deal is. I'm of the "life's too short" attitude, as well. It's a pretty big deal for a whole lot of people down here, so why not? 1 day probably wouldn't hurt anything.

Now if it were a whole week off for celebration, yeah, that might be a little overboard...
I'm "down here", too, for the record. It shouldn't be a big enough deal to basically shut down an entire sector of society for. Especially such an important one.

I'm not a sports fan. I think the whole idea of getting hyped up about something 12 random strangers did completely without my help, most of which aren't even from near here, did just because they happen to have my town name assigned to their group is weird. But, hey, that's me.[/QUOTE]

I completely disagree with you on this.




I'm sorry, I forgot this country is based on "what's more fun" than "what's more important". You're correct, screw responsibility! Let's continue upping the importance of a hobby culture while reinforcing that, nahhh, school isn't as important as FUN stuff.



I'm sorry, I forgot this country is based on "what's more fun" than "what's more important". You're correct, screw responsibility! Let's continue upping the importance of a hobby culture while reinforcing that, nahhh, school isn't as important as FUN stuff.

It's one fucking day. Dude, if you don't like it, ship off to Vulcan.

I can't believe you're still butthurt over J.D. Salinger. The dude was like 91, wrote one book, and some short stories and you want a monument raised in his honor. Personally, I think he did no more for American culture than the 1980 U.S. Hockey team getting the gold.




I know it's not the end of the world, but it's infuriating that it's always sports that gets this pass in this culture. I think it's completely stupid and irresponsible that the entire city is going to shut down for this.

But hell, once again, I ain't losing sleep over it. Bitching on the internet, it's a fantastic venting source.




That just doesn't work for me either. It's a silly reason to close down for one day. It's a football game.



That just doesn't work for me either. It's a silly reason to close down for one day. It's a football game.
This can really be applied to anything that someone doesn't show interest towards. It's just a chess match. It's just a ballet. It's just a museum. It's just calculus.

I really see no reason to take a break from the routine and get a little silly now and then.




It starts as one day. Then the precedent is set and it becomes the expectation, not the exception.

The fact that we're even remotely accepting of this kind of behavior just highlights how 'entertainment-centric' society has become.

The continued dumbing down of Western Culture. Sigh.



I know it's not the end of the world, but it's infuriating that it's always sports that gets this pass in this culture. I think it's completely stupid and irresponsible that the entire city is going to shut down for this.

But hell, once again, I ain't losing sleep over it. Bitching on the internet, it's a fantastic venting source.
Uh, it's not just this culture, bub. Have you been to a World Cup match?




Personally, I think he did no more for American culture than the 1980 U.S. Hockey team getting the gold.
True story: The movie "Miracle" was filmed in my hometown.



It starts as one day. Then the precedent is set and it becomes the expectation, not the exception.

The fact that we're even remotely accepting of this kind of behavior just highlights how 'entertainment-centric' society has become.

The continued dumbing down of Western Culture. Sigh.
What are you talking about? The ancient Greeks would devote an entire month to Olympic festivities. People have been looking for excuses to have festivities since the dawn of civilization. The winter solstice celebrations, for instance, are just an excuse to eat, drink, and be merry in the middle of winter. It's part of our human culture to get down with our bad selves. Seriously, are you guy Vulcans? PON FARR!!!!!!!!!




That just doesn't work for me either. It's a silly reason to close down for one day. It's a football game.
This can really be applied to anything that someone doesn't show interest towards. It's just a chess match. It's just a ballet. It's just a museum. It's just calculus.

I really see no reason to take a break from the routine and get a little silly now and then.[/QUOTE]

Really? A field trip != a day off to recover from excessive celebration due to a football game. I'd wager there's plenty of people who love football who'd agree with me.




It starts as one day. Then the precedent is set and it becomes the expectation, not the exception.

The fact that we're even remotely accepting of this kind of behavior just highlights how 'entertainment-centric' society has become.

The continued dumbing down of Western Culture. Sigh.
What are you talking about? The ancient Greeks would devote an entire month to Olympic festivities. People have been looking for excuses to have festivities since the dawn of civilization. The winter solstice celebrations, for instance, are just an excuse to eat, drink, and be merry in the middle of winter.[/QUOTE]

I'll let someone else go over the history and decline of Greece with you.

I'm a big fan of exceptionalism. Work hard and reap the rewards. Those rewards require effort. Except we no longer admire effort of the brain, we only admire effort of the arm. And it's not isolated, it's systemic. You bring up the World Cup as an example, and I'll point out that Americans do more in a day than most Brazilians do in a week.



That just doesn't work for me either. It's a silly reason to close down for one day. It's a football game.
This can really be applied to anything that someone doesn't show interest towards. It's just a chess match. It's just a ballet. It's just a museum. It's just calculus.

I really see no reason to take a break from the routine and get a little silly now and then.[/QUOTE]

Really? A field trip != a day off to recover from excessive celebration due to a football game. I'd wager there's plenty of people who love football who'd agree with me.[/QUOTE]

Civic pride, man! When Philly won the world series, lots of schools shut down for the day so kids could go to the parade. A field trip is just a whole day for kids to goof off.




^There is definitely something to that, Chaz. Even though I'm not a fan, it can't be denied that sports are part of our culture. Like I said before, Saints fans are incredibly faithful. There are people who've been waiting for this all their lives. They're not on the team, but they're a part of it because they put their faith into a team that was ridiculed for years and years before it got here. I can understand people wanting the day off... but I still don't.



It starts as one day. Then the precedent is set and it becomes the expectation, not the exception.

The fact that we're even remotely accepting of this kind of behavior just highlights how 'entertainment-centric' society has become.

The continued dumbing down of Western Culture. Sigh.
What are you talking about? The ancient Greeks would devote an entire month to Olympic festivities. People have been looking for excuses to have festivities since the dawn of civilization. The winter solstice celebrations, for instance, are just an excuse to eat, drink, and be merry in the middle of winter.[/QUOTE]

I'll let someone else go over the history and decline of Greece with you.

I'm a big fan of exceptionalism. Work hard and reap the rewards. Those rewards require effort. Except we no longer admire effort of the brain, we only admire effort of the arm. And it's not isolated, it's systemic. You bring up the World Cup as an example, and I'll point out that Americans do more in a day than most Brazilians do in a week.[/QUOTE]

Really? Effort of the arm? I don't see how construction workers and trash collectors are considered a higher ranking profession over, say, a neurosurgeon. I agree with you on your work hard and reap the rewards ideal, so I won't argue that point.

Guys, New Orleans is still recovering from 2005. They need the money revenue from the Superbowl, and it's not a bad thing that people are behind their team and gaining back some pride in their city.

You guys keep knocking on sports as the decline of western civilization. Really what else unites people together from so many different economic, social, and racial backgrounds than sports? There's a reason why sports are a safe, non taboo work subject to discuss, aside from the weather.



I don't think it is the day is the main issue. It is the lesson that these kids will learn. It can be a good and a bad lesson.

Good lesson: Bringing a community together to celebrate something is awesome. Nothing wrong with that.

Bad lesson: everyone should stop what they are doing, because we need to recover from our partying the DAY BEFORE. If national sports can do it, I can do it. (i.e. party of Sunday and take Monday off to recover is not a good lesson)



I don't think it is the day is the main issue. It is the lesson that these kids will learn. It can be a good and a bad lesson.

Good lesson: Bringing a community together to celebrate something is awesome. Nothing wrong with that.

Bad lesson: everyone should stop what they are doing, because we need to recover from our partying the DAY BEFORE. If national sports can do it, I can do it. (i.e. party of Sunday and take Monday off to recover is not a good lesson)

I think the main reason for the day off is going to be for the parade if they win. Really, if you think about it, it's a pretty practical reason to close the school down. For an intensive purposes, the entire city of New Orleans is going to be centered on the Superbowl, celebrating. For them it's pretty much a local holiday.

Like I mentioned earlier, a lot of schools in my area close for the first day of deer season because that many kids are absent on the day. It's pretty much a local holiday.



I don't think it is the day is the main issue. It is the lesson that these kids will learn. It can be a good and a bad lesson.

Good lesson: Bringing a community together to celebrate something is awesome. Nothing wrong with that.

Bad lesson: everyone should stop what they are doing, because we need to recover from our partying the DAY BEFORE. If national sports can do it, I can do it. (i.e. party of Sunday and take Monday off to recover is not a good lesson)

I think the main reason for the day off is going to be for the parade if they win.[/QUOTE]

If that is the case, then it is ok, but if there isn't a parade, well, then it is a different story.




If there's an opportunity to have a parade down here, it is not passed up.


Kitty Sinatra

And they shall call it Lundi Gras




:laugh: :highfive:



I think some of the posts about this are kinda ridiculous.

"Sign of the downfall of western culture (all 200 years of it?)"
"Kids learning bad lessons for life (it's bad to take a day off, junior)"
"Sports trump education (they really don't do much more than any form of entertainment)"

Really now, it's not going to be the end of the world.




You guys keep knocking on sports as the decline of western civilization. Really what else unites people together from so many different economic, social, and racial backgrounds than sports? There's a reason why sports are a safe, non taboo work subject to discuss, aside from the weather.
I love sports. Give me a hockey stick and your silly American conception of goaltending would be obliterated ;)

I also think that education is important. I don't think that having a day off school because a football team won a game the day before is entirely 'bad', it's just not exactly 'good' either. But then again, I also think a PHD should pay more than a Wide Receiver. We glorify sports above where they should be and this skews our self-perception of 'value' to society. A teacher does more for a community than an outfielder does, yet we're more than happy to allow our politicians to build giant stadiums while shutting down schools.



You guys keep knocking on sports as the decline of western civilization. Really what else unites people together from so many different economic, social, and racial backgrounds than sports? There's a reason why sports are a safe, non taboo work subject to discuss, aside from the weather.
I love sports. Give me a hockey stick and your silly American conception of goaltending would be obliterated ;)

I also think that education is important. I don't think that having a day off school because a football team won a game the day before is entirely 'bad', it's just not exactly 'good' either. But then again, I also think a PHD should pay more than a Wide Receiver. We glorify sports above where they should be and this skews our self-perception of 'value' to society. A teacher does more for a community than an outfielder does, yet we're more than happy to allow our politicians to build giant stadiums while shutting down schools.[/QUOTE]

Way too much generalization . Again I agree with you, but let's be honest, it's pretty competitive and hard to get to play sports on a national level. PhD's (as an example) that are the cream of the crop get paid pretty damn well (but they're also few an far between due to the competitive nature of those positions). I mean you get the same issue with Hollywood actors being paid more than, say, MD's. Entertainment is big money. It's not easy to get your big break as an actor too. Really, comparing doctors, lawyers, and other high paying professions to entertainment professions isn't inherently skewed since the ratios of actual people that are doctors to those that are popular actors is huge. For every 100 doctors you have one Brad Pitt or Troy Palamalu.

Btw, it's a deal. I will stonewall your ass with every shot you throw at me.


Kitty Sinatra

Btw, it's a deal. I will stonewall your ass with every shot you throw at me.
I'd pay to watch that, so long as you both play like real men: no helmets.



Btw, it's a deal. I will stonewall your ass with every shot you throw at me.
I'd pay to watch that, so long as you both play like real men: no helmets.[/QUOTE]

I like my teeth thanks.




Btw, it's a deal. I will stonewall your ass with every shot you throw at me.
Oh please. There's Butterfly style, but I think you're more Butter than Fly. :)




I think it is a silly reason to shut down schools. If the game is over, time to get back to work. No need to recover from that kind of thing, really. But hey, if they want a snow day by all means make them make it up in the summer.




Also, because I somehow missed it-- JD SALINGER WROTE MORE THAN ONE BOOK. And, I guess there's no way to accurately measure whether Catcher in the Rye means more to humanity than some dumbshit hockey game, but my god, I sure hope it fucking does.

---------- Post added at 06:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:11 PM ----------

I think it is a silly reason to shut down schools. If the game is over, time to get back to work. No need to recover from that kind of thing, really. But hey, if they want a snow day by all means make them make it up in the summer.
Okay, that is a point. It should, at least, be made up later.


Kitty Sinatra

Okay, that is a point. It should, at least, be made up later.
That's what they're doing.




I am assuming that their rules for attendance is a little like Texas'. Texas schools figure in 3 days a year that will get blown by weather or emergency. Three free days if it happens to snow or tornado or hurricane. If you don't use them, you lose them. So I think that NO Parish Schools are just gambling that there will not be more than 2 snow days for the rest of the year.


Kitty Sinatra

Aye, that's my understanding.



Btw, it's a deal. I will stonewall your ass with every shot you throw at me.
Oh please. There's Butterfly style, but I think you're more Butter than Fly. :)[/QUOTE]

I'm actually hybrid butterfly. I'm not flexible enough to be Marc-Andre Fleury.

Butter is delicious. Flies are not.



Chaz: I think you might be simplifying too much. Yes you can take a day off BUT there are consequences if you do take a day off on YOUR own (i.e. hangover the day before) miss work, miss classes or anything else need to be catch up on your own.

When a whole SYSTEM promotes it, it just saying that sporting event is more important. Now of course when I was in high school in Texas, football IS the major thing going on in school. If there are any budget cuts, all department goes first then school (I remember band was struggling a bit while football players get new uniforms while we have to buy our own) It gives the kids wrong message in the long run. If you want to skip class a day, fine, then you have to make it up, but when the whole institution "skip class" then there is no making it up since everyone is on the same page (i.e. you are not behind in your lessons) or work (if you are no in school)

That is what I am trying to say. I hope I am more clear this time around.



Chaz: I think you might be simplifying too much. Yes you can take a day off BUT there are consequences if you do take a day off on YOUR own (i.e. hangover the day before) miss work, miss classes or anything else need to be catch up on your own.

When a whole SYSTEM promotes it, it just saying that sporting event is more important. Now of course when I was in high school in Texas, football IS the major thing going on in school. If there are any budget cuts, all department goes first then school (I remember band was struggling a bit while football players get new uniforms while we have to buy our own) It gives the kids wrong message in the long run. If you want to skip class a day, fine, then you have to make it up, but when the whole institution "skip class" then there is no making it up since everyone is on the same page (i.e. you are not behind in your lessons) or work (if you are no in school)

That is what I am trying to say. I hope I am more clear this time around.
No, I get it. But as the saying goes: money makes the world go round. The reason football takes priority in areas like Texas is because it's a money maker.




Also on the rewards of academics vs. athletics. Who earns more money? The guy that popularized software, or the highest paid athlete in the world? Innovators get rewarded for their knowledge far better than athletes get rewarded for their skill.



Also on the rewards of academics vs. athletics. Who earns more money? The guy that popularized software, or the highest paid athlete in the world? Innovators get rewarded for their knowledge far better than athletes get rewarded for their skill.

Whether it's academics or athletics a lot of how much you earn all depends on hard work, luck, and talent.



Chaz: I think you might be simplifying too much. Yes you can take a day off BUT there are consequences if you do take a day off on YOUR own (i.e. hangover the day before) miss work, miss classes or anything else need to be catch up on your own.

When a whole SYSTEM promotes it, it just saying that sporting event is more important. Now of course when I was in high school in Texas, football IS the major thing going on in school. If there are any budget cuts, all department goes first then school (I remember band was struggling a bit while football players get new uniforms while we have to buy our own) It gives the kids wrong message in the long run. If you want to skip class a day, fine, then you have to make it up, but when the whole institution "skip class" then there is no making it up since everyone is on the same page (i.e. you are not behind in your lessons) or work (if you are no in school)

That is what I am trying to say. I hope I am more clear this time around.
No, I get it. But as the saying goes: money makes the world go round. The reason football takes priority in areas like Texas is because it's a money maker.[/QUOTE]

I can't argue with that sir :) Football IS big in Texas (especially high school and college level)




Also on the rewards of academics vs. athletics. Who earns more money? The guy that popularized software, or the highest paid athlete in the world? Innovators get rewarded for their knowledge far better than athletes get rewarded for their skill.

Whether it's academics or athletics a lot of how much you earn all depends on hard work, luck, and talent.[/QUOTE]

And who you know.



Also on the rewards of academics vs. athletics. Who earns more money? The guy that popularized software, or the highest paid athlete in the world? Innovators get rewarded for their knowledge far better than athletes get rewarded for their skill.

Whether it's academics or athletics a lot of how much you earn all depends on hard work, luck, and talent.[/QUOTE]

And who you know.[/QUOTE]

Who you know gets you in the door, what you know keeps you inside ;)




Who you know gets you in the door, what you know keeps you inside ;)
*wheeze wheeze*

Oh man, it's a good thing you added a ;) or else I might have taken you seriously! :)



Who you know gets you in the door, what you know keeps you inside ;)
*wheeze wheeze*

Oh man, it's a good thing you added a ;) or else I might have taken you seriously! :)[/QUOTE]

glad to be of service ;)




You guys don't understand the meaning of this. This isn't taking a day off for just a football game. This is the super bowl. Something thats eluded the people of New Orleans for 41 years. The Saints are a major part of New Orleans' culture, and I think that whatever the kids would learn in school isn't as important as being there for a huge day in the history of the city. There are about 180 days of school a year. Cancelling one of them won't ruin anyone.




That was said earlier. It isn't terribly convincing because you're trying to appeal to a sense of tribal belonging that not everyone feels empathy for.




More people feel empathy for celebrating a super bowl than spending one day in school.




89% of all statistics on the internet are made up.




How many days of school were there that you felt "man, I wouldnt be where I am now if I missed that day"?




It's just funny because sports is one of the only fucking things that people will cancel school for. Shit, I had to go to school for the rest of the week after 9/11 (the most extreme example that comes to the top of my head, of course). We didn't need "civic pride" and "community" then, of course, nor do we celebrate other things like important city landmarks opening, important people dying, important people being born...but for FOOTBALLL RAAWWRRR OHHH YEAHHH LETS GET FUCKED UPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP WHY DONT YOU GUYS UNDERSTAND.




The same number as the day-after super bowls that I really wish I had stayed home.




So you agree that cancelling a day of school is no big deal.
Now the people that care about football can get the day off.

Eljuski, its because there are a shit ton of "important people being born/dying" days. This is the first super bowl for new orleans in the 41 year history of the team. As far as I know, this is a first for the city.
See the difference?




So you agree that cancelling a day of school is no big deal.
Now the people that care about football can get the day off.
Two things are hilarious about this:

1.) You only asked me what I remembered about the importance of individual days at school. So no, I didn't say that at all.

2.) I'm happy that they have been waiting on me for their decision to go ahead with it. It makes me feel important.


Kitty Sinatra

Shit, I had to go to school for the rest of the week after 9/11
That was only because football was cancelled that week.



Also, because I somehow missed it-- JD SALINGER WROTE MORE THAN ONE BOOK. And, I guess there's no way to accurately measure whether Catcher in the Rye means more to humanity than some dumbshit hockey game, but my god, I sure hope it fucking does.

You know not because of the cold war or any other animosity between Russia and USA, and that we finally beat them in a sport that they dominated us for how ever many years. No I can't see why that would be culturally huge.



ITT: Kids in school going "fuck yes, a day off!" vs. Adults in the workplace going "get the fuck back in your hole so we don't have to see you, whipper snappers!".




Also, because I somehow missed it-- JD SALINGER WROTE MORE THAN ONE BOOK. And, I guess there's no way to accurately measure whether Catcher in the Rye means more to humanity than some dumbshit hockey game, but my god, I sure hope it fucking does.

You know not because of the cold war or any other animosity between Russia and USA, and that we finally beat them in a sport that they dominated us for how ever many years. No I can't see why that would be culturally huge.[/QUOTE]
Not to mention, how many people knew who JD Salinger was, or what Catcher in the Rye was about? You (eljusk) might say that its just because everyone else is inferior to you, but that certainly lessens its cultural significance.



I think I'm done here unless there are arguments besides "durp da derp, I don't like sports so no one should derp derp derp"

---------- Post added at 07:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:24 AM ----------

Also, because I somehow missed it-- JD SALINGER WROTE MORE THAN ONE BOOK. And, I guess there's no way to accurately measure whether Catcher in the Rye means more to humanity than some dumbshit hockey game, but my god, I sure hope it fucking does.

You know not because of the cold war or any other animosity between Russia and USA, and that we finally beat them in a sport that they dominated us for how ever many years. No I can't see why that would be culturally huge.[/QUOTE]
Not to mention, how many people knew who JD Salinger was, or what Catcher in the Rye was about? You (eljusk) might say that its just because everyone else is inferior to you, but that certainly lessens its cultural significance.[/QUOTE]

He was 91 years old, died of natural causes, wrote ONE novel, and was a recluse. He wasn't exactly JFK (for whom schools did shut down for after his assassination).



Shit, I had to go to school for the rest of the week after 9/11
That was only because football was cancelled that week.[/QUOTE]

sadly, I remember classes were not cancel when 9/11 happen. People CAN go home, but you have to make up your work for those who stayed at school.




I think I'm done here unless there are arguments besides "durp da derp, I don't like sports so no one should derp derp derp"
Seems to sum up the quality of discussion on both sides, really.




I was half a continent away from NYC on 9/11, our professors sent everyone home. We had to come back the next day, but over half the normal school day was canceled.




I took my kids out of school a couple of times to take them to opening day movies. We got to be entertained and spend time together. One day away from school is not a big deal, regardless of the reason.



I took my kids out of school a couple of times to take them to opening day movies. We got to be entertained and spend time together. One day away from school is not a big deal, regardless of the reason.
Yea, but then your kids will have to make it up since all the other kids are 1 day ahead in their lessons. I personally have no issue if people taking their personal time and doing stuff, but when you push back everyone for an event (regardless of event) then you really have to look at the event if it is worth doing it. It is all about action and consequences. When you do it, there is consequences, but when the whole group does it, there isn't any (per se. i.e. like in school everyone is "behind" together so there is no individual make up work if any)




Chaz are you an idiot or just trolling? JD Salinger wrote more than one novel.

Also, its not NOBODY should like sports derp a derp, its a backlash against this cultural phenom of saying SPRTS IS TEH EXCEPTION LAAAAAAAAAAA LAAAAAA LAAAAAA!

Also, I have no problem with taking a personal day for whatever it is rocks your jollies off. No, one day off of school never hurt anyone. I took p-days for the lamest shit, too. But that's an individual's choice and problem, not the state's.

---------- Post added at 03:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:26 PM ----------

Oh, and Blots? I really hope to god more people know what Catcher in the Rye is about (regardless of whether they love it or hate it), or else maybe we really ARE doomed for Idiocracy.

"Reports say school will close throughout the nation for the premiere of the new "OW MY BALLS!" series. An event that hasn't happened in 41 years!"



Chaz are you an idiot or just trolling? JD Salinger wrote more than one novel.

Also, its not NOBODY should like sports derp a derp, its a backlash against this cultural phenom of saying SPRTS IS TEH EXCEPTION LAAAAAAAAAAA LAAAAAA LAAAAAA!

Also, I have no problem with taking a personal day for whatever it is rocks your jollies off. No, one day off of school never hurt anyone. I took p-days for the lamest shit, too. But that's an individual's choice and problem, not the state's.

---------- Post added at 03:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:26 PM ----------

Oh, and Blots? I really hope to god more people know what Catcher in the Rye is about (regardless of whether they love it or hate it), or else maybe we really ARE doomed for Idiocracy.

"Reports say school will close throughout the nation for the premiere of the new "OW MY BALLS!" series. An event that hasn't happened in 41 years!"
Yeah, I'm sorry he wrote 3 books and a collection of short stories. Derp da derp derp

Dude, a lot of towns shut things down for local holidays...




Haha, I'm sorry, I forgot the quantity = quality. Sorry JD, we need to take back all those "literary genius" things the world has been saying for the last 60-some years. Your quintissential American bildungsroman is now stricken from the literary canon, because, shit dogg, only 3!? We should be giving prestige to the authors that write those sleezy wizard-sex novels. That one dude's wrote like, a million!

Not to mention, a group of dudes throwing a football to each other...now THOSE guys need the accolades. And the millions. Because they're giving us a day off, bro! What did you do? Help progress literature? Create a cornerstone period piece of the 50s? Add to the thoughts about humanity, existence, and gracing on the aesthetic elements of truth, love, death, fear, beauty? H-hold on, bro. The Saints are about to score, we'll get back to this.



Haha, I'm sorry, I forgot the quantity = quality. Sorry JD, we need to take back all those "literary genius" things the world has been saying for the last 60-some years. Your quintissential American bildungsroman is now stricken from the literary canon, because, shit dogg, only 3!? We should be giving prestige to the authors that write those sleezy wizard-sex novels. That one dude's wrote like, a million!

Not to mention, a group of dudes throwing a football to each other...now THOSE guys need the accolades. And the millions. Because they're giving us a day off, bro! What did you do? Help progress literature? Create a cornerstone period piece of the 50s? Add to the thoughts about humanity, existence, and gracing on the aesthetic elements of truth, love, death, fear, beauty? H-hold on, bro. The Saints are about to score, we'll get back to this.

I've got three publication contributions to my field of science. :rolleyes:

Those dude's throwing the football around are contributing to our societies athletic culture. Two hundred years from now, when archeologists are delving around at 21st century life, football will be mentioned as a cultural significance, much like Lacrosse and the Mesoamerican ballgame were a part of Native American culture. Not only did they take a day off for that shit, the losers were sacrificed to their gods!

Have you made sweet love to JD's corpse yet?




Haha, I'm sorry, I forgot the quantity = quality. Sorry JD, we need to take back all those \\\"literary genius\\\" things the world has been saying for the last 60-some years. Your quintissential American bildungsroman is now stricken from the literary canon, because, shit dogg, only 3!? We should be giving prestige to the authors that write those sleezy wizard-sex novels. That one dude's wrote like, a million!

Not to mention, a group of dudes throwing a football to each other...now THOSE guys need the accolades. And the millions. Because they're giving us a day off, bro! What did you do? Help progress literature? Create a cornerstone period piece of the 50s? Add to the thoughts about humanity, existence, and gracing on the aesthetic elements of truth, love, death, fear, beauty? H-hold on, bro. The Saints are about to score, we'll get back to this.
I get that you're really angry about this or whatever but as someone who also studied english lit in college I'm pretty sure I remember that Salinger wrote 1 novel, a few novellas and a bunch of short stories. In fact a quick google search backs me up. http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/salinger.htm

I feel icky backing Chaz up that much.



Haha, I'm sorry, I forgot the quantity = quality. Sorry JD, we need to take back all those \\\\"literary genius\\\\" things the world has been saying for the last 60-some years. Your quintissential American bildungsroman is now stricken from the literary canon, because, shit dogg, only 3!? We should be giving prestige to the authors that write those sleezy wizard-sex novels. That one dude's wrote like, a million!

Not to mention, a group of dudes throwing a football to each other...now THOSE guys need the accolades. And the millions. Because they're giving us a day off, bro! What did you do? Help progress literature? Create a cornerstone period piece of the 50s? Add to the thoughts about humanity, existence, and gracing on the aesthetic elements of truth, love, death, fear, beauty? H-hold on, bro. The Saints are about to score, we'll get back to this.
I get that you're really angry about this or whatever but as someone who also studied english lit in college I'm pretty sure I remember that Salinger wrote 1 novel, a few novellas and a bunch of short stories. In fact a quick google search backs me up. http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/salinger.htm

I feel icky backing Chaz up that much.[/QUOTE]

Once you go Chaz, you...um...well... won't go eat grass?




I don't have to; dude's part of the literary canon. Like Shakespeare, Wordsworth, Byron, Mary Shelly, Woolstonecraft, Poe, the unknown writers of Beowulf, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. How much more prestige can you get? Except, you know, from people who only care about FOOTBALL and seemingly piss on every other cultural aspect this country may hold. Screw cultural literacy, who needs dumbshit books anyway! LEARNING IS BORING YO.

Oh, and we DO celebrate atheticism, and it WILL be recorded. It's called ESPN, ESPN 2, SportsNet, Sporting News magazine, Sports Illustrated, The Olympics, The Super Bowl, The Pro Bowl, The Rose Bowl, The Tostitos Bowl, The World Series, The All-Star Game, Ken Griffey Jr's Slugfest 99', Super Mario Baseball, and on coozies and snuggies being processed out of an industrial machine in China.

No, I think sports is already completely celebrated. But literature? That shit is wack. I mean, who only writes THREE BOOKS, RREAAAALLY




Salinger needed to befriend an inner-city black basketball player to show him the beauty of friendship before he died.



Even pirates get a day! what about ninja???



I don't have to; dude's part of the literary canon. Like Shakespeare, Wordsworth, Byron, Mary Shelly, Woolstonecraft, Poe, the unknown writers of Beowulf, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. How much more prestige can you get? Except, you know, from people who only care about FOOTBALL and seemingly piss on every other cultural aspect this country may hold. Screw cultural literacy, who needs dumbshit books anyway! LEARNING IS BORING YO.

Oh, and we DO celebrate atheticism, and it WILL be recorded. It's called ESPN, ESPN 2, SportsNet, Sporting News magazine, Sports Illustrated, The Olympics, The Super Bowl, The Pro Bowl, The Rose Bowl, The Tostitos Bowl, The World Series, The All-Star Game, Ken Griffey Jr's Slugfest 99', Super Mario Baseball, and on coozies and snuggies being processed out of an industrial machine in China.

No, I think sports is already completely celebrated. But literature? That shit is wack. I mean, who only writes THREE BOOKS, RREAAAALLY

Is typing this in his Shakespeare snuggie as we speak. But I do enjoy you talking down to me as if I'm some sort of blue collar yokel who don't read none of them dumbshit books. Pardon me for my lack of erections whilst reading about that dreamy Holden Caulfield




*eye roll* yes, because that's the crux of the argument, the difference between a Novel and a Novella. Because, once again, QUANTITY IS QUALITY.

Let me put it in a way you can understand, Chaz:

It's not how many touchdowns, you can get, bro! It's how important the touchdown is to the game, bro!

---------- Post added at 04:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:05 PM ----------

Also, great counterargument!


But actually, you DO have a point. Man, there ain't no literature culture making hella bank! Maybe if books made as much money from America there WOULD be an "X Author" day off.




Was there ever a buddy cop movie where a lowbrow sports fan has to team up with a highbrow librarian in order to solve crimes?

Or did I just describe the best episode of Frasier ever???




Was there ever a buddy cop movie where a lowbrow sports fan has to team up with a highbrow librarian in order to solve crimes?

Or did I just describe the best episode of Frasier ever???
Gattdamnnn I love you Goose.




Book reading can't be compartmentalized and made into loud, flashy sound bytes that everyone can understand. This is why sports will ALWAYS have more fans than literature. Plus, it's easier to dribble a ball or run fast than it is to deconstruct the meaning behind a classic novel or write one yourself.

Yes, America puts more emphasis on sports than literature, but that's because it has more mass appeal and is more easily and widely understood.



*eye roll* yes, because that's the crux of the argument, the difference between a Novel and a Novella. Because, once again, QUANTITY IS QUALITY.

Let me put it in a way you can understand, Chaz:

It's not how many touchdowns, you can get, bro! It's how important the touchdown is to the game, bro!

---------- Post added at 04:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:05 PM ----------

Also, great counterargument!


But actually, you DO have a point. Man, there ain't no literature culture making hella bank! Maybe if books made as much money from America there WOULD be an "X Author" day off.

Whatever you say Mr. Richard Hofstadter, whatever you say.



Book reading can't be compartmentalized and made into loud, flashy sound bytes that everyone can understand. This is why sports will ALWAYS have more fans than literature. Plus, it's easier to dribble a ball or run fast than it is to deconstruct the meaning behind a classic novel or write one yourself.

Yes, America puts more emphasis on sports than literature, but that's because it has more mass appeal and is more easily and widely understood.
Does this mean the "mass American" are just not smart enough to get it? I guess as a nation if our literacy is much higher, then maybe literature would be more appreciated.




Book reading can't be compartmentalized and made into loud, flashy sound bytes that everyone can understand. This is why sports will ALWAYS have more fans than literature. Plus, it's easier to dribble a ball or run fast than it is to deconstruct the meaning behind a classic novel or write one yourself.

Yes, America puts more emphasis on sports than literature, but that's because it has more mass appeal and is more easily and widely understood.
Dave, wow. That's intelligent, and rational. And you're a sports fan, too! It's great you're thinking outside of your hobby, however passionate or not you may be thereof. Good point, man!



Book reading can't be compartmentalized and made into loud, flashy sound bytes that everyone can understand. This is why sports will ALWAYS have more fans than literature. Plus, it's easier to dribble a ball or run fast than it is to deconstruct the meaning behind a classic novel or write one yourself.

Yes, America puts more emphasis on sports than literature, but that's because it has more mass appeal and is more easily and widely understood.
Does this mean the "mass American" are just not smart enough to get it? I guess as a nation if our literacy is much higher, then maybe literature would be more appreciated.[/QUOTE]

What fucking country in this world has more mass appeal for reading than playing sports? When has this ever been the case in the whole course of human history? When has this intellectual golden age occurred?




*eye roll* yes, because that's the crux of the argument, the difference between a Novel and a Novella. Because, once again, QUANTITY IS QUALITY.

Let me put it in a way you can understand, Chaz:

It's not how many touchdowns, you can get, bro! It's how important the touchdown is to the game, bro!

---------- Post added at 04:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:05 PM ----------

Also, great counterargument!


But actually, you DO have a point. Man, there ain't no literature culture making hella bank! Maybe if books made as much money from America there WOULD be an "X Author" day off.
Novella is being generous, the majority of his stuff could be published in a newspaper or reader's digest. Books are great and all but the perception that sports somehow make you less intelligent is just stupid. Being a well-rounded person is what school is about. I know what your touchdown analogy means, does that make me dumb?



*eye roll* yes, because that's the crux of the argument, the difference between a Novel and a Novella. Because, once again, QUANTITY IS QUALITY.

Let me put it in a way you can understand, Chaz:

It's not how many touchdowns, you can get, bro! It's how important the touchdown is to the game, bro!

---------- Post added at 04:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:05 PM ----------

Also, great counterargument!


But actually, you DO have a point. Man, there ain't no literature culture making hella bank! Maybe if books made as much money from America there WOULD be an "X Author" day off.
Novella is being generous, the majority of his stuff could be published in a newspaper or reader's digest. Books are great and all but the perception that sports somehow make you less intelligent is just stupid. Being a well-rounded person is what school is about. I know what your touchdown analogy means, does that make me dumb?[/QUOTE]

As his intellectual superior, I agree with this statement.




Also, great counterargument!

Let's be fair. Aren't a lot of your posts saying "FOOTBALL NERD LOL"?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

if PBS Documentaries got 1/3 the ratings of the Superbowl we'd have a hangover day after the newest Ken Burns joint dropped. OH SHIT SON YOU SEE THAT MESS ON THE NATIONAL DEFECIT? I was up all night pregaming watching Frontline.

I love sports, and I think having an official day off instead having school in session with pitiful attendance is a good thing.

I also think the whole culture of sacrificing your studies to be the next NFL/NBA superstar is really dangerous because of how many thousands of high school/college athletes that don't make it and have no plan B.




Ha, true. But there also is the acceptance that sports culture IS a part of our culture, and has its own importance. My point being, its a shame that other aspects of culture are being criticized for their authenticity or merit. And, specifically, the works of J.D. Salinger. Okay, so Franny and Zooey can be considered a "novella". And he wrote a ton of short stories. It's a shame nobody else caught on, or else people wouldn't have been calling him a literary geniu--oh, wait. He still is. And yet, the biggest argument against him is that he hasn't written enough novels... le sigh.

And, no, snuff, you're not an idiot for understanding that analogy. In fact, you ARE well rounded. What makes me sad is that people aren't well-rounded enough on other aspects of culture--like literature. Chaz has got science down, that's great. And he's got sports, too, that's also great. But who the fuck cares about literature? And kids these days, how many of them care about science or math or english? It's getting worse and worse. But sports will forever be popular! And they get days off of school for it!




Harry Potter disagrees.



Harry Potter disagrees.
possible (and uggg.. Twilight) but neither gets a day off for it (book release)



Ha, true. But there also is the acceptance that sports culture IS a part of our culture, and has its own importance. My point being, its a shame that other aspects of culture are being criticized for their authenticity or merit. And, specifically, the works of J.D. Salinger. Okay, so Franny and Zooey can be considered a "novella". And he wrote a ton of short stories. It's a shame nobody else caught on, or else people wouldn't have been calling him a literary geniu--oh, wait. He still is. And yet, the biggest argument against him is that he hasn't written enough novels... le sigh.

And, no, snuff, you're not an idiot for understanding that analogy. In fact, you ARE well rounded. What makes me sad is that people aren't well-rounded enough on other aspects of culture--like literature. Chaz has got science down, that's great. And he's got sports, too, that's also great. But who the fuck cares about literature? And kids these days, how many of them care about science or math or english? It's getting worse and worse. But sports will forever be popular! And they get days off of school for it!

So how old are you anyway? 23 going on 73?




Harry Potter disagrees.
possible (and uggg.. Twilight) but neither gets a day off for it (book release)[/QUOTE]
They're released in the summer...



Harry Potter disagrees.
possible (and uggg.. Twilight) but neither gets a day off for it (book release)[/QUOTE]
They're released in the summer...[/QUOTE]

people work in the summer.. they should have a day off!! ;)




Salinger sold 65 million copies of his one "Great American Novel." Or culture celebrates authors too. The reason people dream about writing the "GAN" is that you will become fabulously wealthy.
