School? Who needs it? There's football!

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Haha, I'm sorry, I forgot the quantity = quality. Sorry JD, we need to take back all those "literary genius" things the world has been saying for the last 60-some years. Your quintissential American bildungsroman is now stricken from the literary canon, because, shit dogg, only 3!? We should be giving prestige to the authors that write those sleezy wizard-sex novels. That one dude's wrote like, a million!

Not to mention, a group of dudes throwing a football to each THOSE guys need the accolades. And the millions. Because they're giving us a day off, bro! What did you do? Help progress literature? Create a cornerstone period piece of the 50s? Add to the thoughts about humanity, existence, and gracing on the aesthetic elements of truth, love, death, fear, beauty? H-hold on, bro. The Saints are about to score, we'll get back to this.

I've got three publication contributions to my field of science. :rolleyes:

Those dude's throwing the football around are contributing to our societies athletic culture. Two hundred years from now, when archeologists are delving around at 21st century life, football will be mentioned as a cultural significance, much like Lacrosse and the Mesoamerican ballgame were a part of Native American culture. Not only did they take a day off for that shit, the losers were sacrificed to their gods!

Have you made sweet love to JD's corpse yet?
Haha, I'm sorry, I forgot the quantity = quality. Sorry JD, we need to take back all those \\\"literary genius\\\" things the world has been saying for the last 60-some years. Your quintissential American bildungsroman is now stricken from the literary canon, because, shit dogg, only 3!? We should be giving prestige to the authors that write those sleezy wizard-sex novels. That one dude's wrote like, a million!

Not to mention, a group of dudes throwing a football to each THOSE guys need the accolades. And the millions. Because they're giving us a day off, bro! What did you do? Help progress literature? Create a cornerstone period piece of the 50s? Add to the thoughts about humanity, existence, and gracing on the aesthetic elements of truth, love, death, fear, beauty? H-hold on, bro. The Saints are about to score, we'll get back to this.
I get that you're really angry about this or whatever but as someone who also studied english lit in college I'm pretty sure I remember that Salinger wrote 1 novel, a few novellas and a bunch of short stories. In fact a quick google search backs me up.

I feel icky backing Chaz up that much.


Haha, I'm sorry, I forgot the quantity = quality. Sorry JD, we need to take back all those \\\\"literary genius\\\\" things the world has been saying for the last 60-some years. Your quintissential American bildungsroman is now stricken from the literary canon, because, shit dogg, only 3!? We should be giving prestige to the authors that write those sleezy wizard-sex novels. That one dude's wrote like, a million!

Not to mention, a group of dudes throwing a football to each THOSE guys need the accolades. And the millions. Because they're giving us a day off, bro! What did you do? Help progress literature? Create a cornerstone period piece of the 50s? Add to the thoughts about humanity, existence, and gracing on the aesthetic elements of truth, love, death, fear, beauty? H-hold on, bro. The Saints are about to score, we'll get back to this.
I get that you're really angry about this or whatever but as someone who also studied english lit in college I'm pretty sure I remember that Salinger wrote 1 novel, a few novellas and a bunch of short stories. In fact a quick google search backs me up.

I feel icky backing Chaz up that much.[/QUOTE]

Once you go Chaz, won't go eat grass?


Staff member
I don't have to; dude's part of the literary canon. Like Shakespeare, Wordsworth, Byron, Mary Shelly, Woolstonecraft, Poe, the unknown writers of Beowulf, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. How much more prestige can you get? Except, you know, from people who only care about FOOTBALL and seemingly piss on every other cultural aspect this country may hold. Screw cultural literacy, who needs dumbshit books anyway! LEARNING IS BORING YO.

Oh, and we DO celebrate atheticism, and it WILL be recorded. It's called ESPN, ESPN 2, SportsNet, Sporting News magazine, Sports Illustrated, The Olympics, The Super Bowl, The Pro Bowl, The Rose Bowl, The Tostitos Bowl, The World Series, The All-Star Game, Ken Griffey Jr's Slugfest 99', Super Mario Baseball, and on coozies and snuggies being processed out of an industrial machine in China.

No, I think sports is already completely celebrated. But literature? That shit is wack. I mean, who only writes THREE BOOKS, RREAAAALLY


Staff member
Salinger needed to befriend an inner-city black basketball player to show him the beauty of friendship before he died.


I don't have to; dude's part of the literary canon. Like Shakespeare, Wordsworth, Byron, Mary Shelly, Woolstonecraft, Poe, the unknown writers of Beowulf, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. How much more prestige can you get? Except, you know, from people who only care about FOOTBALL and seemingly piss on every other cultural aspect this country may hold. Screw cultural literacy, who needs dumbshit books anyway! LEARNING IS BORING YO.

Oh, and we DO celebrate atheticism, and it WILL be recorded. It's called ESPN, ESPN 2, SportsNet, Sporting News magazine, Sports Illustrated, The Olympics, The Super Bowl, The Pro Bowl, The Rose Bowl, The Tostitos Bowl, The World Series, The All-Star Game, Ken Griffey Jr's Slugfest 99', Super Mario Baseball, and on coozies and snuggies being processed out of an industrial machine in China.

No, I think sports is already completely celebrated. But literature? That shit is wack. I mean, who only writes THREE BOOKS, RREAAAALLY

Is typing this in his Shakespeare snuggie as we speak. But I do enjoy you talking down to me as if I'm some sort of blue collar yokel who don't read none of them dumbshit books. Pardon me for my lack of erections whilst reading about that dreamy Holden Caulfield


Staff member
*eye roll* yes, because that's the crux of the argument, the difference between a Novel and a Novella. Because, once again, QUANTITY IS QUALITY.

Let me put it in a way you can understand, Chaz:

It's not how many touchdowns, you can get, bro! It's how important the touchdown is to the game, bro!

---------- Post added at 04:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:05 PM ----------

Also, great counterargument!


But actually, you DO have a point. Man, there ain't no literature culture making hella bank! Maybe if books made as much money from America there WOULD be an "X Author" day off.
Was there ever a buddy cop movie where a lowbrow sports fan has to team up with a highbrow librarian in order to solve crimes?

Or did I just describe the best episode of Frasier ever???


Staff member
Was there ever a buddy cop movie where a lowbrow sports fan has to team up with a highbrow librarian in order to solve crimes?

Or did I just describe the best episode of Frasier ever???
Gattdamnnn I love you Goose.


Staff member
Book reading can't be compartmentalized and made into loud, flashy sound bytes that everyone can understand. This is why sports will ALWAYS have more fans than literature. Plus, it's easier to dribble a ball or run fast than it is to deconstruct the meaning behind a classic novel or write one yourself.

Yes, America puts more emphasis on sports than literature, but that's because it has more mass appeal and is more easily and widely understood.


*eye roll* yes, because that's the crux of the argument, the difference between a Novel and a Novella. Because, once again, QUANTITY IS QUALITY.

Let me put it in a way you can understand, Chaz:

It's not how many touchdowns, you can get, bro! It's how important the touchdown is to the game, bro!

---------- Post added at 04:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:05 PM ----------

Also, great counterargument!


But actually, you DO have a point. Man, there ain't no literature culture making hella bank! Maybe if books made as much money from America there WOULD be an "X Author" day off.

Whatever you say Mr. Richard Hofstadter, whatever you say.



Book reading can't be compartmentalized and made into loud, flashy sound bytes that everyone can understand. This is why sports will ALWAYS have more fans than literature. Plus, it's easier to dribble a ball or run fast than it is to deconstruct the meaning behind a classic novel or write one yourself.

Yes, America puts more emphasis on sports than literature, but that's because it has more mass appeal and is more easily and widely understood.
Does this mean the "mass American" are just not smart enough to get it? I guess as a nation if our literacy is much higher, then maybe literature would be more appreciated.


Staff member
Book reading can't be compartmentalized and made into loud, flashy sound bytes that everyone can understand. This is why sports will ALWAYS have more fans than literature. Plus, it's easier to dribble a ball or run fast than it is to deconstruct the meaning behind a classic novel or write one yourself.

Yes, America puts more emphasis on sports than literature, but that's because it has more mass appeal and is more easily and widely understood.
Dave, wow. That's intelligent, and rational. And you're a sports fan, too! It's great you're thinking outside of your hobby, however passionate or not you may be thereof. Good point, man!


Book reading can't be compartmentalized and made into loud, flashy sound bytes that everyone can understand. This is why sports will ALWAYS have more fans than literature. Plus, it's easier to dribble a ball or run fast than it is to deconstruct the meaning behind a classic novel or write one yourself.

Yes, America puts more emphasis on sports than literature, but that's because it has more mass appeal and is more easily and widely understood.
Does this mean the "mass American" are just not smart enough to get it? I guess as a nation if our literacy is much higher, then maybe literature would be more appreciated.[/QUOTE]

What fucking country in this world has more mass appeal for reading than playing sports? When has this ever been the case in the whole course of human history? When has this intellectual golden age occurred?
*eye roll* yes, because that's the crux of the argument, the difference between a Novel and a Novella. Because, once again, QUANTITY IS QUALITY.

Let me put it in a way you can understand, Chaz:

It's not how many touchdowns, you can get, bro! It's how important the touchdown is to the game, bro!

---------- Post added at 04:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:05 PM ----------

Also, great counterargument!


But actually, you DO have a point. Man, there ain't no literature culture making hella bank! Maybe if books made as much money from America there WOULD be an "X Author" day off.
Novella is being generous, the majority of his stuff could be published in a newspaper or reader's digest. Books are great and all but the perception that sports somehow make you less intelligent is just stupid. Being a well-rounded person is what school is about. I know what your touchdown analogy means, does that make me dumb?


*eye roll* yes, because that's the crux of the argument, the difference between a Novel and a Novella. Because, once again, QUANTITY IS QUALITY.

Let me put it in a way you can understand, Chaz:

It's not how many touchdowns, you can get, bro! It's how important the touchdown is to the game, bro!

---------- Post added at 04:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:05 PM ----------

Also, great counterargument!


But actually, you DO have a point. Man, there ain't no literature culture making hella bank! Maybe if books made as much money from America there WOULD be an "X Author" day off.
Novella is being generous, the majority of his stuff could be published in a newspaper or reader's digest. Books are great and all but the perception that sports somehow make you less intelligent is just stupid. Being a well-rounded person is what school is about. I know what your touchdown analogy means, does that make me dumb?[/QUOTE]

As his intellectual superior, I agree with this statement.
if PBS Documentaries got 1/3 the ratings of the Superbowl we'd have a hangover day after the newest Ken Burns joint dropped. OH SHIT SON YOU SEE THAT MESS ON THE NATIONAL DEFECIT? I was up all night pregaming watching Frontline.

I love sports, and I think having an official day off instead having school in session with pitiful attendance is a good thing.

I also think the whole culture of sacrificing your studies to be the next NFL/NBA superstar is really dangerous because of how many thousands of high school/college athletes that don't make it and have no plan B.


Staff member
Ha, true. But there also is the acceptance that sports culture IS a part of our culture, and has its own importance. My point being, its a shame that other aspects of culture are being criticized for their authenticity or merit. And, specifically, the works of J.D. Salinger. Okay, so Franny and Zooey can be considered a "novella". And he wrote a ton of short stories. It's a shame nobody else caught on, or else people wouldn't have been calling him a literary geniu--oh, wait. He still is. And yet, the biggest argument against him is that he hasn't written enough novels... le sigh.

And, no, snuff, you're not an idiot for understanding that analogy. In fact, you ARE well rounded. What makes me sad is that people aren't well-rounded enough on other aspects of culture--like literature. Chaz has got science down, that's great. And he's got sports, too, that's also great. But who the fuck cares about literature? And kids these days, how many of them care about science or math or english? It's getting worse and worse. But sports will forever be popular! And they get days off of school for it!


Ha, true. But there also is the acceptance that sports culture IS a part of our culture, and has its own importance. My point being, its a shame that other aspects of culture are being criticized for their authenticity or merit. And, specifically, the works of J.D. Salinger. Okay, so Franny and Zooey can be considered a "novella". And he wrote a ton of short stories. It's a shame nobody else caught on, or else people wouldn't have been calling him a literary geniu--oh, wait. He still is. And yet, the biggest argument against him is that he hasn't written enough novels... le sigh.

And, no, snuff, you're not an idiot for understanding that analogy. In fact, you ARE well rounded. What makes me sad is that people aren't well-rounded enough on other aspects of culture--like literature. Chaz has got science down, that's great. And he's got sports, too, that's also great. But who the fuck cares about literature? And kids these days, how many of them care about science or math or english? It's getting worse and worse. But sports will forever be popular! And they get days off of school for it!

So how old are you anyway? 23 going on 73?
Salinger sold 65 million copies of his one "Great American Novel." Or culture celebrates authors too. The reason people dream about writing the "GAN" is that you will become fabulously wealthy.
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