School? Who needs it? There's football!

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I do agree that we can't declare days off after every single fun event; however, I think that in this instance it isn't so horrible. Maybe I have too much of a passive attitude about it. IDK. Ah well.

ElJuski, there are instances that I remember taking a day off of every day schoolwork to visit a museum/see an orchestra play/do something educational--field trips. Those that didn't go had a regular school day, but the trip, for those that did go, was always educational. At least, it was at my school.

I hated going see the orchestra as a kid :eek:hwell:


Staff member
Ugh this is what I'm talking about. Hey, how about national Read a Book Day. Or national, Go Visit a Museum or National Park day.

When there are no books for 41 years, and one finally comes out, you can take a day off.[/QUOTE]





---------- Post added at 04:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:37 AM ----------

Yo hey JD Salinger died that's a pretty big deal LETS SHUT DOWN THE SCHOOLS


Kitty Sinatra

I don't get why they'd take the day off, either. Indy's gonna win.


Staff member

Really, I don't care about football. I'm hoping they win for my mom, my late aunt, and the city itself. They need this.
The issue is that the schools that stay open with a high percentage (I think it was around 30% for Texas) of students and staff out lose a lot of money.


Staff member
There should be ABSOLUTELY NO reason why the STAFF should be out. Fucking incredible. ITS YOUR JOB!


There should be ABSOLUTELY NO reason why the STAFF should be out. Fucking incredible. ITS YOUR JOB!

As someone who works in academics, I think you need to pull the rod out of your butt and climb down from that ivory tower. Educational things are fun, but sports generally are more enjoyed by everyone.

Would I rather go to a Penguins game or to the Franklin institute if given the choice between the two? Is this even a question?

---------- Post added at 11:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:19 AM ----------

Yeah, I really don't see what the big deal is. I'm of the "life's too short" attitude, as well. It's a pretty big deal for a whole lot of people down here, so why not? 1 day probably wouldn't hurt anything.

Now if it were a whole week off for celebration, yeah, that might be a little overboard...
I'm "down here", too, for the record. It shouldn't be a big enough deal to basically shut down an entire sector of society for. Especially such an important one.

I'm not a sports fan. I think the whole idea of getting hyped up about something 12 random strangers did completely without my help, most of which aren't even from near here, did just because they happen to have my town name assigned to their group is weird. But, hey, that's me.[/QUOTE]

I completely disagree with you on this.



Staff member
I'm sorry, I forgot this country is based on "what's more fun" than "what's more important". You're correct, screw responsibility! Let's continue upping the importance of a hobby culture while reinforcing that, nahhh, school isn't as important as FUN stuff.


I'm sorry, I forgot this country is based on "what's more fun" than "what's more important". You're correct, screw responsibility! Let's continue upping the importance of a hobby culture while reinforcing that, nahhh, school isn't as important as FUN stuff.

It's one fucking day. Dude, if you don't like it, ship off to Vulcan.

I can't believe you're still butthurt over J.D. Salinger. The dude was like 91, wrote one book, and some short stories and you want a monument raised in his honor. Personally, I think he did no more for American culture than the 1980 U.S. Hockey team getting the gold.


Staff member
I know it's not the end of the world, but it's infuriating that it's always sports that gets this pass in this culture. I think it's completely stupid and irresponsible that the entire city is going to shut down for this.

But hell, once again, I ain't losing sleep over it. Bitching on the internet, it's a fantastic venting source.


Staff member
That just doesn't work for me either. It's a silly reason to close down for one day. It's a football game.


That just doesn't work for me either. It's a silly reason to close down for one day. It's a football game.
This can really be applied to anything that someone doesn't show interest towards. It's just a chess match. It's just a ballet. It's just a museum. It's just calculus.

I really see no reason to take a break from the routine and get a little silly now and then.
It starts as one day. Then the precedent is set and it becomes the expectation, not the exception.

The fact that we're even remotely accepting of this kind of behavior just highlights how 'entertainment-centric' society has become.

The continued dumbing down of Western Culture. Sigh.


I know it's not the end of the world, but it's infuriating that it's always sports that gets this pass in this culture. I think it's completely stupid and irresponsible that the entire city is going to shut down for this.

But hell, once again, I ain't losing sleep over it. Bitching on the internet, it's a fantastic venting source.
Uh, it's not just this culture, bub. Have you been to a World Cup match?


It starts as one day. Then the precedent is set and it becomes the expectation, not the exception.

The fact that we're even remotely accepting of this kind of behavior just highlights how 'entertainment-centric' society has become.

The continued dumbing down of Western Culture. Sigh.
What are you talking about? The ancient Greeks would devote an entire month to Olympic festivities. People have been looking for excuses to have festivities since the dawn of civilization. The winter solstice celebrations, for instance, are just an excuse to eat, drink, and be merry in the middle of winter. It's part of our human culture to get down with our bad selves. Seriously, are you guy Vulcans? PON FARR!!!!!!!!!


Staff member
That just doesn't work for me either. It's a silly reason to close down for one day. It's a football game.
This can really be applied to anything that someone doesn't show interest towards. It's just a chess match. It's just a ballet. It's just a museum. It's just calculus.

I really see no reason to take a break from the routine and get a little silly now and then.[/QUOTE]

Really? A field trip != a day off to recover from excessive celebration due to a football game. I'd wager there's plenty of people who love football who'd agree with me.
It starts as one day. Then the precedent is set and it becomes the expectation, not the exception.

The fact that we're even remotely accepting of this kind of behavior just highlights how 'entertainment-centric' society has become.

The continued dumbing down of Western Culture. Sigh.
What are you talking about? The ancient Greeks would devote an entire month to Olympic festivities. People have been looking for excuses to have festivities since the dawn of civilization. The winter solstice celebrations, for instance, are just an excuse to eat, drink, and be merry in the middle of winter.[/QUOTE]

I'll let someone else go over the history and decline of Greece with you.

I'm a big fan of exceptionalism. Work hard and reap the rewards. Those rewards require effort. Except we no longer admire effort of the brain, we only admire effort of the arm. And it's not isolated, it's systemic. You bring up the World Cup as an example, and I'll point out that Americans do more in a day than most Brazilians do in a week.


That just doesn't work for me either. It's a silly reason to close down for one day. It's a football game.
This can really be applied to anything that someone doesn't show interest towards. It's just a chess match. It's just a ballet. It's just a museum. It's just calculus.

I really see no reason to take a break from the routine and get a little silly now and then.[/QUOTE]

Really? A field trip != a day off to recover from excessive celebration due to a football game. I'd wager there's plenty of people who love football who'd agree with me.[/QUOTE]

Civic pride, man! When Philly won the world series, lots of schools shut down for the day so kids could go to the parade. A field trip is just a whole day for kids to goof off.


Staff member
^There is definitely something to that, Chaz. Even though I'm not a fan, it can't be denied that sports are part of our culture. Like I said before, Saints fans are incredibly faithful. There are people who've been waiting for this all their lives. They're not on the team, but they're a part of it because they put their faith into a team that was ridiculed for years and years before it got here. I can understand people wanting the day off... but I still don't.


It starts as one day. Then the precedent is set and it becomes the expectation, not the exception.

The fact that we're even remotely accepting of this kind of behavior just highlights how 'entertainment-centric' society has become.

The continued dumbing down of Western Culture. Sigh.
What are you talking about? The ancient Greeks would devote an entire month to Olympic festivities. People have been looking for excuses to have festivities since the dawn of civilization. The winter solstice celebrations, for instance, are just an excuse to eat, drink, and be merry in the middle of winter.[/QUOTE]

I'll let someone else go over the history and decline of Greece with you.

I'm a big fan of exceptionalism. Work hard and reap the rewards. Those rewards require effort. Except we no longer admire effort of the brain, we only admire effort of the arm. And it's not isolated, it's systemic. You bring up the World Cup as an example, and I'll point out that Americans do more in a day than most Brazilians do in a week.[/QUOTE]

Really? Effort of the arm? I don't see how construction workers and trash collectors are considered a higher ranking profession over, say, a neurosurgeon. I agree with you on your work hard and reap the rewards ideal, so I won't argue that point.

Guys, New Orleans is still recovering from 2005. They need the money revenue from the Superbowl, and it's not a bad thing that people are behind their team and gaining back some pride in their city.

You guys keep knocking on sports as the decline of western civilization. Really what else unites people together from so many different economic, social, and racial backgrounds than sports? There's a reason why sports are a safe, non taboo work subject to discuss, aside from the weather.


I don't think it is the day is the main issue. It is the lesson that these kids will learn. It can be a good and a bad lesson.

Good lesson: Bringing a community together to celebrate something is awesome. Nothing wrong with that.

Bad lesson: everyone should stop what they are doing, because we need to recover from our partying the DAY BEFORE. If national sports can do it, I can do it. (i.e. party of Sunday and take Monday off to recover is not a good lesson)


I don't think it is the day is the main issue. It is the lesson that these kids will learn. It can be a good and a bad lesson.

Good lesson: Bringing a community together to celebrate something is awesome. Nothing wrong with that.

Bad lesson: everyone should stop what they are doing, because we need to recover from our partying the DAY BEFORE. If national sports can do it, I can do it. (i.e. party of Sunday and take Monday off to recover is not a good lesson)

I think the main reason for the day off is going to be for the parade if they win. Really, if you think about it, it's a pretty practical reason to close the school down. For an intensive purposes, the entire city of New Orleans is going to be centered on the Superbowl, celebrating. For them it's pretty much a local holiday.

Like I mentioned earlier, a lot of schools in my area close for the first day of deer season because that many kids are absent on the day. It's pretty much a local holiday.


I don't think it is the day is the main issue. It is the lesson that these kids will learn. It can be a good and a bad lesson.

Good lesson: Bringing a community together to celebrate something is awesome. Nothing wrong with that.

Bad lesson: everyone should stop what they are doing, because we need to recover from our partying the DAY BEFORE. If national sports can do it, I can do it. (i.e. party of Sunday and take Monday off to recover is not a good lesson)

I think the main reason for the day off is going to be for the parade if they win.[/QUOTE]

If that is the case, then it is ok, but if there isn't a parade, well, then it is a different story.


I think some of the posts about this are kinda ridiculous.

"Sign of the downfall of western culture (all 200 years of it?)"
"Kids learning bad lessons for life (it's bad to take a day off, junior)"
"Sports trump education (they really don't do much more than any form of entertainment)"

Really now, it's not going to be the end of the world.
You guys keep knocking on sports as the decline of western civilization. Really what else unites people together from so many different economic, social, and racial backgrounds than sports? There's a reason why sports are a safe, non taboo work subject to discuss, aside from the weather.
I love sports. Give me a hockey stick and your silly American conception of goaltending would be obliterated ;)

I also think that education is important. I don't think that having a day off school because a football team won a game the day before is entirely 'bad', it's just not exactly 'good' either. But then again, I also think a PHD should pay more than a Wide Receiver. We glorify sports above where they should be and this skews our self-perception of 'value' to society. A teacher does more for a community than an outfielder does, yet we're more than happy to allow our politicians to build giant stadiums while shutting down schools.


You guys keep knocking on sports as the decline of western civilization. Really what else unites people together from so many different economic, social, and racial backgrounds than sports? There's a reason why sports are a safe, non taboo work subject to discuss, aside from the weather.
I love sports. Give me a hockey stick and your silly American conception of goaltending would be obliterated ;)

I also think that education is important. I don't think that having a day off school because a football team won a game the day before is entirely 'bad', it's just not exactly 'good' either. But then again, I also think a PHD should pay more than a Wide Receiver. We glorify sports above where they should be and this skews our self-perception of 'value' to society. A teacher does more for a community than an outfielder does, yet we're more than happy to allow our politicians to build giant stadiums while shutting down schools.[/QUOTE]

Way too much generalization . Again I agree with you, but let's be honest, it's pretty competitive and hard to get to play sports on a national level. PhD's (as an example) that are the cream of the crop get paid pretty damn well (but they're also few an far between due to the competitive nature of those positions). I mean you get the same issue with Hollywood actors being paid more than, say, MD's. Entertainment is big money. It's not easy to get your big break as an actor too. Really, comparing doctors, lawyers, and other high paying professions to entertainment professions isn't inherently skewed since the ratios of actual people that are doctors to those that are popular actors is huge. For every 100 doctors you have one Brad Pitt or Troy Palamalu.

Btw, it's a deal. I will stonewall your ass with every shot you throw at me.
I think it is a silly reason to shut down schools. If the game is over, time to get back to work. No need to recover from that kind of thing, really. But hey, if they want a snow day by all means make them make it up in the summer.


Staff member
Also, because I somehow missed it-- JD SALINGER WROTE MORE THAN ONE BOOK. And, I guess there's no way to accurately measure whether Catcher in the Rye means more to humanity than some dumbshit hockey game, but my god, I sure hope it fucking does.

---------- Post added at 06:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:11 PM ----------

I think it is a silly reason to shut down schools. If the game is over, time to get back to work. No need to recover from that kind of thing, really. But hey, if they want a snow day by all means make them make it up in the summer.
Okay, that is a point. It should, at least, be made up later.
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