School? Who needs it? There's football!

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I am assuming that their rules for attendance is a little like Texas'. Texas schools figure in 3 days a year that will get blown by weather or emergency. Three free days if it happens to snow or tornado or hurricane. If you don't use them, you lose them. So I think that NO Parish Schools are just gambling that there will not be more than 2 snow days for the rest of the year.


Chaz: I think you might be simplifying too much. Yes you can take a day off BUT there are consequences if you do take a day off on YOUR own (i.e. hangover the day before) miss work, miss classes or anything else need to be catch up on your own.

When a whole SYSTEM promotes it, it just saying that sporting event is more important. Now of course when I was in high school in Texas, football IS the major thing going on in school. If there are any budget cuts, all department goes first then school (I remember band was struggling a bit while football players get new uniforms while we have to buy our own) It gives the kids wrong message in the long run. If you want to skip class a day, fine, then you have to make it up, but when the whole institution "skip class" then there is no making it up since everyone is on the same page (i.e. you are not behind in your lessons) or work (if you are no in school)

That is what I am trying to say. I hope I am more clear this time around.


Chaz: I think you might be simplifying too much. Yes you can take a day off BUT there are consequences if you do take a day off on YOUR own (i.e. hangover the day before) miss work, miss classes or anything else need to be catch up on your own.

When a whole SYSTEM promotes it, it just saying that sporting event is more important. Now of course when I was in high school in Texas, football IS the major thing going on in school. If there are any budget cuts, all department goes first then school (I remember band was struggling a bit while football players get new uniforms while we have to buy our own) It gives the kids wrong message in the long run. If you want to skip class a day, fine, then you have to make it up, but when the whole institution "skip class" then there is no making it up since everyone is on the same page (i.e. you are not behind in your lessons) or work (if you are no in school)

That is what I am trying to say. I hope I am more clear this time around.
No, I get it. But as the saying goes: money makes the world go round. The reason football takes priority in areas like Texas is because it's a money maker.
Also on the rewards of academics vs. athletics. Who earns more money? The guy that popularized software, or the highest paid athlete in the world? Innovators get rewarded for their knowledge far better than athletes get rewarded for their skill.


Also on the rewards of academics vs. athletics. Who earns more money? The guy that popularized software, or the highest paid athlete in the world? Innovators get rewarded for their knowledge far better than athletes get rewarded for their skill.

Whether it's academics or athletics a lot of how much you earn all depends on hard work, luck, and talent.


Chaz: I think you might be simplifying too much. Yes you can take a day off BUT there are consequences if you do take a day off on YOUR own (i.e. hangover the day before) miss work, miss classes or anything else need to be catch up on your own.

When a whole SYSTEM promotes it, it just saying that sporting event is more important. Now of course when I was in high school in Texas, football IS the major thing going on in school. If there are any budget cuts, all department goes first then school (I remember band was struggling a bit while football players get new uniforms while we have to buy our own) It gives the kids wrong message in the long run. If you want to skip class a day, fine, then you have to make it up, but when the whole institution "skip class" then there is no making it up since everyone is on the same page (i.e. you are not behind in your lessons) or work (if you are no in school)

That is what I am trying to say. I hope I am more clear this time around.
No, I get it. But as the saying goes: money makes the world go round. The reason football takes priority in areas like Texas is because it's a money maker.[/QUOTE]

I can't argue with that sir :) Football IS big in Texas (especially high school and college level)
Also on the rewards of academics vs. athletics. Who earns more money? The guy that popularized software, or the highest paid athlete in the world? Innovators get rewarded for their knowledge far better than athletes get rewarded for their skill.

Whether it's academics or athletics a lot of how much you earn all depends on hard work, luck, and talent.[/QUOTE]

And who you know.


Also on the rewards of academics vs. athletics. Who earns more money? The guy that popularized software, or the highest paid athlete in the world? Innovators get rewarded for their knowledge far better than athletes get rewarded for their skill.

Whether it's academics or athletics a lot of how much you earn all depends on hard work, luck, and talent.[/QUOTE]

And who you know.[/QUOTE]

Who you know gets you in the door, what you know keeps you inside ;)
You guys don't understand the meaning of this. This isn't taking a day off for just a football game. This is the super bowl. Something thats eluded the people of New Orleans for 41 years. The Saints are a major part of New Orleans' culture, and I think that whatever the kids would learn in school isn't as important as being there for a huge day in the history of the city. There are about 180 days of school a year. Cancelling one of them won't ruin anyone.
That was said earlier. It isn't terribly convincing because you're trying to appeal to a sense of tribal belonging that not everyone feels empathy for.


Staff member
It's just funny because sports is one of the only fucking things that people will cancel school for. Shit, I had to go to school for the rest of the week after 9/11 (the most extreme example that comes to the top of my head, of course). We didn't need "civic pride" and "community" then, of course, nor do we celebrate other things like important city landmarks opening, important people dying, important people being born...but for FOOTBALLL RAAWWRRR OHHH YEAHHH LETS GET FUCKED UPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP WHY DONT YOU GUYS UNDERSTAND.
So you agree that cancelling a day of school is no big deal.
Now the people that care about football can get the day off.

Eljuski, its because there are a shit ton of "important people being born/dying" days. This is the first super bowl for new orleans in the 41 year history of the team. As far as I know, this is a first for the city.
See the difference?
So you agree that cancelling a day of school is no big deal.
Now the people that care about football can get the day off.
Two things are hilarious about this:

1.) You only asked me what I remembered about the importance of individual days at school. So no, I didn't say that at all.

2.) I'm happy that they have been waiting on me for their decision to go ahead with it. It makes me feel important.


Also, because I somehow missed it-- JD SALINGER WROTE MORE THAN ONE BOOK. And, I guess there's no way to accurately measure whether Catcher in the Rye means more to humanity than some dumbshit hockey game, but my god, I sure hope it fucking does.

You know not because of the cold war or any other animosity between Russia and USA, and that we finally beat them in a sport that they dominated us for how ever many years. No I can't see why that would be culturally huge.


ITT: Kids in school going "fuck yes, a day off!" vs. Adults in the workplace going "get the fuck back in your hole so we don't have to see you, whipper snappers!".
Also, because I somehow missed it-- JD SALINGER WROTE MORE THAN ONE BOOK. And, I guess there's no way to accurately measure whether Catcher in the Rye means more to humanity than some dumbshit hockey game, but my god, I sure hope it fucking does.

You know not because of the cold war or any other animosity between Russia and USA, and that we finally beat them in a sport that they dominated us for how ever many years. No I can't see why that would be culturally huge.[/QUOTE]
Not to mention, how many people knew who JD Salinger was, or what Catcher in the Rye was about? You (eljusk) might say that its just because everyone else is inferior to you, but that certainly lessens its cultural significance.


I think I'm done here unless there are arguments besides "durp da derp, I don't like sports so no one should derp derp derp"

---------- Post added at 07:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:24 AM ----------

Also, because I somehow missed it-- JD SALINGER WROTE MORE THAN ONE BOOK. And, I guess there's no way to accurately measure whether Catcher in the Rye means more to humanity than some dumbshit hockey game, but my god, I sure hope it fucking does.

You know not because of the cold war or any other animosity between Russia and USA, and that we finally beat them in a sport that they dominated us for how ever many years. No I can't see why that would be culturally huge.[/QUOTE]
Not to mention, how many people knew who JD Salinger was, or what Catcher in the Rye was about? You (eljusk) might say that its just because everyone else is inferior to you, but that certainly lessens its cultural significance.[/QUOTE]

He was 91 years old, died of natural causes, wrote ONE novel, and was a recluse. He wasn't exactly JFK (for whom schools did shut down for after his assassination).
I was half a continent away from NYC on 9/11, our professors sent everyone home. We had to come back the next day, but over half the normal school day was canceled.


Staff member
I took my kids out of school a couple of times to take them to opening day movies. We got to be entertained and spend time together. One day away from school is not a big deal, regardless of the reason.


I took my kids out of school a couple of times to take them to opening day movies. We got to be entertained and spend time together. One day away from school is not a big deal, regardless of the reason.
Yea, but then your kids will have to make it up since all the other kids are 1 day ahead in their lessons. I personally have no issue if people taking their personal time and doing stuff, but when you push back everyone for an event (regardless of event) then you really have to look at the event if it is worth doing it. It is all about action and consequences. When you do it, there is consequences, but when the whole group does it, there isn't any (per se. i.e. like in school everyone is "behind" together so there is no individual make up work if any)


Staff member
Chaz are you an idiot or just trolling? JD Salinger wrote more than one novel.

Also, its not NOBODY should like sports derp a derp, its a backlash against this cultural phenom of saying SPRTS IS TEH EXCEPTION LAAAAAAAAAAA LAAAAAA LAAAAAA!

Also, I have no problem with taking a personal day for whatever it is rocks your jollies off. No, one day off of school never hurt anyone. I took p-days for the lamest shit, too. But that's an individual's choice and problem, not the state's.

---------- Post added at 03:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:26 PM ----------

Oh, and Blots? I really hope to god more people know what Catcher in the Rye is about (regardless of whether they love it or hate it), or else maybe we really ARE doomed for Idiocracy.

"Reports say school will close throughout the nation for the premiere of the new "OW MY BALLS!" series. An event that hasn't happened in 41 years!"


Chaz are you an idiot or just trolling? JD Salinger wrote more than one novel.

Also, its not NOBODY should like sports derp a derp, its a backlash against this cultural phenom of saying SPRTS IS TEH EXCEPTION LAAAAAAAAAAA LAAAAAA LAAAAAA!

Also, I have no problem with taking a personal day for whatever it is rocks your jollies off. No, one day off of school never hurt anyone. I took p-days for the lamest shit, too. But that's an individual's choice and problem, not the state's.

---------- Post added at 03:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:26 PM ----------

Oh, and Blots? I really hope to god more people know what Catcher in the Rye is about (regardless of whether they love it or hate it), or else maybe we really ARE doomed for Idiocracy.

"Reports say school will close throughout the nation for the premiere of the new "OW MY BALLS!" series. An event that hasn't happened in 41 years!"
Yeah, I'm sorry he wrote 3 books and a collection of short stories. Derp da derp derp

Dude, a lot of towns shut things down for local holidays...


Staff member
Haha, I'm sorry, I forgot the quantity = quality. Sorry JD, we need to take back all those "literary genius" things the world has been saying for the last 60-some years. Your quintissential American bildungsroman is now stricken from the literary canon, because, shit dogg, only 3!? We should be giving prestige to the authors that write those sleezy wizard-sex novels. That one dude's wrote like, a million!

Not to mention, a group of dudes throwing a football to each THOSE guys need the accolades. And the millions. Because they're giving us a day off, bro! What did you do? Help progress literature? Create a cornerstone period piece of the 50s? Add to the thoughts about humanity, existence, and gracing on the aesthetic elements of truth, love, death, fear, beauty? H-hold on, bro. The Saints are about to score, we'll get back to this.
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