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If I'm not too high to be confusing the name of the fish, I understand barracudas are really only aggresive when they're holed. Y'know, inside their holes where they're protecting eggs and what not and if you come close CHOMP. Kinda like those giant ones in Majora's Mask when you had to collect the slimy egg things.

Oh, no, wait, those are the moray eel things. Barracuda are the fish with the big teeth.

Never mind.


Staff member
It's a bus-and-a-half-size badass whale with huge teeth.

BUS AND A HALF! That definitely counts as scary in my books, even if it's not Liopleurodon or Basilosaurus.


Staff member
I remember when I went scuba diving in Thailand, my instructor suddenly stopped me, wrote on his pad "school of barracuda" and pointed above us.

Now, having learned from popular culture that barracuda are predatory fish that are just below sharks in the underwater oh-shit scale, I immediately whirled around and stared upwards and saw these itsy bitsy six inch fish that were far more scared of me than I was of them. To be fair, though, there were more of them than there was of me.
Barracuda are freakin scary. I once watched one of those "dramatic reenactment" shows about accidents at sea. This guy was fishing, and he caught a barracuda but pulled back too hard on the line or something. The thing flew through the air, landed on the guy, and just freakin latched on to his thigh. He lost so much blood he almost died or something. So you see, it's not size that makes something impressive. <--See, I'm making it easy for y'all today...

But yeah. I'm going back now to my state of childlike wonderment of all things aquatic.
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