From Denan's Journal.
I had only been in Dougan's Hole for a day when rumors of the town's woes had made their way to me via a loud drunk at the local inn. It was an exceptionally cold evening as a strong blizzard had blown in from what seemed like nowhere. The next day I caught sight of a very fragile looking, yet quite beautiful, Elven maiden. She seemed under dressed for this type of climate but even still didn't seem to mind the bitter cold. I have always worried over newcomers to our lands as they tend to stick out like sore thumbs in a bush of barbed wire. This lass wasn't helping matters by using words like "prithee" and "forsooth".
I bought her an ale and we started to talk. Aurora, as she introduced herself, claimed to be an Eladrin sent from the fey world on a mission to investigate a dark omen, possibly from the Drow below. I can't say I know what a Drow would want with a place like Dougan's Hole, but if the Drow want it their reasons can only be dark and twisted. Perhaps it's my insane inability to say no to a beautiful woman in distress, but I offered my help to her cause... providing she assist Dougan's Hole with it's recent troubles.
As we asked about for more information regarding the town's situation, word got around quickly and we were asked to meet with a man called Hamos at the tavern. As we sat at the table we were joined by Hamos and two others; a halfling by the name of Brix who turns out is the town "doctor" and resident cleric, and a human by the name of Dreklan who claims to be a warrior for the glory of Bahamut (we do get all the odd ones here don't we?).
Hamos expressed that if we wanted to help out the town we should check with the town speaker and gave us fairly simple directions. Now, far be it for me to assume I know more about a town than one of it's actual residents, but as we followed Dr Brix to the speaker's home we somehow ended up at a barn along the way. Perhaps Brix was jesting with us, but we nearly found ourselves in a fist fight with a rather large and grumpy half ogre by the name of Bubbles. Though admittedly Brix was responsible for us being there, it was Aurora who nearly forced me to put myself between her and Bubbles.
I think she is a very stunning woman but I believe that one day she's going to get me horribly killed.
After the nearly disastrous detour we made it to the Speaker's home. Speaking to him we discovered that Dougan's hole has more problems than first assumed. Not only was a murderer running about in the streets stabbing folks, but the local mountain excavation was losing miners to mysterious forces. I admit I had originally assumed the deaths in the street and the mine may have been connected. I reasoned that since more people were missing from the mines, than dead in the streets, it was the place to start. We were lead there by the less than thrilled captain of the guards, Theldara, who herself seems too beautiful for a place like Dougan's Hole (Though I can guarantee her mannerisms and attitude prove she's been here quite some time).
The excavation into the mountain is apparently an attempt to expand the town someplace untouchable by the weather. While their intentions may be good I feel that if we were meant to build inside mountains we would have been born shorter, have beards to our feet, and love ale just a wee bit more than good for us. The discovery of a corpse soon after entering didn't deter us from our mission. Our first foes came in the form of malicious, bloodsucking birds that the Dr. identified for us as sturges. We managed to fight them off but they proved difficult to remove once they had latched onto a person. Dreklan attempted to crush one beneath his weight by falling on top of it, but when that failed to work the good doctor began pouring wine over him and told us to light him aflame. Just as I was about to say "Why would we do something so insane?" , Aurora obliged and brought our torch to Dreklan's back.
After the sturges were dead, and our Paladin quenched, we continued. Later a trio of carrion crawlers attempted to ambush us as we entered their lair and discovered what was left of the missing miners. We managed to put an end to them, but many of us were barely standing. Dreklan had pretty much exhausted everything he could muster keeping himself alive, and Dr. Brix had blessed us with the Raven Queen's uncaring will more times than I care to remember. As nothing we had encountered used daggers as a weapon, we knew we had not been on the right trail for the murderer of Dougan's Hole. And as we exited the cavern and saw the morning light I knew we had also failed to stop him from killing again.
Sure enough a wealthy couple had been killed that night, and their 12 year old son missing. As my companions rested I examined the bodies and came to the following conclusions; The man was killed first as the stabs in his back suggest a surprise wound. The woman's death was long and torturous, having been stabbed several dozen times in the chest. There must be at least two murderers as the woman's arms were restrained by the wrist. And given that not a single soul, not even the militia on patrol, heard this woman's shrills of terror, there must have been some kind of magical force silencing her. I had considered a non magical force such as a gag, but then you'd have to wonder how could this woman watch her husband die, then be captured and restrained, and not be able to utter a single cry for help before a gag was forced around her mouth?
Speaking with Theldara I promised her we would focus more on finding the killer than assisting the town Speaker with his own personal agendas.
I rested myself and then went to Aurora's room to wake her. She "insisted" I give her more time so I found my way to Dr. Brix's clinic where he and Dreklan were waiting. As I filled them in on the state of the murder victims a frantic miner came to the door and asked for our help to find his brother who apparently went into the excavation earlier that day and hadn't returned. I felt somewhat responsible for this, as we may have inadvertently given the residents the impression that we had cleared all threats from the site. Brix, Dreklan and myself returned to the excavation and explored deeper. Finding some evidence that the missing miner was nearby we entered a large cavern with a watery pit in the center. What we first mistook as mud turned out to be a massive blob of living acid that used the piping left by the construction crews to surprise us and attack. Not only did there turn out to be two of these creatures but they also tended to split into additional creatures as we attacked it. Eventually we managed to kill them... I think. It's hard to tell when your foe is a blob of acid. It stopped moving. That's the best we could hope for I suppose.