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The picture thread that hit 20 pages went to Hall of Meh? Seriously?

This thread is now about:

Seriously? It went to the Hall of Meh?

The use of the words "could you please..." is criminally ignored when people around here want something.

But hey, maybe a whiny thread will get you what you want, who am I to say.

See, now if we move it we reward rudeness - even if we agree with the OP.

But we do need to figure out what constitutes Hall of Fame Material.

Okay, the mods talked a bit and we decided that this is a better thread than most. I went ahead and moved it...but I almost didn't because you didn't ask nicely, young lady. :toocool:
On behalf of the Halforumites, I very nicely say thank you to our admin and moderator overlords. :tongue:
Hall of Fame should be great threads, regardless of length.

Hall of Meh should be normal threads that hit 20 pages (the picture thread is one of these?)

Hall of Shame is for shitty threads that got closed for flaming or really dumb threads that got to 20 pages.

This is just my opinion. I don't think there was something great or funny about that thread, it was just a normal pictures thread.
Charlie Dont Surf said:
Hall of Fame should be great threads, regardless of length.

Hall of Meh should be normal threads that hit 20 pages (the picture thread is one of these?)

Hall of Shame is for shitty threads that got closed for flaming or really dumb threads that got to 20 pages.

This is just my opinion. I don't think there was something great or funny about that thread, it was just a normal pictures thread.

I hate to say this, but I agree with CDS.


Bubble181 said:
Charlie Dont Surf said:
Hall of Fame should be great threads, regardless of length.

Hall of Meh should be normal threads that hit 20 pages (the picture thread is one of these?)

Hall of Shame is for shitty threads that got closed for flaming or really dumb threads that got to 20 pages.

This is just my opinion. I don't think there was something great or funny about that thread, it was just a normal pictures thread.

I hate to say this, but I agree with CDS.
The trouble is that threads don't get moved unless they reach 20 pages generally (unless they're locked due to a row in which case it's likely to end up in the Hall of Shame), so a thread could be fantastic but it just fades away into obscurity just in case someone else is going to post. Eventually being wiped.
Rude? Are you kidding me? :eek:rly:

None the less, it was a "Hall of Fame" material in the fact that it displayed all the crazy heads there are around here. :uhhuh:

Thanks Ed. :D :thumbsup:

Shegokigo said:
Rude? Are you kidding me? :eek:rly:

None the less, it was a "Hall of Fame" material in the fact that it displayed all the crazy heads there are around here. :uhhuh:

Thanks Ed. :D :thumbsup:
It wasn't me. I wanted to keep it in meh because of the nice way you asked. :tongue:
Hall of Meh isn't a bad thing, it's just not a hall of fame worthy thread. And it's not a thread sent away because it was bad.

As for the Hall of Fame - we should try to save them before they fall off the front page. Just bump them with a short "hall of fame?" type discussion, or PM a mod or something before they drop off.

I know we had a few that were worthy - like the guy asking for the comics thread by naming the comic in the OP. But I don't know where they are.

You know, there's a voting mod that I've been looking at. We can set up a thread vote that when X positive votes are received it gets Hall of Fame, -X and it's Hall of Shame or anything else is a meh.

Takes subjectivity out of it.


Shego screamed in horror at Mr. Lawface's face. If that doesn't make that thread epic, then the very word epic is utterly meaningless.
Crone said:
Shego screamed in horror at Mr. Lawface's face. If that doesn't make that thread epic, then the very word epic is utterly meaningless.
I swear if that had been suddenly materialized in front of me, I'd have popped it square in the face on pure reaction.
yes it was. I originally assumed Shego made the same comparison I had, and was screaming from the flashbacks from watching the show.
Edrondol said:
I know we had a few that were worthy - like the guy asking for the comics thread by naming the comic in the OP. But I don't know where they are.

You know, there's a voting mod that I've been looking at. We can set up a thread vote that when X positive votes are received it gets Hall of Fame, -X and it's Hall of Shame or anything else is a meh.

Takes subjectivity out of it
Well, not ENTIRELY. Subjectivity is still there, it's just the subjective consensus that gets the call.

Why am I nit picking? I don't know. I thought I had a point when I hit "post reply". I ... don't think I do anymore. about them Cowboys?!
Calleja said: about them Cowboys?!
The sheer weight of karma from the overwhelming arrogance of that new stadium will surely bury them.

That won't stop ESPN from going all NSFW all over them. Or the Pats.

Meanwhile the Steelers blue-collar their way to their 7th Super bowl win. :moon:

Edrondol said:
It wasn't me. I wanted to keep it in meh because of the nice way you asked. :tongue:
Wasn't me either. In fact I considered putting it in Shame after this thread.
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