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Sexism in esports



Frankie Williamson


Patrick Klepek might be the only actual journalist involved in "games journalism". I'm not surprised the guy behind most of the shit in the article looks like King Leonidas if his fitness routine was eating bowl after bowl of mayonnaise.




I was thinking "hagrid in his rebellious youth." But I see where they (the ones complaining about sexual harassment in gaming) are coming from. Even in MMOs I've played, I can't seem to get away from people in ventrilo who use "rape those bitches" terminology for describing combat. Of course, when I'm guild leader, I can set out rules squelching such things (would you believe I also had a "no politics in ventrilo or /gu" policy as well?), but it ends up also limiting my guild's alliance options when other guilds with which we could potentially ally are busy "raping bitches" in vent and I don't feel like putting up with it. I get it. You guys are 19 and sexually frustrated.

I mean, I'm hardly a white knight, but come ON.




I stopped reading about sexual harassment being a part of the fighting culture. Teenagers are fucking stupid. But, really, video game "sport" journalism is a thing now, huh?



Frankie Williamson

No, just general "games journalism" which usually just involves bloggers reposting whatever press releases they get from publishers.

And most of them aren't teenagers.




I'm so glad the guilds and groups I play with don't accept people like this.

I mean, guild chat can get a little blue, especially after hours, but demeaning or harassing language is still against the rules. Anyone stepping over the line is asked to stop, after which they apologize and everyone continues along happily.

We're dirty casual rp'ers, though, in an mmo, which i would expect to be quite different from competitive fighting games.

Didn't shego play SF competitively at some point?




Our Mumble chats in my TOR guild can get insulting and dirty but I don't think anything's ever been racist/sexist/homophobic. Not against real races anyway. Those friggin' Ugnaughts.




My pa never told me to trust a man what made outta gas...cept for you gleepglop you one-a da good ones!




This is arguably the biggest issue I have with EvE. Every one of the significant/powerful entities in the game is savagely racist/sexist/etc. It's frustrating because you want to fly with the best, but you don't want to sacrifice your integrity to do so. Generally I just ignore it and don't participate.

I do remember there was some youtube video someone posted called "girl gamer manifesto" or something like that, which talks about these issues. It's decent, except for one thing. Watch the video and see if you can figure it out. I'll spoiler it.

In the entire video there is only ONE fat girl. Which means that when they were getting set to produce this they looked through a list of possible candidates and said "well....no fat chicks", which completely undermines the entire video. It could be that it was a self selecting audience, but they should have pushed back against that if it was the cse. It would be like the gay community telling Milk that he was way too gay for politics. Oh wait.....
