Share Your Fortune Cookie Wisdom

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Staff member
Imma let you finish, but the other fortune cookie's fortune is the best fortune of all time!
... between the sheets.

I taught about 12 oilfield roustabouts that trick one time in a crowded Chinese Buffet. Those loud guys with their Southern and Western accents reading their fortune and saying "..IN BED." after each one was one of the funniest days of my life. The whole place was rolling by time the second guy read his.
Awesome. It's always funny when EVERYONE in a place can get in on a joke.

I have a story about that that veers wildly off topic so I'll digress...
One of the first times I got drunk with my little brother, he launched into a Seinfeld-esque rant about fortune cookies. "They're never fortunes anymore, just statements. They should call them Statement Cookies!"
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