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Share your secret places! (blogs, comics, twitter, FB, etc)





It has come to my astonished attention that at least two of our members are blogging and writing comic strips, publishing them on the intersphere, and not sharing with us.

In order to rectify this I must forthwith request all your current online hideouts, secret places, and areas of last resort, so that I may more fully consort with you.

Those not participating in this thread will be deemed terrorists - if you have nothing to hide, we have nothing to fear.

email: adavis@ubasics.com
gtalk: stienman
twitter: stienman
linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/madavis
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stienman
flickr: flickr.com/Photos/adavis
photobucket: http://photobucket.com/home/stienman (primarily for forum images used here)
older blog: http://ubasics.com
newer (business) blog: http://semiaxis.com

There. Now it's your turn.




erg. I haven't touched my blog in a long time. It is mind-detective.net and mind-detective.com. I'm open to suggestions. What should I write about? What would people come to my site to read? I'm also on Mendeley (facebook for scientists!) but I'm not sure anyone else is there. Twitter is MindDetective and Facebook is kept very private.




I used to post frequently on my LiveJournal but just don't have it in me to go on and on at length about my personal life anymore. Keep thinking about starting a new blog and doing it more in an entertaining format ala MightyGodKing or Incredible Super Blog.


Chad Sexington

Chad Sexington


I follow a few people on the forum, I'm happy to have more. Unless you're irritating.


I don't use Facebook too often and I kind of hate a lot of things about it, but if you want to be my friend... I will, however, exploit our Facebook-Friendships for any or all of the following when I am in your town: restaurant advice, hotel advice, your couch, free drinks, free food, hours of your time to show me what's cool about your city, your firstborn (I have a dark god to appease)




Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/heather_ling
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/heather_ling
Rarely use it. Made one to stalk Felicia Day, Nathan Fillion, Stan Lee and Neil Patrick Harris. Also to enter contests. :p
(Also, I was completely bummed that "heatherling" was already being used on Flickr on Twitter. Stupid underscore!)
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/heatherlingandthings
Blog: http://heatherlingandthings.blogspot.com
Email: look . its . nemo @ gmail


Chad Sexington

Chad Sexington

Oh and I guess it would be remiss of me to forget http://sexingtonsecrets.blogspot.com

Why should we let that pass into obscurity?




I don't blog or take photos, and my Facebook is for real life connections.

I do Twitter though. If you can't figure out my username there, you're too stupid to follow me anyway.


General Specific

General Specific

Angus McGuillicutty XXIV?






Wasabi Poptart

I have a Twitter account that I don't use very much. I usually pop on there, post something to the effect of "Yes I am still alive" and then leave it for a few months. Follow me if you want. http://twitter.com/#!/WasabiPoptart

I'm usually on Facebook. You get to see me, my family, and see conversations with my friends from back east. Exciting stuff I tell you. If you want to stalk me there I'm http://www.facebook.com/WasabiPoptart




I don't blog or take photos, and my Facebook is for real life connections.
Y-yuh-you mean we're not real to you? *sniffle*




Y-yuh-you mean we're not real to you? *sniffle*
Of course not, you're all just alts anyway.


General Specific

General Specific

My blog is so secret it doesn't exist anymore.

Seriously, I hadn't updated it in 2 years so deleted it.




I had a Geocities site once.




I had a Tripod once... is that what that one was called? yeah that was fun.



I had a Tripod once... is that what that one was called? yeah that was fun.




Y-yuh-you mean we're not real to you? *sniffle*
"The Velveteen Forumites"



No one commented on the creepy lech title?
"Share your secret places!"




"Share your secret places!"
That's what she said.



General Specific

General Specific

No one commented on the creepy lech title?
"Share your secret places!"
Photobucket keeps deleting my pictures.



Photobucket keeps deleting my pictures.
PMs? >.>




Does this count?




I agree with figmentPez about FB. It's for real life people. Mostly for high school classmates that I haven't talked to since the early 90s.




I'm not a consistent blogger, but I've been meaning to get back into it, especially with my musical and review blogs.

Personal - Failure Knows You By Name
Musical - Cold the Winter
Movie reviews - My Thoughts On...

I also own coldthewinter.com for my music, but as I'm considering a change in the m0niker I use for my music, I haven't put any effort into making something for it.

I'm currently working on a spoiler free review of Super 8, but I think I need to see it again so that the ideas I have are refreshed. One thing I hate about most movie reviews is that I find the opinions and wording to be incredibly pretentious and over-the-top. I've yet to find a reviewer that describes movies in a way that I find to be natural, which is what I'm going for...like I'm simply having a conversation. It's not anywhere close to perfect, and no one reads it, but it works for me. I don't want to talk about camera angles and cinematography. I want to talk about whether or not I enjoy the movie and what entertained me. Did it live up to the hype and why.




http://gasbanditry.com gets you where you need to go, even though I hardly ever update any more. Though, the blog section ( http://gasbandit.blogspot.com ) rarely gets updated, even less with original content these days as work's been too busy lately. I do have a public share on my google reader though ( http://www.google.com/reader/shared/gasbandit )

The image hoard is still up, though I can't remember the last time I updated it... noaxark's hogging all my disk space.
