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Should I cut my hair




I’ll try to post a picture tomorrow, but thought I’d see what the general thought about this was first.

I haven’t gotten a hair cut since well before Covid. I was probably due for one when lockdowns started, and after that it was a bit of a thing that I wasn’t going to cut it until it was all done.

So here we are. My hair is anywhere from shoulder length to past my shoulder blades. I have gone back and forth lately between just cutting back to shoulder length, or cutting it down to clipper length and seeing if I can donate it.

I like the idea of donating it, but I’ll probably never grow it this long again. That, combined with people constantly asking when I’ll cut my hair makes me want to just let it go.

I need a push one way or the other though. What should I do?




Do you like having long hair?




As much as I like having shorter hair I guess. I wear a hat more with long hair to keep it under control, but I don’t dislike it. My main gripe is keeping bees out of it…




Without a picture it’s hard to offer an opinion. If you decide to keep it long, please consider getting a trim to keep the ends in good shape.

I have had long hair for a while myself and have to ask about the bees lol....




I'm always a proponent of short hair.




I've had long hair since 2000, so my opinion will be biased.





Cut it. Cut it now!




As you can see in my profile picture, I am pro long hair.




I have had long hair for a while myself and have to ask about the bees lol....
I keep bees, and I always worry when I go to check up on them they’ll get stuck in my hair.

Picture time! Good lord I look tired.




Manbun that hair, and when working with bees, put a hairnet over the bun.




Had to do it.


Celt Z

Celt Z

There's two ways to look at it: short hair requires cuts more often, but longer hair requires more maintenance. Conditioning, trimming split ends, etc. the longer your hair is, the more obvious it is when you're not taking good care of it and it'll look like crap very easily. A lot of people grow out their hair thinking it's less work, but it's not.

Right now, Mr. Z is in a similar situation. When we were first dating, he had long hair, and it looked great. Shiny, thick, no split ends, and had layers from whatever his previous short cut was. Because of Covid, he hasn't gotten his hair cut in over a year and 1/2, but because of age, his hairline isn't what is was then, he sometimes forgets to use more than shampoo, and it's got a lot of split ends. It's not as flattering as it used to be on him, and I really wish he'd find a new stylist to give him a more flattering cut. It honestly ages him more than his short hair did.

So, it's really up to you, and how you feel. I don't remember your line of work, but if it involves you having 12 disciples, I think you're good to go! ;)




I vote for team long hair! It looks good!




I think the long hair looks good on you. I also think it's probably nearly long enough to donate to cancer, so, you know, either works.




I think the long hair looks good on you. I also think it's probably nearly long enough to donate to cancer, so, you know, either works.
This is probably the biggest thing pulling on me. I’m a bit attached to my hair now, and kinda like annoying people who need to mind their own business and not worry about how long my hair is. But, I feel like it would mean more to others that need it.




There's two ways to look at it: short hair requires cuts more often, but longer hair requires more maintenance. Conditioning, trimming split ends, etc. the longer your hair is, the more obvious it is when you're not taking good care of it and it'll look like crap very easily. A lot of people grow out their hair thinking it's less work, but it's not.
It is definitely more work, and I never realized how much it can get in the way doing little thing like trying to carry a kid on your shoulders.
You can’t see it much in the picture, but my receding hairline is definitely in full view when I pull my hair back. Not super flattering.




Put it in a pony tail so you look like your HFA avatar.


Tiger Tsang

Tiger Tsang

Well, seeing the picture, which looks good, if you keep it . . . . You're going to have to start talking with an American movie version of a Scottish or Viking accent. This really isn't debatable. And then the armor and weapon costs . . .




It’s been a while, but I finally got it cut. Not many places take hair donations near me anymore, but my wife found someone.

I keep having to hold back a giggle when I say it, but she took 11 inches…





You look like you're holding a double fistful of doom weasels.





You look like you're holding a double fistful of doom weasels.

I was gonna say the same damn thing lol

Haircut looks good @Shakey




You look like you're holding a double fistful of doom weasels.

I’m training for the impending doom weasel attack. Seeing as how I live in Minnesota, we may be some of the first hit.




I like short hair on people. Yes, even most women.




Looks great!




You look like you're holding a double fistful of doom weasels.

Shocking twist: he is!




It’s been a while, but I finally got it cut. Not many places take hair donations near me anymore, but my wife found someone.

I keep having to hold back a giggle when I say it, but she took 11 inches…

View attachment 40154
Your new haircut actually makes you look like you have more hair




Lookin' good Billy Ray
