Should I tell her?

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Our cats tend to want to lie on me lately since they know I'm not feeling well, when our elder cat was sick, she'd come and lay on me all the time too. It's normal for some cats to do so, but it generally depends on how their home life is. If the cat is an out door cat (as in all the time) it will usually find a quiet, hidden away place rather than come to you.

It's better you told your wife than not. If she came home to find it injured, she'd have had a much worse reaction, I think.


If I'm feeling sick and don't want to get up out of bed to let the dog out, he shows his affection by shitting in the house and drinking out of the toilet. Fucking dogs.
Ok, I'm getting tired. Today when I arrived home, found the piece of metal the doctor put in the cat's leg on the stairs. Someone pull it off the cat's leg and now I need to take him to the vet again! I love this cat but I really need to sleep. I want to cry from stress now.


Pay someone to go and bring the cat to the vet, or to take your wife with the cat to the vet.

I sometimes am busy working or traveling when Luiza has an appointment at the doctor, so I have someone I pay to take her around when Im not available.
Thanks for the advice but here, cats are not a popular kind of pet, most of my friends think that it is a waste of time to take care of a sick cat...
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