I know it's not great. :\ The strumming's not so good... but o well. First try. Hope you tolerate it. ^_^ I had fun!
EDIT: Okay try it again!
Bumble the Boy Wonder
Aww the video is set to private so as to keep us from viewing it
You are such a trickster CG!
I thought we were pals.
You tease, you.
It's a trap!
I enjoyed the drum solo in the middle, but the references to Haggar the Horrible would have been better if they had tied into the theme a little better.
Dohhhhhh...... it was late. Hang on one sec......
Fun Size
In before the throngs of screaming fanboys. Or thongs of screaming fanboys.
Seriously, very nice.
Keep the thongs, keep the thongs! Unless it's from the halforum stuff website.... and is unused.
And thanks
You are one hell of a good singer. You should be very proud of that!
:waah: <---Happy tears. I've been workin' on that style since I was 13 and I heard an Ella Fitzgerald record of my dad's. Thanks, Ed.
Very nice. This video reminds me that I need to one day pick up a classical guitar. They have such an interesting sound to them, and considering my recent foray (sp?) into more acoustic driven songs, it'd be nice to have another tool in the shed for that.
And I agree with Ed...nice, natural sounding voice. I'm pretty particular about female singers...most tend to try too hard...for lack of better words. Kudos!
Very nice!
Why didn't you tell us you were such an excellent singer! I was expecting you to get on mic and rock the uke, but the singing was an excellent bonus!
I totally pictured you on the veranda of a swamphouse in a swinging chair strummin' along.
Thanks, everybody! ^_^ I'm gonna go practice more...
I used to have that cartoon on my notebook back in high school! Opus is my hero.
That was awesome, CG! You have a beautiful voice.
Very Nice
(and you have a great singing voice)
Cute! I love that song.
Very, very nice CG. Your voice is wonderful.
Wow, Cajun, that was just beautiful!
And for some reason you got me thinking of O Brother Where Art Thou. I wonder why...
Hurray for CG!
I, too, enjoyed your singing The ukelele wasn't too bad either
However, I just today installed my funky new 5.1 sound system, and I've been ejoying crispy clear wonderful musical all day long, and the background hiss is horrible :-P Get a better mike! :aaahhh:
(seriously, it was very nice. Make more of these!)
I'll have better sound when I get my desktop. Til then I'm just gonna make do with the one built in to my laptop. :\
Very nice!
Gonna throw my "well done" in with the rest of them.
Your strumming was kinda slow and hesitant, as were your chord changes (I'm a big believer in constructive criticism, so I hope that didn't sound judgmental), but your voice was quite beautiful.
What's the name of that song? I think I'd like to get some more music in that style (and by Ella Fitzgerald, since you quoted her as an inspiration).
Great job CG! Makes me want to plug in my iPod and queue up Preservation Hall Jazz Band.
cvgurau said:
Your strumming was kinda slow and hesitant, as were your chord changes (I'm a big believer in constructive criticism, so I hope that didn't sound judgmental), but your voice was quite beautiful.
Yes, thanks, and not at all. ^_^ I'm practicing my transitions. Usually, I'm better at at least that song, because it's so easy. But it was pretty late... I'm working on "It's a Wonderful World" lately, because there's this change from D7 to Em that's kind of hard. I figure if I can peg that one, everything will get easier.
To clarify my previous statement, sometimes a uke reminds me of a classical guitar strung with nylon strings.
Please try and learn "Soon Forget" by Pearl Jam. It's done on the Uke...one of my favorite songs by them simply because it's so odd.
I will try.
Philosopher B.
You have a pretty voice. That sounded very lovely overall. Ukuleles are awesome!
I really appreciate all the kind words. I'm pretty chicken about performing lately, but I feel like I opened a door. It should be easier from now on.... which is good since I have to sing at a ball next year. Gulp.
Anyway, I was trying to perfect "What a Wonderful World," but the damn d7 to em transition just keeps eluding me! Plus the strings keep making this nasty metallic sound no matter what I try. At first I thought I wasn't pressing hard enough, but even when I do it makes that sound. That one string is really loose, even when it's tuned properly. Could that be it?... O well, I just have to keep trying...
Not familiar with the Uke, but my guitar strings suffer when they are old. Just doesn't sound right and definitely do not stay in tune nearly as long.
Well I'm playing on the used number that my brother gave me. Maybe I should just get some new strings for it... I have no idea how old these are. Thanks for letting me know.