Sleeping Beauty (Inception-Style)

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This project I'm actually interested in... Not that we need another movie with an Inception-y feel to it, but Sleeping Beauty is one of my favorites and this sounds like a very cool take on the story.
Devlin’s Sleeping Beauty takes a different approach to the beloved fairy tale than Disney’s gestating Maleficent project; the former literally recounts the story from Aurora’s perspective, following her into a fantastical dream world that she must navigate in order to return to reality. So it sounds more along the lines of Inception than Sucker Punch, as far as recent cinematic adventures set in dreamscapes go – and it’s safe to say that most people would now agree that’s a good thing.
There's also a new Snow White movie in the works:
Relativity’s ‘Snow White’, a retelling of one of the most beloved fables of all time, will eschew the traditional story in favor of a more modern tale full of comedy and adventure. After her evil stepmother (Roberts) kills her father and destroys her kingdom, Snow White bands together with a gang of seven quarrelsome dwarfs to reclaim what is rightly hers.
I'm still waiting on someone to adapt the original version, where she wakes up because of the pain of childbirth...

And why do they always skip the hot metal shoes in Snow White, it was in the children's book i read as a kid...
I'm still waiting on someone to adapt the original version, where she wakes up because of the pain of childbirth...
She didn't wake even from that; the twins had to suck the needle from her when they were looking for milk.

Also, we need 10 more movies with an Inception-type idea of dreaming and such. Last year's stunner will be next years overdone repeat!
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