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I was never a big sleepover fan. Other houses smelled weird, sometimes I was made to go to church with the family, and I had some health issues that made it an uncomfortable experience at times.

I've just been having all these flashbacks lately about being a kid and going over to some girl's house to sleep over--someone that I didn't really see at school. I started wondering, how did I meet those girls? They were jerks half the time and stole my stuff or just picked on me. Then I remembered that mom had just told me some Fridays that I'd be staying at a "friend's" house. These friends were daughters of adult family friends. I'd tell mom I had a terrible time, and she's make me "try again" like a month later. She assured me that I just needed to get to know them.

It doesn't make me mad... it's just weird to think back on those awful weekends. I really really think it made my mom nervous that I had almost no friends, and she was just trying to help me in some way. Anyway, I was just curious if this was a common thing. Did you just get pawned off like that some weekends?!


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I wanted to go to friends' houses to get away from my parents' fighting and shouting.

I think your parents sent you away because of their not-fighting and shouting.




If my parents were going out, I got sent to my grandparents' house next door. And if they were also going out, then I would have to go to my great-aunt and uncle's house on the other side next door.
I didn't go to sleepovers until I was old enough to want to go to a friend's house for the night.




My sisters and I were forbidden from going on any sleepovers, ever. Other people could sleep over at our house, but not vice versa.

Eventually we just stopped asking if we can sleep over at a friend's house, because we knew we wouldn't be allowed to.




I practically kidnapped my best friend. He'd stay over for 2 weeks at a time. My parents were happy to have him around and his parents were happy to let him go have fun.




Honestly they probably wanted you out of the house for other reasons.

It's a big factor in letting my kids go over for sleep overs.




When I was really young (I want to say around 7) I remember having a few sleepovers at friends houses that were fun, but I didn't like spending the entire night. By the time it was late enough for a group of kids to want to sleep, I was missing my own home and my own bed.

I also remember how weird other kids' parents were. Like ones that wouldn't let us watch certain movies, or play certain video games, because my own parents never restricted me in what I could watch/play. I guess not all parents were down with Mortal Kombat.




I had a friend that would host sleep overs with myself another friend. But his parents would not let him out of the house.

Later the other friend's mom got remarried and moved to a farm about an hour's drive away. I'd go spend a week over Christmas Break there and nearly a month each summer till we were old enough to have actual summer jobs. I learned how to handle chickens and cows, and a little bushcraft/primitive camping.

But the most important thing I learned was, when you cross a pasture at night the person with the flash light always steps in the cow shit.




Oh man, there was one friend I didn't like sleeping over with because even though I liked him, his dad always made us do chores.




I wanted to go to friends' houses to get away from my parents' fighting and shouting.

I think your parents sent you away because of their not-fighting and shouting.
That's probably also true. But I didn't go out even in high school. I know she was worried about me. It's just--what are you supposed to do when all your favorite pastimes are generally solo activities? I'm not going to go to my friend's house so I can ignore them while I read and write.

Also, I'm sorry you had to deal with that. :(


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

That's probably also true. But I didn't go out even in high school. I know she was worried about me. It's just--what are you supposed to do when all your favorite pastimes are generally solo activities? I'm not going to go to my friend's house so I can ignore them while I read and write.

Also, I'm sorry you had to deal with that. :(
Wasn't posting for sympathy, just differences.

I'm sure your parents understood what kind of kid you were, but if my wife and I had kids, we'd probably do the same thing if we needed the kids gone so we could have fun.




In case I wasn't obvious enough, this should get my point across nicely I think:




It only happened once to me. I had a Polish friend who invited me over for the weekend, which we mostly wasted eating PB&J and playing Sid Meier's Pirates all the time. In the middle of the night I woke up to my friend's older sister calling for me softly and we went into her room and we hung out for an hour... in the middle of the night. She was 16, I was 14....she gave me a handjob and worked very well at making me find my sleep.

4 years later or so we went on a date where I finished that long overdue job.

Just saw her on FB... she didn't age well.

All in all... I had a great weekend.




Sleepovers... yeah, not really a thing when growing up Finnish. What I do remember was these over-night stays at the Boy Scouts' meeting hall - an old, wooden building by the lakeshore, built partly from the timber of an old ship that part sponsored our local scouting branch. It was basically going camping without setting up tents; the scoutmaster would teach us some things, we'd roast sausages in the fire and then tell scary stories while looking at all the strange and exotic things hanging from the walls - memorabilia from the ship, I guess (bow and a quiver of arrows from Brazil, decorated Moroccan bellows, an African tribal mask, things like that).




My sleepovers turned into LAN parties so gradually I never even noticed it.




I used to love sleepovers, but then again, my home life wasn't the greatest. It was nice to have one night where I wasn't getting yelled at for something. I love my mom, but yelling is kind of her default way of talking to her children.




I went on sleep-overs all the time as a kid! Played video games, ate junk food that my health nut dad wouldn't buy, watch horror movies, it was freakin' awesome!




I only recall sleepovers a couple time as a young child. Went over to my friends house and we watched Jurassic Park and played Monopoly. Good times, but hell, I don't even remember the kid's name. He moved when I was 8.




I didn't start sleeping over at other people's houses until I was in high school. And no, I don't mean sex. Well, there was, but not nearly, even remotely as often as there wasn't. Normally it was basically an extended LAN party in a friend's basement. Sex would not have improved that, given the attendees.

One time I ended up having to spend the night because I had an allergic reaction to a friend's pet and my eyes swelled shut so I couldn't drive home.




Favorite sleep-over activity as a kid? Action figure fighting tournaments. Dragon Ball was all we were into as kids and wall we'd do was have our toys fight each other. It was fun.




I had two friends that I was especially close to all the way from elementary school through high school and even (to a lesser extent) into college, and it helped that they were also friends with each other, so we'd trade off sleeping over at one or the other of our houses all the time. Our house was the nintendo and whatever movies you wanted to watch (within reason - action flicks were fine, skin flicks were right out) house, one guy's house was the computer games and giant backyard with trampoline house, and the third's house was the every Disney movie you can think of and many siblings for playing tag and such house. The three of us also had a habit of going on vacation with each other's families and we were all in the same Cub Scout and Boy Scout troops. It was great.[DOUBLEPOST=1350934903][/DOUBLEPOST]
Favorite sleep-over activity as a kid? Action figure fighting tournaments. Dragon Ball was all we were into as kids and wall we'd do was have our toys fight each other. It was fun.
Ours was originally lego wars - we'd all build some massive contraption and then slam them into each other until only one was left standing; then as we got older it morphed into water fights, especially after my parents and I moved out into the country and had an awesome old barn, garage, creek, and dozens of acres of farmland to roam around.




Inever went on sleep overs until I was in high school or late junior high. Mom didn't feel comfortable having me out at other peoples houses and, after mom died, Dad was scared of not knowing the parents. He's always promise I could go after he'd met the parents but that never, ever happened.

Sleep overs were...tedious for me. I wasn't into boys or doing my nails or even watching horror flicks.

I had one friend I loved sleeping over with. She and I loved DBZ and other nerdy things. We were also...close.

Ah. I miss her!




Staying up late watching cartoons was also the best! Before Sleep-overs, I didn't even KNOW there was a 5 A.M.




I know I had others that went better, but the only sleepover I really remember was sleeping over at my friend's place and waking up in the middle of the night having an athsma attack brought on by allergies, the inhalers doing nothing, and my parents had to come pick me up. I think the plan was to take me to the ER but I don't remember if we went. I remember throwing up before I got in the car, and I remember how terrified it felt not being able to breathe, but not much else.




We were also...close.

... go on.




Yes, do go on. :popcorn:




The best sleepover I remember was for a cousin's birthday. I think we were all about 12. My cousin had a tendency to act like she was queen of the world. Some of us got pissed off at her and she, along with two of her "more mature" friends, were pissed at us. They went to sleep while the rest of us stayed up having fun until some wee hour of the morning. We played Bloody Mary, Light as a Feather, tried having a seance, had a Kool-Aid chugging contest, and made fun of my cousin when she started talking in her sleep. It was a blast.




I remember one time I slept over with my Aunt Mary's as a kid, and we slid on the spare mattresses down the stairs! It was fucking awesome.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

The best sleepover I remember was for a cousin's birthday. I think we were all about 12. My cousin had a tendency to act like she was queen of the world. Some of us got pissed off at her and she, along with two of her "more mature" friends, were pissed at us. They went to sleep while the rest of us stayed up having fun until some wee hour of the morning. We played Bloody Mary, Light as a Feather, tried having a seance, had a Kool-Aid chugging contest, and made fun of my cousin when she started talking in her sleep. It was a blast.
I hate the version of "maturity" that is synonymous with "terminally bored and too cool for fun".




Staying up late watching cartoons was also the best! Before Sleep-overs, I didn't even KNOW there was a 5 A.M.




Half Metaphor, half truth Hombre.







Sleepovers when I were younger would always consist of playing with the other's toys until everyone got bored. My folks were pretty lenient about it when we lived in England, because my friends were nearby. When we came to the States, it became less frequent, although I later had a good friend whose house I went to many times, before I had to leave for France.

In France, I think they felt kind of guilty about dragging us all away from our friends in the States, because I was given all KINDS of leniency over there. Too bad I wasn't really forward enough with any of the young ladies to take full advantage of this. Or not, as the case may be. But I had two good friends there, whose houses I went to regularly - one was a friend in the same Scout troop as me, so we'd talk into the wee hours about the Guides that we knew, with endless speculation.

Ah, memories...
