Small Plane Crash in Austin

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It seems the crash might have been intentional. They got a call saying that the possible pilot, the night before (or early this morning, it's a bit sktechy), ended up burning down his house in a rage after having a confrontation with some of his family, before driving away. They found his car at the airport, and his own private plane is missing. While it is not confirmed this is the same guy, I have a bad feeling he either was intentionally targeting the building, or in his depression started to fly and got piss drunk while doing it (they said he was flying low and erratic) before deciding to end his life.

Update: Looks like it was option two, witnesses say the person did threaten to kill himself after leaving the burning house.

Another update: Actually now they are saying it might have been both. The IRS had an office in the building on the third floor, and reports are saying the guy may have targeted the building as a way to kill himself and take out his frustration on the government.
Any word on casualties?
The pilot is the only confirmed death, considering the plane exploded on impact. Earlier they were saying two people were unaccounted for, now it's one person unaccounted for and another in the hospital. The worry right now is that last unaccounted for person. :(

Kitty Sinatra

Yeah. Nor did I read even a word of it. I don't give a shit what that asshole has to say.
On the radio, they had a caller that said people should sympathize with the guy after reading that manifesto, the DJ told her she needed to fuck off and hung up. I understand times are tough, but seriously, a man willing to murder dozens of innocent people by crashing a plane into a building does not gain anything near sympathy.
On the radio, they had a caller that said people should sympathize with the guy after reading that manifesto, the DJ told her she needed to fuck off and hung up. I understand times are tough, but seriously, a man willing to murder dozens of innocent people by crashing a plane into a building does not gain anything near sympathy.
KLBJ? Haha, I was listening to that exact radio thing!


Staff member
I guess Tin should have given more than a link cause I'm guessing Gas didn't click it...
Yeah, I should have. I was just trying to preserve it before the slashdot effect took it down.

Purported to be from the pilot of the plane?

....better nate than lever

Anarcho-socialist revenge?
Hah, now THAT'S win.

Anyway, having read most of the TLDR, I can tell you this much - this guy was messed up. His diatribe is self-contradictory and shows that he didn't have the ability to function properly as a member of society.

---------- Post added at 02:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:32 PM ----------

On the radio, they had a caller that said people should sympathize with the guy after reading that manifesto, the DJ told her she needed to fuck off and hung up. I understand times are tough, but seriously, a man willing to murder dozens of innocent people by crashing a plane into a building does not gain anything near sympathy.
KLBJ? Haha, I was listening to that exact radio thing![/QUOTE]

KLBJ *is* a pretty damn cool station.
I guess Tin should have given more than a link cause I'm guessing Gas didn't click it...
Some people are lazy like that ;)

I read the guy's manifesto. Like I told a guy at work: This whack-job seems like the kind of guy who thinks society owes him something. The kind of guy who tries to get something for nothing and then blames everyone else when it blows up in his face. Sounds like he tried to be one of those whole IRS deniers who believe that you don't really have to pay tax, then later, got busted by hiding his wife's income when he broke down and tried to fix his situation.

with these types of dickheads, it's always someone else's fault, and never their own.


Staff member
Think on this: This guy was so beaten down, so under the heal of the man THAT HE OWNED A PLANE!!
well, to be fair, those kinds of planes are only about the price of a modest home. Any poor, downtrodden wage slave making 90 or 100k a year could afford one. :rolleyes:
Sure, but also remember that it was his private plane.... not his private JET.

Now if it were his private dirigible I'd understand. With gas the way it is it's more expensive to NOT own one.


For those who haven't read the guy's manifesto, it can be found here.

It's surprisingly well-written for the kind of nut job that would do something like this, (apparently the guy did something like 60 re-writes), but there are a thousand problems with his logic. For instance, one of the things that he's mad at the IRS for is taking his money after he tried to get rich quick by starting some kind of church, so he wouldn't have to pay taxes.


So, Fox News is reporting that the only person to die in the crash was the pilot himself.

Apparently a Glass Worker who was on his way to a job site saved five people from the second story of the office by pulling over and using his work ladder to get people down. The worker had to climb up into the burning building to secure the ladder properly, since the people in the building couldn't secure it themselves.

So, in the end: Crazed Psycho kills nobody but himself, accomplishes nothing, and everyone hates him for it. That's about as good as a story like this can turn out, I'd say.

Kitty Sinatra

Dude had a house, a plane, a whole religion. Man, I got nothing. Not even a manifesto. I'm gonna go run* into a building. That'll show them! That'll show them all.

*Literally run, like on my feet since I ain't even got no car. But I'm nowhere near as fast as Ben Johnson, so I probably won't even dent the wall. It'll really just show them nothing.
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