So I stuck my foot in my mouth Saturday...

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Staff member
It all started innocently enough. I had picked up a DJ gig to help out my old boss. The way I do things is I set up my gear and then go to the front and open the door for the guests. This accomplishes two things. First, it allows me to talk to everyone going in, joke around a little and make them feel a little more comfortable if they want to request a song. The second thing is that when the wedding party arrive I'm not at my table picking my ass and I can guide them through the Grand Entrance.

Saturday night the place I was at was actually an apartment/business complex with a banquet hall on the 10th floor. Because of this, a lot of people were going in and out who were not guests. No worries, I still opened the door for each of them. It's only polite.

Then this little old man in a wheelchair comes out, his little dog in his lap on a leash. They exit the building and I watch them go about a block away & out of sight. Fast forward about 15 minutes later and here they come back again, the little dog still riding merrily on his master's lap. Since I always talk to everyone who comes by I thought I'd make the observation that the little dog got to ride the whole way. What I said was:

"Now THAT'S the kind of walk I like! The kind where you don't HAVE to walk!!"


The guy was very nice and figured out what I was talking about, but man did I mess that one up.
I think you're jumping to conclusions, Dave. I'm sure this incident has already skipped this guy's mind. Just remember you put your best foot forward on trying to please him. Don't let your conscience walk all over you, man!
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