[Brazelton] So long, Harry Harrison...

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No more Slippery Jim, no more Bill the Galactic Hero, and no more Soylent Green.
I could not let this pass. I love the stories too much to let his death go unnoticed.
On one level, I am deeply sorry to see him (and all his unfinished ideas) go away.
On another, I am excited that this may mean I get to see one (or more!) of his stories on the big screen that much sooner.

Dammit, now I have to go and reread his section of my library.

Me too, my dad's Harry Harrison books were pretty much how I started seriously reading.

Stainless Steel rat and Bill the Galactic Hero forever.
For you, Officer_Charon ? Start with Bill (for satire with adventure) or The Rat (for adventure with satire). It depends on how receptive you are to his satire of the military machine (Bill) or how much you could empathize with an honorable criminal mastermind (Rat).

They're both fantastic series, though to be honest, I'm definitely not up to date on Stainless Steel Rat. I had no idea he was still writing them up until 2010.
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