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So my daughter's friend tased a teacher today....





Oops. Two kids get in a fight. One pulls out a taser & goes to town. Teacher tries to break it up.


Say it with me:

This little freshmen went to prison,
This little freshman stayed home....




This little freshman had prison food

This little freshman had none




What a shocking development!




...and this little freshman went "wee wee weeee..."



Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet


edit: fuuuuuuuuu




Cellphone video?



Your daughter needs to hang out with a better crowd.





Oh come on, guys. Shocking? That's the best pun you can come up with. How's this:

Anyone wonder what the charges will be? :laugh:


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

Well sorry if the first pun I could think of didn't get you amped. No need to try and stage a revolt.




I guess that pun was met with some resistance.




Ooh, I like the way you arc'd that one back at me. Glad to see we're now along the same (power) line of thinking.



I accidentally read the 'tased' as 'tasted'. It's all cool now.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

Ooh, I like the way you arc'd that one back at me. Glad to see we're now along the same (power) line of thinking.
Certainly, this whole thing has proven very enlightning.




I accidentally read the 'tased' as 'tasted'. It's all cool now.
Which makes me wonder if the teacher tasted like Grade A meat.

Aw man! I am SIZZLING tonight, hello!


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

Nick, that was well done.




Watts with all the puns lately?

---------- Post added at 08:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:40 PM ----------

Anyone wonder what the charges will be? :laugh:




It was a very hair-raising experience.



I"m surprised she was able to pull that off on her ohm.




I grounded her.




I grounded her.
Oh, zap!



My guess is the staff member leads the middle school band. As the conductor.




Man, you can really tell Nick's back, eh? :D

I missed ya buddy.



I wonder how bad a taser hertz?




Watts with all the puns lately?
Clearly, the forum has been going through withdraw.

And by the forum, I mean me.




I'm alternating between laughing and groaning.




I'm alternating between laughing and groaning.
Sounds like my prom night. :(



Frankie Williamson

Despite the current pun silliness, that shit is no laughing matter. That's pretty God damn serious.




Oh, totally agreed. All joking aside (aw!), I'm glad the teacher was okay and hope the student is reprimanded harshly.

Such electric...er, ecclectic!...taste in weapons, though.




The teacher shouldn't have been so direct.




The teacher shouldn't have been so direct.
School policy is constantly changing, it's hard to stay current the way it keeps alternating.




Technically speaking, how can they charge the kid with carrying a concealed weapon? I was under the impression you didn't need license to carry a Taser. Or does this vary from state to state?


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

You don't need a license to carry a knife either; it's still a concealed weapon.




Technically speaking, how can they charge the kid with carrying a concealed weapon? I was under the impression you didn't need license to carry a Taser. Or does this vary from state to state?
It could be a school zone thing. There are extra restrictions in many areas on what you can possess while on school grounds.




A lot of school districts ban anything that could potentially used as a weapon ever. I went to an elementary school that took a very "one person ruins it for everyone" philosophy that gradually kept banning anything fun the instant anyone ever got hurt with it because it was a "potential weapon." Kickballs a potential weapon my ass.


Zumbo Prime

This is fun.



You almost always need a concealed weapons permit to conceal carry anything. This includes guns, knives, swords, tasers, and in many places pepper spray. Any of these weapons may be carried openly without a license but none of them can be carried on a school campus.



I am shocked that something like this happen. I am so amp up that I should write to our current school board and make sure no one else get zapped for this. I got nothing.



Bet she's going to claim that it's current society's volt.




That pun's not getting inducted into the hall of fame. It just didn't have the capacity for humor. I hope it doesn't get integrated into the circuit of jokes.



That pun's not getting inducted into the hall of fame. It just didn't have the capacity for humor. I hope it doesn't get integrated into the circuit of jokes.
Pff, no need to blow a fuse just because you didn't have a positive reaction to the joke. Clearly, you need lightening up.




so, while I totally agree with defending yourself against a punch to the face, the kid with the taser took it too far. Ohm not a lawyer, but as far as I node, a face punch is simple battery. The other kid amped it up and surely will be charged with a felony. Watt I can't believe is the capacitor for violence kids have these days. That kid really needs to find a better outlet to discharge his anger, or surely he will spend a lot of time in a cell after doing his rounds at the circuit courts.




Jesus Christ. Also yesterday in Nebraska schools:

Pepper spray used to break up a fight involving more than 10 girls.
Student sends threat to school. Says he'll "Kill everyone." (That last part is not part of the story, but I have relatives in Grand Island.)
15 year old kid brings a loaded shotgun to school.

This was ALL YESTERDAY!! What the hell?




Sounds like Tyler Durden has been making the rounds.




Sounds like Tyler Durden has been making the rounds.
Or some one assigned Catcher in the Rye...



so, while I totally agree with defending yourself against a punch to the face, the kid with the taser took it too far. Ohm not a lawyer, but as far as I node, a face punch is simple battery. The other kid amped it up and surely will be charged with a felony. Watt I can't believe is the capacitor for violence kids have these days. That kid really needs to find a better outlet to discharge his anger, or surely he will spend a lot of time in a cell after doing his rounds at the circuit courts.




The girl who shocked liberty valence?

/got nothin, got here late, good ones taken.




I wonder if this story will spark any controversy. ..... okay I got nothing new to add :(




Jesus Christ. Also yesterday in Nebraska schools:

Pepper spray used to break up a fight involving more than 10 girls.
Student sends threat to school. Says he'll \"Kill everyone.\" (That last part is not part of the story, but I have relatives in Grand Island.)
15 year old kid brings a loaded shotgun to school.

This was ALL YESTERDAY!! What the hell?
America is an over-weaponized society with ever-escalating weapon racves in school. News at eleven.

Also, hurray, Nick's back!
Also, nothing funny to add, sorry.



This never gets old.



America is an over-weaponized society with ever-escalating weapon racves in school. News at eleven.
As a rebuttal, I give you: 2008's London Knife Crime Spree. In response, London police cracked down on knife possession

So... how far should we go to limit violence?




now it is a shotgun shell..... ok live shells I can see it but an empty one? I handle many empty one and well.... it is pretty empty and only dangerous if you try to swallow it I guess.





now it is a shotgun shell..... ok live shells I can see it but an empty one? I handle many empty one and well.... it is pretty empty and only dangerous if you try to swallow it I guess.
Because it looks scary and cool and is thus forbidden by the cuddlebunny political committee.




America is an over-weaponized society with ever-escalating weapon racves in school. News at eleven.
Except that school violence (as well as violent crime in general) has been dropping for decades (whereas in Europe, it has been rising--go figure).

US school violence is just more sensationalized now on the news.




This topic just seems to buzz.




You don't need a license to carry a knife either; it's still a concealed weapon.
Simkin disapproves.




America is an over-weaponized society with ever-escalating weapon racves in school. News at eleven.
Except that school violence (as well as violent crime in general) has been dropping for decades (whereas in Europe, it has been rising--go figure).

US school violence is just more sensationalized now on the news.[/QUOTE]

No shooting in any school in Belgium ever.
Schools closed and moved because of intimidating behaviour (read: a student got *threatened* with a knife) in Brussels.

Compared to half a dozen shootings a year and schools with weapon detectors at the gates and police on-site, I think I know what I prefer :-P




America is an over-weaponized society with ever-escalating weapon racves in school. News at eleven.
Except that school violence (as well as violent crime in general) has been dropping for decades (whereas in Europe, it has been rising--go figure).

US school violence is just more sensationalized now on the news.[/QUOTE]

No shooting in any school in Belgium ever.
Schools closed and moved because of intimidating behaviour (read: a student got *threatened* with a knife) in Brussels.

Compared to half a dozen shootings a year and schools with weapon detectors at the gates and police on-site, I think I know what I prefer :-P[/QUOTE]

Because, as we all know, belgium is all of europe and the definitive example of the results of gun control.



Bubbles, I'm a proud Belgian-American, but the Belgians' views on guns (and violence in general) are silly bordering on the immoral. Over winter break, I spent a week living in a kot at Louvain-La-Neuve (livin' in a dorm-analogue at a university, for Americans) and some folks there have some pretty wild ideas.

Now, I go to a private liberal arts college here in the states. I know we got some kooky liberals over here. But man are yours even kookier. A topic that came up once was, "What would you do if someone punched you in anger?" My response was, "Do everything in my power to beat him back, and keep beating until he no longer poses a threat to me." Their universal response, men and women both? "Run away." That? That is some crazy shit right there.




At least two children and an adult are dead after a man armed with a knife went on a frenzied rampage in a childcare centre in Belgium, officials say.
So safe...




...and this little freshman went "wee wee weeee..."

Wait, did you just imitate a teenager at Makeout Point?

---------- Post added at 03:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:45 AM ----------

Because, as we all know, belgium is all of europe and the definitive example of the results of gun control.
GB, shut up.

Also, two school shootings in two years in Finland. On first occasion, I blame you Americans. On the second, I blame the Finnish media for jerking every bit of juice out of the first shooting. I hate it when these motherfuckers are given exactly what they want: attention. Non-stop frickin' attention.




I hate to defend GB, but there were 15 shootings in the last two years in the US, out of roughly 120,000 non-university schools. A quick search reveals, counting universities, Finland has about 4443 schools.

2/4443 = 0.000450146297547
15/120000 = 0.000125

which would technically mean 1/4th the shootings per school in the US compared to Finland. Not that those numbers mean much, but hey.



Hell, look at it by student –*American schools tend to be larger.

2/600,000 = 3.3E-6
15/54.4 mil = 2.8E-7

In other words, Finland has had ten times as many shootings per student as we did in the past two years.




Or how about the fact that there has been a grand total of THREE school shootings in modern Finland? Raumanmeri 1989, Jokela 2007 and Kauhajoki 2008.



Now THAT is significantly more interesting.




Because, as we all know, belgium is all of europe and the definitive example of the results of gun control.
GB, shut up.[/quote]
NO U :rolleyes: I guess I'm at fault here because I forgot my <sarcasm></sarcasm> tags for the mentally incompetent.

Also, two school shootings in two years in Finland. On first occasion, I blame you Americans.
Because that's SO much easier than looking in the mirror.




Pfft, tasers? This just happened at my alma mater: http://www.cbsatlanta.com/news/22465444/detail.html

The weapon:
View attachment 304





All I know, is that when it comes to shootings in Europe, I'm gonna stay the fuck outta Bruges. Or London, lock stock and two smoking barrels.




Or London, lock stock and two smoking barrels.
Relax... they don't shoot you in England... they stab you.




Yup, no gun killing sprees in Finland...

Oh wait. This was just over a month ago, right?
When a sharp crack interrupted the calm of a Finnish supermarket on New Year’s Eve it was assumed to be an exploding firework.
It turned out to be the starting signal for a massacre.
Six people died in the bloodbath, including 43-year-old Ibrahim Shkupolli, whom police identified as the gunman.



Or London, lock stock and two smoking barrels.
Relax... they don't shoot you in England... they stab you.[/QUOTE]

Thank God. I was worried they'd have guns.

Stab wounds are just so much... nicer.


not ragging on you @li3n. Just being stupid, really




I've been in these gun/crime rate debates before. I'm always annoyed when someone compares the crime rate of say, Belgium or Finland with the US as a whole. The problem being that the US is not a small community. It's not a fair comparison. There are places in the US where the murder rate is WAY below belgium or finland (like, say Nebraska) and places where the rate is astronomical (I'm looking at you Baltimore, St. Louis, and New Orleans). The US is an extremely large and extremely diverse country. Hell, the population of Houston, Texas alone is about the same as the population of the entire country of Finland.

If you stop painting with a broad brush, you can see where there are some very good places in the US when it comes to crime rates, and there are some pretty terrible ones. Much like if you look at the European continent as a whole: You'll find many places that have decent crime rates, and there are some real shit hole places with deservedly bad reputations.

When I've been in these debates, what many Europeans seem to gloss over is that school and crime rates have been dropping steadily since the 70s. For around 40 years, our crime has been trending downward. And for much of Europe, the crime rate has been trending upward. I don't think the solution is to blame a country, culture, or guns in general. It doesn't fit the observable patterns, and just smacks of nationalistic, lazy thinking.



Or how about the fact that there has been a grand total of THREE school shootings in modern Finland? Raumanmeri 1989, Jokela 2007 and Kauhajoki 2008.

Yeah, if it was -20 below outside, all I'd do is sit inside and masturbate too!




Tin: but the EU (being about TWICE the size of the US populationwise, and including such model countries as Latvia or Slovenia, you know, pillars of modern western thinking that haven't seen violent wars and revolutions in the past 20 years or anything), our school shooting numbers - and mind you, that was all I was talking about - are still much, much lower.

Zarvox: no, that's common sense. Someone hits you, you get the cops and arrest their ass. Trying to hit back usually isn't worth it, and will just land you in jail, too. See how that works?

Tin: I never said I didn't like the US or that it didn't have a lot of good places. Heck, I love the US for some things, and I really wouldn't mind living in quite a few parts of it.

GB: Yes, Belgium IS the entirety of Europe condensed down, and it IS the definitive example of good gun control. You finally got my point. Huzzah :-P

That said, I know a place I can borrow a kalashnikov for €200/day illegally, so really...:-P Gun control helps - even if criminals can get their hands on weapons (which they can, in Belgium as well, obviously...Heck, we're amongst the biggest handgun producers in the world with FN), they're much less likely to use them. Knowing the guy behind the counter won't draw a gun on you means there's a lot less need to shoot him, see? And in general, people tend to prefer being robbed over being killed and robbed :-P




Dude, there's been like 60 school shootings worldwide in the last 15 years. It's a bit of a stretch to think you can draw any meaningful statistical information out of them.

That said..gun control does help. People to get stabbed, that is. :)

The father of murdered teenage actor Rob Knox said today that the Government was using "TCP on a large open wound" as it was revealed a programme to tackle knife crime failed to reduce deaths.
The number of teenage homicide victims of knife crime remained unchanged at 23, while the number of adults over the age of 20 killed actually went up during the campaign by seven to 103, results of the official monitoring programme show.
* In or about 2006, there were about 60 million (actually closer to 58M, but we'll use the rounded-up number to be kind to hopolophobes) people in the UK as a whole, including Scotland.

* In England and Wales alone — discounting Scotland — there were over 163 thousand knife crimes.

* By the end of 2006, there were more than 300 million people in the US as a whole.

* In the US as a whole, there were fewer than 400 thousand gun crimes.

* In the UK, based on these numbers, there was one knife crime commited for every 374 people (rounded down).

* In the US, based on these numbers, there was one gun crime committed for every 750 people — less than half a gun crime per 374 people (about 0.4987 gun crimes per 374 people, actually).

* That means that, based on these statistics, you are more than twice as likely to be a victim of knife crime in the UK as you are to be a victim of gun crime in the US.




Pbbfftt :-P

People'll kill people. Much more people die in countries rife with guns like, say, Somalia, Congo, or the US, than die in countries without guns-a-plenty, like Belgium, Luxemburg, or the Netherlands. Therefore, guns help people kill people easier. So, guns are bad. You defend guns, so you must be bad too. You naughty!

...Sorry, can you tell I'm tired and not, per se, interested in a meaningful debate? :-P




color me surprised ;)



Tin: but the EU (being about TWICE the size of the US populationwise, and including such model countries as Latvia or Slovenia, you know, pillars of modern western thinking that haven't seen violent wars and revolutions in the past 20 years or anything), our school shooting numbers - and mind you, that was all I was talking about - are still much, much lower.

The US has much larger density of schools than the EU does.




Pbbfftt :-P

People'll kill people. Much more people die in countries rife with guns like, say, Somalia, Congo, or the US, than die in countries without guns-a-plenty, like Belgium, Luxemburg, or the Netherlands. Therefore, guns help people kill people easier. So, guns are bad. You defend guns, so you must be bad too. You naughty!

...Sorry, can you tell I'm tired and not, per se, interested in a meaningful debate? :-P
That's entirely fallacious. People have been killing each other in droves long before the advent of the firearm. You get close to the truth though in that you almost recognize that guns are just tools. What determines killing is the person holding it. Be it shooting, stabbing or strangling, people kill people, and Europe doesn't have much room to speak to that vs the United States.




That's entirely fallacious. People have been killing each other in droves long before the advent of the firearm. You get close to the truth though in that you almost recognize that guns are just tools. What determines killing is the person holding it. Be it shooting, stabbing or strangling, people kill people, and Europe doesn't have much room to speak to that vs the United States.
Helsinki's murder rate is close to New York's, dontcha know. The homicide rate in northern Finland is greater than that in central and west Africa. Hmm...



Well, to be fair, I'm not sure if I'd trust the reported crime rates in countries like Somalia.


Kitty Sinatra

. . . I'm . . . not . . . interested in a meaningful debate?
Even if you were, you wouldn't find it at Halforums. :cool:




Well, to be fair, I'm not sure if I'd trust the reported crime rates in countries like Somalia.
They're probably very accurate about the number of crimes that are reported... the problem is figuring out what % of the overall crimes those are... probably very little.
