Sean Bean is playing Ned Stark...AWESOMENESS!!! And Mark Addy (from "A Knight's Tale" and that random sitcom whose name I can't remember) is King Robert. Makes sense. Harry Lloyd, who played Will Scarlett in the BBC's "Robin Hood" series, is Viserys, and Kit Harrington is Jon Snow.
Now, I can see all of those, but I have no idea who the hell Kit Harrington is. To IMDB! AWAY!!!
Sean Bean is playing Ned Stark...AWESOMENESS!!! And Mark Addy (from "A Knight's Tale" and that random sitcom whose name I can't remember) is King Robert. Makes sense. Harry Lloyd, who played Will Scarlett in the BBC's "Robin Hood" series, is Viserys, and Kit Harrington is Jon Snow.
Now, I can see all of those, but I have no idea who the hell Kit Harrington is. To IMDB! AWAY!!!