So what's your favorite

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I used to have an itunes playlist called "Music that makes me want to fight" for just this reason. The number one name on that list was the Heatskores- a local skacore band that achieved sort of limited national success- and the number one song on that list was called "100 Days, 100 Fights". Sadly the only youtube videos I can find have terrible sound quality to them.
There were quite a few local punk and skacore bands on that list too.

OH! One that I very rarely break out but that is actually pretty easy to find, is the Dayglo Abortions. Arguably Canada's most disgusting, overly violent, and did I mention disgusting? punk band.

I won't link to them though.


Staff member
Hearing someone say they want to listen to Limp Biskit makes me angry. Which makes me listen to angry songs. Which makes me fuel this thread further.
Eminem. And Yanni.

You think you want to kick someone's ass now? Put an hour of Yanni behind it. You will be murderous.
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