So you all heard the jokes about Apple Maps right?

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On the one hand, as a Taiwanese person, I have to say, dammit Apple!

On the other hand, realistically speaking China probably already knows about that place.
I'm just hoping they aren't using the same code for 911 calls.

"911, what is your emergency"
"I think I'm having a heart attack!"
"It appears you are in morocco, sir, shall I forward you to the morocco emergency services?"
"Sir, are you still there?
So I finally upgraded to iOS 6, as I'd been waiting for a Google Maps app, and they finally released one last night/this morning, and I decided to test out Apple Maps. It already fails. I told both of them to give me directions from my apartment in Kent, WA, to my parents' house in Cambridge, WI. Google wants me to turn right out of my parking lot onto the street that runs by our complex; Apple maps wants me to drive through the fence separating my apartment complex from the one next door, then turn right onto the street at the end of their parking lot, and then onto the street that runs by our complex. I'm pretty sure that the complex owners wouldn't appreciate me driving through a fence.
So, this uses google maps, right? Is it some sort of different google maps that what Android uses? I ask because I use the google maps app for Andriod all the time and only once was it incorrect.
So, this uses google maps, right? Is it some sort of different google maps that what Android uses? I ask because I use the google maps app for Andriod all the time and only once was it incorrect.
This uses Google maps, now. In iOS 5 and lower, it also used Google Maps, but it was just called "maps" and wasn't specifically branded as Google, as it was part of the operating system itself. In iOS 6, Apple dropped Google's mapping service and switched to their own product, which has been doing an amazingly crappy job. The Google Maps app that I used to test Google vs. Apple Maps last night was only just released.

Edit: product. They switched to their own product. I can only imagine how much worse it would have been if they had switched to their own produce. Tomatoes cannot tell distances worth a damn.
DarkAudit - You can disagree with me all you like but if you type Wal-Mart or What-a-burger into Waze you will not get the nearest location to you on an ANDROID system. However if you type the location of the nearest one into Waze, it'll be great.
Waze is crap. It will consistently send you miles out of your way to take it's chosen route, and then continue to insist you backtrack as much as 20 miles to get back on that route.

The mapping tool was an absolute piece of excrement. Not only for having so much to correct for my hometown, but also for having virtually no documentation on how to use, and for taking days, if not weeks for corrections to go live. If they ever did.
Waze is crap. It will consistently send you miles out of your way to take it's chosen route, and then continue to insist you backtrack as much as 20 miles to get back on that route.

The mapping tool was an absolute piece of excrement. Not only for having so much to correct for my hometown, but also for having virtually no documentation on how to use, and for taking days, if not weeks for corrections to go live. If they ever did.
Unless you use exact locations.
Unless you use exact locations.
I did. And the chosen route home was a good 20 miles longer than the route I was taking. Then it would constantly demand I backtrack at every intersection for the next 25 miles before it finally decided to reroute.

I took the shouter route at least a half dozen times with Waze running, and it never caught on.
I did. And the chosen route home was a good 20 miles longer than the route I was taking. Then it would constantly demand I backtrack at every intersection for the next 25 miles before it finally decided to reroute.

I took the shouter route at least a half dozen times with Waze running, and it never caught on.
That's definitely a shame. However, zero issues with that here.
"I have issues using an app and thus everyone's else appreciation of the app is bad kkkaaaaay"
I use Waze all the time around Cleveland where I live, and lots of other places as I work (I drive about 35k miles per year as a consultant), and never had problems with it until recently... when I went to my college reunion in Buckhannon, WV. On that trip it completely wigged out... so I think DA had a valid complaint, and Waze is just screwed up in West Virginia for some reason.


Staff member
Apple maps wasn't bad, it was just set up for a post-Mayan apocalypse world. Then it will be perfectly accurate.
All my friends who have iOS devices shared over facebook how much fun this new apple maps was, with its 3d and all, when it was released. So, what I get from all this is: very fancy, fun to use, but not necessarily useful. Sounds like half of what Apple has been doing lately.


Staff member
Lets see if they can maintain their standard "We don't acknowledge or respond to technical issues" when dealing with foreign sovereigns.
After the first weekend I stopped having issues with apple maps. If it was still giving me issues I'd probably go download something else, but I just don't feel the need.


Staff member
Lets see if they can maintain their standard "We don't acknowledge or respond to technical issues" when dealing with foreign sovereigns.
Tim Cook released an apology email acknowledging the shortcomings of apple maps very shortly after its release.

Apple released this product knowing full well its shortcomings because they thought they could crowdsource better mapping (from their own lips), or (more likely) use it as a bargaining chip. As far as I can see, with the release of Google Maps, Apple got exactly what it wanted.


Staff member
That's a pretty new mentality from them though. Last time there was a major technical blunder Steve Jobs basically just said "Deal with it. You don't want our product that's fine, we don't need you."

Telling that to a foreign country whose national security you may have violated would not work well.
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