Solar plasma aurora storm to hit Earth tomorrow!

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Solar plasma aurora storm to hit Earth tomorrow! ? The Register

Astroboffins are warning that a mighty "eruption" of superhot plasma has been blasted out of the Sun directly at the Earth. The plasma cloud is expected to reach Earth beginning tomorrow, possibly causing strange phenomena - including a mighty geomagnetic storm which could see the Northern Lights aurorae extend as far south as Blighty or the northern USA.

Duck's eye view of the plasma shotgun blast

According to boffins analyzing results delivered from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory satellite, Sunday saw a massive convulsion involving almost the entire face of the Sun facing Earth. The event was apparently centered on Sunspot 1092, a huge solar pimple so large as to be visible without the aid of a telescope.

It appears that the sunspot may have triggered a huge "coronal mass ejection" in which huge amounts of superhot plasma were spurted towards Earth accompanied by solar flares, tsunamis, magnetic filaments and other sun-wracking upsets across half the sun's surface.

"This eruption is directed right at us, and is expected to get here early in the day on August 4th," says astronomer Leon Golub of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA). "It's the first major Earth-directed eruption in quite some time."
Normally a blast of radiation like this could be expected to wipe out much of the human race, but fortunately we are protected by the Earth's magnetic field. Instead the deadly solar plasma is expected to stream down the planetary field lines towards the poles, crashing into oxygen and nitrogen atoms in the atmosphere and so lighting them up to form aurorae - the so-called Northern Lights.

Golub and his colleagues believe that the aurorae may be so intense as to be visible from the northern United States and other countries such as the UK which are normally too far south to see the Lights.

"We got a beautiful view of this eruption," enthuses the astronomer. "And there might be more beautiful views to come, if it triggers aurorae."

The Sun's activity generally rises and falls on an 11-year cycle: the last peak occurred in 2001, but since then the star has been going through an unusually prolonged calm spell. We've been overdue for some more action for several years, and Golub and his colleagues consider that Sunday's outburst may be a sign that the Sun is "waking up". ®


Staff member
WTF are astroboffins?

---------- Post added at 01:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:29 PM ----------

Interesting. A Boffin is apparently a slang term for "really smart guy". So an astroboffin is a really smart guy who looks at the stars. Silly Brits.
Normally a blast of radiation like this could be expected to wipe out much of the human race, but fortunately we are protected by the Earth's magnetic field. Instead the deadly solar plasma is expected to stream down the planetary field lines towards the poles, crashing into oxygen and nitrogen atoms in the atmosphere and so lighting them up to form aurorae - the so-called Northern Lights.
how sure are they of this?

'cause I mean...there's no way i'm letting that left over cake getting burned up with everything else on earth.

I probably won't bother unpacking stuff out of my car either.


Normally a blast of radiation like this could be expected to wipe out much of the human race, but fortunately we are protected by the Earth's magnetic field. Instead the deadly solar plasma is expected to stream down the planetary field lines towards the poles, crashing into oxygen and nitrogen atoms in the atmosphere and so lighting them up to form aurorae - the so-called Northern Lights.
how sure are they of this?

'cause I mean...there's no way i'm letting that left over cake getting burned up with everything else on earth.

I probably won't bother unpacking stuff out of my car either.
I guess we'll find out tomorrow.
Yeah, but depending on what they're doing when it hits, they get cool powers.

Just between us, I'm secretly hoping they're doing it.


Erm, since I'm a total moron when it comes to understanding science....should we be worried at all?
Nope. The most you have to worry about is a bunch of cocky Alaskans talking about how they could read the paper by the light of the aurora (with the help of a flashlight, but they won't mention that).

Wasabi Poptart

It's a sign of the end times! Beware! *goes to eat some pudding and wash it down with a bucket of Kool-Aid*


heh. we are all still alive. No major news announcement.

bummer ;)


Staff member
The plasma storm is playing hell with some of our station's coverage. Still. Even today. Even as far south as Texas.
Dear Diary,

Today has been a major disappointment. Despite the solar storm last night I apparently still have not manifested superpowers. Not even lame ones. I mean seriously, what's a guy got to do to get laser eyes or super strength or fast healing around here?

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