[Other] Some things just deserve their own thread


Staff member
Today is the end of an era. Glen Campbell released his final song, called "I'm Not Gonna Miss You". I wish I could have surprised you with who it was. But listen to the song before you go any further.

Okay, now this is why that song is so special. It's not about a terrible breakup or divorce. It's about his battle with Alzheimer's. He wrote this song for his wife and kids and this is the last thing he was able to record. Listen to it again.

I've never been a fan of country music, but my mom & dad listened to Glen a lot while I was growing up and I think this song - if the fates are just - will be loved as much as Johnny Cash's rendition of "Hurt". It has the same strength and pain in equal measures and is just a glorious way to end a magnificent career.
I hate country, but that's beautiful.

In the vein of "best songs to end your songwriting career on":

In searching to be sure that he hasn't written anything since then, because that's what he's promising in the song, I found out that music critics freaking HATE Billy Joel. Many referring to him as the worst artist in the history of pop music.

To that I say, screw them.