Space, the Final Frontier!

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Staff member
Okay, this question comes to you from a chat between Dave & makare.

If aliens came down to you and said they needed your help against an intergalactic enemy who only you could beat (a la Galaxy Quest) would you do it?

  1. You stand a big chance of dying.
  2. If you stay you will live as if nothing is going on in the universe outside of Earth.
  3. You do NOT have time to tell your wife/husband/kids.
Would you go?!?


I personally would go, I would like to go out in a blaze of glory.


Staff member
No but maybe you will find a nice squid woman in disguise you can mess around with.


If I survive the experience provided they can continue to provide life support & things of interest, and maybe toss in a sweet starship for travels/exploration/orbiting nekkid etc. I say "Giddy UP!"


Staff member
Remember, your family, kids, friends...NONE of them would know where you went. To them you'd just be a missing person.

Element 117

Lock and motherfucking load. I ain't gonna stand for no upstarts playing kings on my god damn hill.
The honest answer is no (green broads notwithstanding). I could not leave my family, and there's a chance the aliens would be lying, and I would just end up in an intergalactic zoo being gawked at by hand with eyeballs in the middle of them.


Staff member
Remember, your family, kids, friends...NONE of them would know where you went. To them you'd just be a missing person.
Fuck 'em. I am in space, having adventures. Meeting aliens and shit.

Like Caine from Kung space.
Really? No time to send out a quick text message? (Brb, gotta go save some space aliens)

I'd go, and then I'd return triumphantly in a badass space ship.


While seeking adventure in the intergalactic unknown sounds awesome, well... how do I know these aliens are trustworthy? Or that they're even the good guys?

All I know is that space aliens X say they need help fighting space aliens Y, and that space aliens X want me to make a snap decision without any significant time to think about or discuss the matter.

Sounds rather fishy to me. We may be dealing with intergalactic con artists here.

Plus, there's a certain earth girl who's a bit of a higher priority for me right now.
While seeking adventure in the intergalactic unknown sounds awesome, well... how do I know these aliens are trustworthy? Or that they're even the good guys?

All I know is that space aliens X need help fighting space aliens Y, and that space aliens X want me to make a snap decision without any significant time to think about or discuss the matter.

Sounds rather fishy to me. We may be dealing with intergalactic con artists here.
Quit hypotheticallying the hypothetical.

My answer? Fuck yes.
I would go in a heart beat. Granted I would have to leave my family but than again that would not be to huge of an issue for me. I mean I love my family but I would still gladly leave if only becuase I couldn't stand the knowledge that there is a larger world out there and I have am stuck on a small square.


While seeking adventure in the intergalactic unknown sounds awesome, well... how do I know these aliens are trustworthy? Or that they're even the good guys?

All I know is that space aliens X need help fighting space aliens Y, and that space aliens X want me to make a snap decision without any significant time to think about or discuss the matter.

Sounds rather fishy to me. We may be dealing with intergalactic con artists here.
Quit hypotheticallying the hypothetical.

My answer? Fuck yes.[/QUOTE]

Oh, I get it now. We're not supposed to actually discuss this. We're just all supposed to say "Fuck yes."

My bad.
While seeking adventure in the intergalactic unknown sounds awesome, well... how do I know these aliens are trustworthy? Or that they're even the good guys?

All I know is that space aliens X need help fighting space aliens Y, and that space aliens X want me to make a snap decision without any significant time to think about or discuss the matter.

Sounds rather fishy to me. We may be dealing with intergalactic con artists here.
Quit hypotheticallying the hypothetical.

My answer? Fuck yes.[/QUOTE]

Oh, I get it now. We're not supposed to actually discuss this. We're just all supposed to say "Fuck yes."

My bad.[/QUOTE]

It was a joke chief, calm yourself.


They'll be fine with out me. Where's my space helmet and starfighter?


With modern technology, It wouldn't be hard to send a quick text to my wife. I would be surprise if we can't tell our significant other.


While seeking adventure in the intergalactic unknown sounds awesome, well... how do I know these aliens are trustworthy? Or that they're even the good guys?

All I know is that space aliens X need help fighting space aliens Y, and that space aliens X want me to make a snap decision without any significant time to think about or discuss the matter.

Sounds rather fishy to me. We may be dealing with intergalactic con artists here.
Quit hypotheticallying the hypothetical.

My answer? Fuck yes.[/QUOTE]

Oh, I get it now. We're not supposed to actually discuss this. We're just all supposed to say "Fuck yes."

My bad.[/QUOTE]

Just shut the fuck up and get in the cockpit, bitch.


While seeking adventure in the intergalactic unknown sounds awesome, well... how do I know these aliens are trustworthy? Or that they're even the good guys?

All I know is that space aliens X need help fighting space aliens Y, and that space aliens X want me to make a snap decision without any significant time to think about or discuss the matter.

Sounds rather fishy to me. We may be dealing with intergalactic con artists here.
Quit hypotheticallying the hypothetical.

My answer? Fuck yes.[/QUOTE]

Oh, I get it now. We're not supposed to actually discuss this. We're just all supposed to say "Fuck yes."

My bad.[/QUOTE]

Just shut the fuck up and get in the cockpit, bitch.[/QUOTE]

*grumble* Fine. I'll go have fantastic adventures in the outer reaches of the galaxy, I guess. *grumble*


That's not a control lever, it's an anal probe!
Epic WIN!!!

...wait, what?

No family, no pets, the only thing that would miss me is the job and the landlord/utilities. Provided I didn't have to come back to "Cleaning charges", "Eviction Service Fees", "Late Fees", "Disconnection Service Convenience Fees", and "Reconnection Service Convenience Fees" I would be golden. If I get dropped back here with nothing to show for it, not worth the hassle of paying off time away and job hunting.
My family and loved ones know it's in my nature to die saving someone else's life, so I wouldn't have to tell them. They'd just notice I'm missing, and then feel proud.
Is there time enough to negotiate an appropriate fee for my services?

If not, then no. Saving the galaxy takes second place to my earning potential.

Element 117

Is there time enough to negotiate an appropriate fee for my services?

If not, then no. Saving the galaxy takes second place to my earning potential.
Do you play Eve Online, by chance?


My family and loved ones know it's in my nature to die saving someone else's life, so I wouldn't have to tell them. They'd just notice I'm missing, and then feel proud.
Do they know this is your nature from all the other times you died saving someone else's life?
Posted via Mobile Device

edit: Wait, why did it add that this was posted via a mobile device? The state capitol building is a mobile device, now?
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