Space, the Final Frontier!

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My family and loved ones know it's in my nature to die saving someone else's life, so I wouldn't have to tell them. They'd just notice I'm missing, and then feel proud.
Do they know this is your nature from all the other times you died saving someone else's life?
Posted via Mobile Device

edit: Wait, why did it add that this was posted via a mobile device? The state capitol building is a mobile device, now?[/QUOTE]

Are you in Alabama? No, wait, that's Montgomery...


Staff member
I added a mobile theme for people on mobile devices and the detect went a bit nuts. I fixed it but for a time ALL posts said that.


My innate skepticism would lead me to disbelieve the aliens and since their reputation seems involves a lot of probing I would decline their offer and get the heck out of there fast.

If they could somehow prove that they are telling the truth I would still probably decline unless the made in worth my while.
I'm the only hope for an alien race.

I don't like that I may die, of course, if I couldn't tell a thing to my family... But can I at least ask the aliens to tell them where I went to? If I do survive, can I come back to earth and tell people what I did? Does it start an age of intergalactic communications between earth and the saved aliens? Maybe my existance is what keeps this saved dudes from tryng to take over the Earth?

Can I please come back in my own spaceship? I know of a certain girl who'd love it. Love me. Whatever.

I think I would say no, because I don't want to die and have my family and friends have no clue about where I went, but then I'd feel bad for not saving an entire race of sentient beings that needed me.


Staff member
Provided I get some pretty hard evidence that I truly am the only one who can save their sorry green asses... maybe. Further tactical data would be needed. If it's a suicide mission and nothing else, sorry guys, but your yorblax glands are frakked.

Wasabi Poptart

I do not want to go into space.
I will not save your alien race.
Earth is where I want to stay.
Get out, cosmic bitch, I said NO WAY!
If you would have asked me that 3 years ago I would have said yes before you finished the question. Now, I have too many commitments and folks that depend on me.


Dave you made this question so depressing.

In my version your family knows AND DOES NOT CARE.
My family and loved ones know it's in my nature to die saving someone else's life, so I wouldn't have to tell them. They'd just notice I'm missing, and then feel proud.
Do they know this is your nature from all the other times you died saving someone else's life?[/QUOTE]

Yes, of course.

Wait, I've said too much... I need you all to forget you read that.
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