Because of the altered timeline, pretty much all of the history is suspect, but we do know that everything prior to Kirk's birth would have to be the same as that is when the timeline split off (unless Spock was running around mucking with the timeline before the Romulans came through, which I highly doubt). So we do know that the Botany Bay would have been out there somewhere, seeing as it and the eugenics war happened prior to the time split.Everyone seems to be latching onto Khan, but have to remember this is a brand new timeline. Things don't have to happen the same way.
What if...
Because of the events that occur in the first movie, the Enterprise does not explore the section of space that drifted the Botany Bay? Maybe, another ship found it first, and when Khan's pod malfunctioned, the other crew was unable to save him like the Enterprise had done. The new villain may very well be an Augment formerly under Khan, still bitter of his "people" losing Earth hundreds of years ago and angry over Khan's death, took over the mantle himself when he and the others were awakened. He took over the ship from the Federation and returned to Earth, intent on taking it back or destroying it. In other words, we don't fight Khan, but still fight his legacy.
I do think that from the movie maker's standpoint, if they were going to tie it in any way to the original Botany Bay storyline, they would never include that and not include Kahn. The fan reaction would just be too extreme if they included the augments and not have Kahn.
What I'm really interested in seeing though (and I hope they do expand on it) is how the Vulcan empire is going to react to their homeworld being destroyed.