StarCraft II Beta available by pre-order

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remember you can create a custom game with easy AI to learn each race. (My account is, not sure when I'll next be on though)


So how is telling Mav that he's full of shit trolling and infraction worthy if I'm not looking to incite a response from him but merely recounting the truth about the original statement. Gee golly, we can't have opinions with them being considering a trolling remark?

You do realize, I only hang out in Games and Media sections of the forum because of your bullshit right? I get tired of hearing your trolling and flames in any single thread I post or reply in, in the General section.

Some of my points and opinions on this, are legitmate. Don't think so? Fucking, Google, It. Thousands of other SC1 fans agree with me.

Just like with AC2, just like with EA products, and a ton of other gaming industry bullshit, I most likely will vote with my wallet and not purchase this game. And no I don't pirate games either, between STO, WoW, etc I'm too busy. But that's ok dude, you rock on and continue to be Mr. Internet Big Shot, big fish in a small pond pouncing on smaller fish, you have fun with that.
Bowielee kicked my ass. I thought it was kind of close and I just got outplayed, until I saw the replay. I never had a chance. He had expanded twice, one of which was to a gold mineral base before I expanded at all.


So how is telling Mav that he's full of shit trolling and infraction worthy if I'm not looking to incite a response from him but merely recounting the truth about the original statement. Gee golly, we can't have opinions with them being considering a trolling remark?

You do realize, I only hang out in Games and Media sections of the forum because of your bullshit right? I get tired of hearing your trolling and flames in any single thread I post or reply in, in the General section.

Some of my points and opinions on this, are legitmate. Don't think so? Fucking, Google, It. Thousands of other SC1 fans agree with me.

Just like with AC2, just like with EA products, and a ton of other gaming industry bullshit, I most likely will vote with my wallet and not purchase this game. And no I don't pirate games either, between STO, WoW, etc I'm too busy. But that's ok dude, you rock on and continue to be Mr. Internet Big Shot, big fish in a small pond pouncing on smaller fish, you have fun with that.[/QUOTE]

Stop posting idiotic teen fantasies about forming unions and rising up against the 'evil video game' empires and I'll stop pointing out how stupid you sound.
In less flaming news: anyone need a key? I just got an extra in the mail the other day and everyone I know already has one it seems. First come first served, just reply here.


If anyone has a spare key, I'm still willing to try the game.

I'll even pay a little money for it.
If anyone has a spare key, I'm still willing to try the game.

I'll even pay a little money for it.

Too bad you didn't post during the weekend, i still had 2 keys then (and i did check the forum once then), now they're both gone. Also, they're probably european keys, so you'd have to play with mucho lag (although when i got a key for some reason it was a US one, and i had to contact support to give me a EU one).
How demanding is this game as far as video card goes? I know Blizzard is almost always pretty good about letting their games be taken down visually enough for older computers to handle them, but I'd like to know.
How demanding is this game as far as video card goes? I know Blizzard is almost always pretty good about letting their games be taken down visually enough for older computers to handle them, but I'd like to know.
At min my brother ran it on a p4 with a GeForce 6600 and it ran pretty fine (of course that PC is giving out, so sometimes it stuttered, but that's probably just the PC), but it looked almost like WC3...
I've lost two of my 5 practice league matches. I'm guessing I'm going to end up in the lowest division.

What bugs me too is that I saw the early starport, so I knew he was going to go with a heavy air force late game. I still only had one viking out and no missile turrets when the banshees came. My orbital command didn't have enough energy for more than one scanner sweep too.

Those poor SCVs didn't know what hit 'em. We lost a lot of good men today.
Well, it appears that zerg rushes are as popular as ever.
And Zealot rushed have been working pretty good for me so far.

Of course i'm still playing low level players like myself, once i even stopped a Zergling rush by having them run after 2 Zealots until my cannon finished building so it didn't even disrupt my mineral gathering. The game is pretty enjoyable when playing against people near your own level. Of course for some reason in 2v2 i almost always get partnered with the guy that's the worse out of the 4 in play.
Fun strategy (as long as you're in, like, copper league...) is to immediately pack your SCVs into your command center and fly away to an island. Then the enemy comes in, guns blazing, only to find... an empty plateau. You'll probably lose, but the "WTF, where'd you go?" is worth it.

If you use the last SCV (only 5 fit in the command center) to start a new base as soon as possible, you may even stand a chance. While the enemy is hunting for you, you'll have time to focus initially on your economy and then jump up to mass starports.

Again, as long as your in, like, copper or bronze.
I'm totally getting my ass whupped on a regular basis. I've finally figured out that early SCV harassment is the only way I can win a game, because most people will send a bunch of their workers after my SCV or ignore it completely while it kills off a few of their workers. Of course, that doesn't work in games where there are rocks blocking the base. In which case I try to do a raptor rush.


So I'm playing the beta, and I notice this new universal buddy list.

Is there a way to disable people seeing your real name? Since WoW requires a bnet account now, and your bnet account must have an actual name on it, pretty much anyone on my SC2 buddy list can see this. While its not too hard to find out who people are online, any means to keep privacy is always nice
The bnet friends list has 2 sections, one if for RealID friends, and those guys are supposed to be people you want to see your real name (of course i for one don't have my real name there anyway).

The other is the regular type friends list, where you only see their in-game name. You should probably just use this one with people that you're not actual friends with IRL.
It would appear that as of the last update, they removed the ability to add friends based on their usernames, only their real ID. This seems like an extremely stupid move. I'm only giving my battlenet account id to one person.
Welcome to making your account easier to get stolen. Let everyone in the world know your login name! Oh and you can't use caps in your password (aka not case sensitive) or special characters (unless that changed recently), so I hope to hell everyone has a secure password using letters and numbers that can't be brute forced easily. :p (Oh, and an authenticator!)
^Yeah, I imagine fencing more authenticators is a big Blizzard agenda. They seem so eager to sell them, I sometimes wonder if a few accounts' worth of info leak now and then just to keep people scared.
Latest patch bugged the game worse then it ever was... and the beta is ending in a few days... maybe we'll get lucky and they'll keep the beta a bit longer until they patch it again.
It says that my play expires June 25

Did everyone keep the same name? I'm laughingboy again. laughingboy.philrigney

I need to practice with Zerg more.

And terran and protoss
And the beta is still on until the 7th...


They said it might... but getting in a few more games is always welcomed.


I suck at PvP. I play against the CPU with my friends. I did pre-order, but going to wait for release :)
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